Winner 2Mp Poster Competetion

Congratulations to the winners of the 2 Minute Poster (2MP) Competition as part of CSMInD S211.

The Computer Science Masters Innovation and Demo, CSMInD has always been a platform for coursework postgraduate students of the School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, to share their ideas and projects.

CSMInD is organized every semester (2 times a year) and the 2 Minute Poster (2MP) competition consists of 3 categories:

C1 (Data Science & Analytics),

C2 (Master of Informatics ), and

C3 (Computer Sciences- Mixed-Mode)


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Micron Malaysia University Funding for USM

Congratulations to Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Umi Kalsom Yusof, the 1st recipient of Micron Malaysia University Funding for USM as well as in Malaysia. Well done!  We're proud of your achievement in securing this funding.

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Congratulations to Ts Dr Najwadi and team

PENANG – Three students from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Computer Sciences have made full use of their time when they participated and won the Huawei ICT Competition 2021-2022 recently.

Huawei ICT Competition is a competitive ICT talent exchange event developed by Huawei for global college students. It is aimed at promoting the healthy development of the ICT talent ecosystem and support the integration of industry and education.

With the theme "Connection, Glory, Future", the Huawei ICT Competition will gather governments, higher educational institutions, training institutions, and industry enterprises, to promote the cultivation, growth, and employment of young ICT professionals from universities and colleges, helping the ICT talent ecosystem thrive.

The USM team was led by its advisor, Ts. Dr. Mohd Najwadi Yusoff from the USM School of Computer Sciences, along with team members consisting of Sum Joe Ming, Kang Yi Qing and Ang Yee Ting.

Dr Najwadi and the team was crowned the champion in the Huawei Competition 2021-2022 National Level and will represent Malaysia in the Huawei ICT Competition 2021-2022 at the Regional Level. Winning this title granted the team a Huawei Matebook D15 i3 with a certificate each.

USM is also the recipient of the ‘TOP ACTIVE ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS’ in the Huawei ICT Academy Program 2021.

The competition ceremony was held virtually through the Zoom application.

The ceremony was also attended by David Li, the Vice- President of Huawei Malaysia Enterprise Business Group.

Here’s wishing the best to the team and advisor, as they move on to the next level!

Text: Mohamad Hafiz Asyraf Mohd Arop

Credit : USM News Porta


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Congratulations on Winning "Post Graduate Association Award"

PENANG – The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Postgraduate Students Association (PSA) is dedicated to fostering a sense of community and belonging among the postgraduate students at the university towards collective learning, enhancing mobility among them and coming together to organise local and international events.

This was stated by the newly elected PSA President, Mohammad Ali Sarvghadi, who also mentioned that PSA aims to provide a platform to all local and international students from around the world studying at USM to expand their horizons, reach their full potential, and make a difference in the world around them with their diverse talents, ideas and enthusiasm.

"PSA USM was established to provide students with the opportunity to share their ideas, communicate with each other, and engage in social and organisational activities, and also to assist in developing the postgraduate culture at USM," he said.

He added, through this platform, students not only engage and administer the social and extracurricular activities but also contribute towards the academic upbringing of the members and community through organising different academic workshops and seminars.

Furthermore, PSA has long ago extended its boundaries towards international collaboration with various postgraduate students associations, such as Prince of Songkla University (PSU), UiTM, and UUM, and has been running successful programmes like ASEAN Future Leaders Summit (AFLES) through these collaborations.

"PSA is the pioneer of organising different international events such as USM International Week and USM International Day where students get the chance to get to know each other’s culture and learn from one other.

"These types of programmes which showcase the diverse nationalities, cultures, colours and societies of the world, not only increase our knowledge and understanding but also foster the brotherhood and friendship among the students, hence creating a peaceful and harmonious environment at the campus and to a greater extend our nation," Ali added.

Apart from that, PSA also encourages its members to be involved in community welfare programmes and has been organising various programmes for the welfare of the underprivileged communities around them, such as visits to the Balik Pulau kampung, fundraising for flood victims and health awareness programmes.

PSA is also committed to promote Malaysia and Malaysian universities especially USM at different international events held during the year such as AFLES.

Text: Hafiz Meah Ghouse Meah

Credit : USM News Porta

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  • Hits: 644

Winners of 2 Minute Poster (2MP)

We would like to announce the winners of 2 Minute Poster (2MP) as Part of CSMInD2021 (S202). CSMInD provides a platform for coursework postgraduate students at School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia to share their brilliant ideas and projects. CSMInD is organized every semester (2 times a year) which includes idea, project presentations and 2 Minute Poster (2MP). It includes 3 categories of C1 (Data Science & Analytics), C2 (Master of Informatics ), and C3 (Computer Sciences- Mixed-Mode).
USM 2MP Poster
  • Hits: 1750

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