Visit to Dell Asia Pacific Customer Centre (APCC) Plant in Bukit Minyak


17 April 2019 -  The manufacturing process at DELL APCC2 in Bukit Minyak covers assembly, software installation and quality control. More than 150,000 units produced per year in this facility from 120 product families.

The trip to DELL APCC2 provides a valuable experience for both the students and academic staff. With an aim to go beyond academics, this industrial visit provides students a practical perspective of the work place. It provides an insight on applications of software in the industry, and an exposure to Agile Software Engineering practices and software testing in particular. The academic staff gain more knowledge about the career prospects of the related area and gain a valuable connection with Dell.

At their in-house Testing Lab, DELL APCC2 analyzes commercial data to identify important configurations and perform pilot testing on priority configurations in order to develop and apply the manufacturing process. Their products and solutions are well tested before being shipped. With their impressive Testing Lab, DELL APCC2 aims to be recognised as a software defined organization, inline with their Software Engineering Initiative Hub in the northern area of Malaysia.

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Girls In Ict Campaign 2019

In conjunction with International Telecommunication Union's (ITU) Girls in ICT Day celebration, the School of Computer Sciences, USM in collaboration with Telebort will launch the . The campaign aims to encourage and empower girls and young women to consider studies and careers in ICT, thus enabling both girls and technology companies to reap the benefits of greater female participation in the ICT sector in Malaysia.

The campaign consists of a series of workshops to be hosted at a few selected primary schools in Penang. The task force led by Dr. Jasy Liew, Dr. Teh Je Sen and Dr. Azleena Mohd Kassim and advised by Dr. Rosni Abdullah was set up to plan and organize the workshop and campaign together with Mr. Kee Chong Wei, the CEO of Telebort.

We will first launch the campaign with our first "Animation Using Scratch Workshop" on 25 April 2019 (11 a.m. - 1 p.m.) hosted at SJK (C) Union. The event will be participated by 28 girls between the ages of 10 - 12 years old from 5 selected primary schools: SJK (C) Union, SK Perempuan Methodist, SK Perempuan Island, SJK (C) Perempuan China and SJK (C) Heng Ee.

Read more …Girls In Ict Campaign 2019

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Dr. Jasy Liew Suet Yan: Doctoral Dissertation Award Runner Up 2017

drjasy2017 update

Jasy Liew Suet Yan, a 2016 graduate of the Syracuse iSchool’s Ph.D. program is now a senior lecturer at the School of Computer Sciences, at the University of Science in Malaysia. Her dissertation research was also recognized with the Syracuse iSchool’s 2016 Doctoral Prize at Convocation. Her dissertation was titled “Fine-Grained Emotion Detection in Microblog Text.”

“I am honored to have my dissertation, written in blood, sweat and tears, recognized as making a significant contribution to the field of information science,” says Liew Suet Yan. “Given how diverse the research is in the competition, this award is especially gratifying and meaningful to me as it shows that the research community acknowledges the significance of the effort to better understand the richness of emotions expressed in text in order to help computer systems become more sensitive and accurate in recognizing human emotions. The field of information science is indeed a supportive breeding ground for research combining qualitative and computational methods to further our knowledge on emotion expressed in text.”

Read more …Dr. Jasy Liew Suet Yan: Doctoral Dissertation Award Runner Up 2017

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Pelajar Sains Komputer Juara “Mosti University Appchallenge”


USM, PULAU PINANG, 20 Februari 2017 - Sekumpulan sepuluh pelajar dari Pusat Pengajian Sains Komputer (PPSK) yang menggelarkan mereka sebagai Arctic Blaze muncul juara dalam pertandingan “Mosti University Appchallenge” yang berlangsung di Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), di sini semalam.

Pertandingan anjuran dengan kerjasama IEEE SB USM itu adalah inisiatif Kementerian Sains & Teknologi (MOSTI) di bawah MOSTI Inovasi Sosial (MSI), bertujuan menggalakkan pelajar-pelajar universiti tempatan menerokai dunia teknologi, inovasi dan kreativiti dalam cara yang menyeronokkan dan berdaya saing.

Read more …Pelajar Sains Komputer Juara “Mosti University Appchallenge”

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Master Trainer Training on Computational Thinking & Computer Science Teaching

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27 March 2017 - USM has been appointed as regional hub covering (i.e. penang, Kedah, Perlis and north of Perak) to serve as a professional learning community platform for educator communities involving teachers, school leaders and lecturers. One of the main delivery under regional hub umbrella is the "Teacher Certificate Program: Computational Thinking and Computer Science - Teaching Certificate". This course focus on problem solving that utilizes participants prior's knowledge in their subject area along with computational thinking skills and pedagogy in order to help them understand the nature and scope of problem. 

Read more …Master Trainer Training on Computational Thinking & Computer Science Teaching

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School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
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  • Last Modified: Friday 07 February 2025.