3 May 2019 - In conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Universiti Sains Malaysia, the School of Computer Sciences has organized "Project Innovation & Exploration in CS Education and Learning (PIXEL2019)" with the theme “Paving the Way for New Frontiers.” As PIXEL evolves into the second year of its inception and it is the first time PIXEL is organized as a full-scale exhibition featuring all the final year projects. Also, for the first time, the organizing committee comprises of synergizing committee: lecturers, staffs and student volunteers led by CS Society.
Officiated by Prof. Dr. Rosni Abdullah, the Dean School of Computer Sciences, PIXEL 2019 showcases a total of 139 final year projects comprises of system development & research projects. These projects are exhibited at Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra Foyer and Dataran Merah and they are evaluated by 14 assessors from various industries such as Aemulus, API Gate, Continental, Dell, Fusionex, Gut Studio, Hilti, Intel, and Vitrox. Among them are alumni from the School of Computer Sciences.
PIXEL 2019 has successfully achieved its objectives by:
- Featuring students’ work among their peers, industry and community members
- Exchanging knowledge and experience among the students, academics and community
- Enhancing students’ soft-skills particularly in presenting their ideas to the mass
PIXEL 2019 co-sponsors are Dr Sazani Shafie, Mr Anuar Haji Abdullah from BUMIKONSERV Sdn. Bhd., and Ir Md Rozi Ayope from TPJ Engineering Sdn. Bhd.
The list of PIXEL 2019 recipients of the PIXEL awards are as follows:
1. Best Project: Lum Mun Kwai
(Smart Power Socket for Power Management and Control with Integrated Cloud & Mobile System)
2. Best Presentation: Mohamed Sahil Mohamed Salim
(I-Alert: Precaution Intruder System)
3. People Choice: Ooi Lim Seong Liang
(Sentiment Analysis and Visualization for Restaurant Reviews)
4. Best Exhibition Booth: Kelvin Lim Ching Wei
(Rapid Bus Arrival Time Prediction)
5. Best Dressed (Male): Muhammed Marzukh Bashir Ahamed
(BLE Optimization for Internet of Things)
6. Best Dressed (Female): Ho Xiao Yun
(Penang Museums Tour Advisor)
Besides the award presentations, about 35 lucky draws are given to the final year students, contributed by the CS family consists of staff and academics as an appreciation for the students’ hard work and commitment making PIXEL 2019 possible. As theme for PIXEL 2019, “Paving the Way for New Frontiers,” PIXEL 2020 is anticipated as an integral part of CS final year project evaluation.

Reported by Dr Zarul Fitri Zaaba and Dr Mohd Adib Haji Omar, School of Computer Sciences.