Computer Science Industry Community Engagement Week or CSICE is one of the event under School of Computer Science in collaboration with the of CS Society. The aim of this event is to gather all industry and community that partners with School of Computer Science, USM to celebrate the continuous partnership in moulding future talents. CSICE not just have students as their target audience, but they also have different target audience which is community, industry and alumni.

The objectives of this event are:

  1. To expose community with the university environment in the hope of bringing inspiration and motivation to the student in order to pursue tertiary education.
  2. To provide opportunity for the student to interact with the university student and hostel.
  3. To receive feedback from the industry on the structure of curriculum provided by the School of Computer Science thus allowing the revision of current curriculum.
  4. To identify the research project which can be done with the collaboration of industry or government body.
  5. To encourage good networking among CS alumni and CS students simultaneously providing a platform for the alumni to share their experience and journey.
  6. To establish a CS Alumni Committee
  7. Provide a platform for the 3rd year and 4th year students to seek internship opportunity and plan for their career path after graduation through the help and assistance of related industry.

CS-ICE 2014 

CS-ICE 2019

School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +604-653 3647 / 2158 / 2155  |  Fax: +604-653 3684  | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  icon admin

  • Last Modified: Tuesday 25 March 2025.