Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)(Computing Infrastructure) / Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Kepujian) (Infrastruktur Komputeran)

Computer Science at USM began with a course in programming in 1974. It has since developed into a specialisation in Computer Science under the Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) honours degree, and eventually the Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) (B.Sc. (Comp.Sc.)) degree with honours was offered. Beginning in the 1983/84 session, after a complete revamp of the curriculum, the Bachelor of Computer Science (B.Comp.Sc.) degree with honours was offered to replace the B.Sc. (Comp.Sc.) degree. USM's B.Comp.Sc. (Hons.) has succeeded significantly in producing highly qualified graduates that have been widely accepted by both the public and the private sectors. An important contributing factor to this success is its strong curriculum, which always strives to achieve a balance between the teaching of the theory of computing and exposure to practical aspects. The curriculum has been continually updated in accordance with current technology. For instance, in the 1992/93 session a new curriculum which was more up-todate was implemented, and in the 1994/95 session, it was further modified to conform to the University Academic System (SPU). Beginning with the 1996/97 session, the curriculum had been adjusted to reduce the minimum period for graduation from 4 years to 3 years under the Three Year Academic System (SPTT). In 2000/01 session a new curriculum was introduced and adapted to conform with the recommendation made by the National Higher Education Council on SPTT (SPTT(M)). In 2006/07 session, a new revised curriculum was introduced. The degree programme has been adjusted in 2009/10 to revert the minimum period for graduation to 4 years (Four Year Academic Systems) (Sistem Pengajian Empat Tahun) (SPET). In 2019/20 academic session, a revised curriculum was introduced which involved restructuring the degree programme into three programs. Two of them are offered via the single-entry multiple track entrance mechanism. This mechanism allows a unified intake for more than one programs and students will start to specialize at their fourth semester based on their choices. These programs are: 

  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)(Intelligent Computing) 
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)(Computing Infrastructure)

Whilst the other program has its own entry channel. This program is:

  • Bachelor in Software Engineering with Honours

    • The general educational goal of the degree programme is to produce high-quality graduates with the necessary professional skills to practice as successful computing professionals and compete effectively in a world of rapid technological change. Therefore, the educational objectives of the programme are to train:

      PEO 1: Computing practitioners who are able to adopt appropriate methodologies and techniques to provide computing solutions based on relevant knowledge and technical skills in the fields of computing which are in line with the industry requirements.

      PEO 2: Computing practitioners who have leadership skills, autonomy and responsibility and communicate effectively with computing-related stakeholders.

      PEO 3: Computing practitioners who have positive attitudes, commitment for lifelong learning and entrepreneurial mind-set within industry for self and career progression.

      PEO 4: Computing practitioners who uphold ethical and professional practices in maintaining self and professional integrity.

    • At the end of the programme, graduates will be able to:

      PLO1: Analyse concepts, principles, and theories relating to computer sciences [Knowledge and Understanding].

      PLO2: Apply appropriate algorithm and techniques for computing solutions [Practical Skills].

      PLO3: Construct computing solution using appropriate algorithm and technique for non-routine problem [Cognitive Skills].

      PLO4: Communicate effectively and confidently with diverse stakeholders in appropriate context in a well-structured manner to a diversity of audiences [Communication Skills].

      PLO5: Interact effectively with different people in diverse learning and working communities in computing practices as well as other groups [Interpersonal Skills].

      PLO6: Uphold professional and ethical practices in delivering services related to the field of computing and varied social environment [Ethics and Professionalism].

      PLO7: Engage effectively in self-directed lifelong learning and professional pathways [Personal Skills].

      PLO8: Apply entrepreneurial mind set in delivering solutions under changing industry landscape [Entrepreneurial Skills].

      PLO9: Demonstrate leadership, teamwork, accountability, and responsibility in delivering services related to field of computing [Leadership, Autonomy and Responsibility].

      PLO10: Use a broad range of information and software tools to support study or professional work in computing [Digital Skills].

      PLO11: Use numeracy skills for problem solving in the field of in computing practices [Numeracy Skills].

  • Programme requirements together with course code classification for all Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) programmes are given in the table below.


  • courses ci

School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +604-653 3647 / 2158 / 2155  |  Fax: +604-653 3684  | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  icon admin