Webinar Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021
9 April 2021 – The Computer Science Society, in collaboration with the Centre for Research on Women and Gender (KANITA) Universiti Sains Malaysia, had organized a two-day webinar in conjunction with the International Women's Day 2021 with the theme "An Equal Future for Women #ChooseToChallenge". This webinar aimed to share and highlight actions to empower and inspire women from all backgrounds, especially in the sports and IT industry. This program was held on 30 March and 3 April. Besides, it was sponsored by HILTI Asia IT Services Sdn. Bhd., KLN Services Sdn. Bhd. and BeauTyra Cosmetics.
On the first day, the program has been welcomed by a speech from Professor Dr Aldrin Abdullah, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Student Development Affairs and Alumni. Then it followed by the interactive session with Dato (Dr.) Nicol Ann David, a World Games' Greatest Athlete of All Time, to share her valuable journey in becoming the World First Female Squash Player that has been moderated by Ms Alya Adlina. This session has been collaborated with Creative Media Production (PTPM) for conducting a live session on our university official Facebook page with a total of 1148 participants.
While on the second day, Mr Jeremy Lau has conducted a session with Ms Mye Lene, the Head of Human Resources of HILTI ASIA IT Services, to share her experience of being one of the female leaders in the industry that males mainly dominate with 866 participants joined through Facebook live and Webex Meeting.
In line with the International Women's Day 2021 theme of "Choose to Challenge", the webinar lead by Ms Dania Ridzlon was indeed a success. The School of Computer Sciences would like to congratulate to the whole organizing committee. The Computer Science Society has proved that our students can go beyond their area to organize programs that could inspire many young generations to be agents of change and be bold to face challenges.
The link for the live session for the webinar can be watch through:
First Day with Datuk Nicol Ann David: https://fb.watch/4G9fFDkOIC/
Second Day with Ms Mye Lene: https://fb.watch/4G9hnK_r8j/
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