Lim Chia Yean, Dr

  •     LCY profile

  • SENIOR Lecturer

    Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tel : +604 653 2156
    Fax : +604 653 3335
    Room : 623

    School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang

    Research Cluster

    Service Computing

  • Research Interest

    Software quality, Software usability evaluation, Information and knowledge acquisition, Data Analytics, E-learning


    Software Engineering, Information System, Data Analytics


PhD in Computer Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Master of Arts in Management Studies, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia


HRD Corp Accredited Trainer (Trainer ID: 20117)

Certified Professional Trainer, Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia (Credential ID: TTT/14450)

MBOT Graduate Technologist


Software quality, Software evaluation, Information and knowledge acquisition, Data Analytics, E-Commerce, E-learning

Grants & Projects

Co-Researcher: USM RUI Khas. Title: Fundamental Of Nonparametric Generally Weighted Moving Average Chart usingFundamental Of Nonparametric Generally Weighted Moving Average Chart usingMoving Sign based on Repetitive Sampling For Sustainable Manufacturing, 1 December 2024 - 30 November 2026.

Project Leader: USM Short Term Grant. Title: The Usability Evaluation Framework for Malaysia Higher Education Institution’s Learning Management System (LMS), July 2023-June 2025.

Project member:  USM RUTeam Grant, Title: Design and Adaptation of Digital Technologies to Deliver an Evidence-, Needs-based Health Care Services System for Ageing Malaysian (ENHance-M) Using A Gig Economy, 2023-2024.

Co-Researcher: UTAR Research Fund, Title:  Determinants of e-Commerce Continuance Intention among SMEs in West Malaysia: A Partial Least Squares Method, 2017-2018.

Co-Researcher: CREST-USM, Title: A Methodology for Reducing Test Time over the Product Lifecycle using Tune-up and Optimization Techniques, 2013-2015.

Co-Researcher: Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM) Cloud Computing Project, Title: Cloud-based Customer Lifetime Value Prediction Toolset, 2010.


Visit my research profiles:

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ResearcherID: GQY-4671-2022


Hou, J., Lim, C. Y., and Chen, D. S. Y. (2025). An Improved Random Forest Model to Predict E-Commerce Retail’s Seasonal Item Order Returns. 9th International Conference on Information System Design & Intelligent Applications (ISDIA 2025).

Seow, W.H., Lim, C. Y., and Ang, S. L. (2025). Random Forest Model for Software Build Time Prediction on CI/CD Pipeline. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 33 (2), pp. 1031 - 1048.


Loo, C.K.E., Lim, C.Y. and Abdullah, N.A., (2024). A Review of Usability Evaluation Framework for Tertiary Education Learning Management Systems. IEEE Access. 12, pp. 189941 - 189951. 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3516000

Ding, Y. and Lim C. Y., (2024). Shopping Recommendation Based on Profiling Shopping Using Face Recognition and Association Rule Mining. 4th International Conference on Applied Intelligence and Informatics (AII 2024).

Lim, K.H., Lim, C.Y., Achuthan, A., Wong, C.E. and Tan, V.P.S., (2024). The Review of Malaysia Digital Health Service Mobile Applications' Usability Design. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications15(10), pp. 139-146. 10.14569/IJACSA.2024.0151016

Koh, Y. K., Lim, C. Y., Ang, S. L., Thien, L. M. (2024). Positive School Attribute with Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods. 3rd International Conference on Informatics, Computing and Applied Mathematics.

Li, S., Lim, C.Y. and Ang, S.L., (2024). An Analysis of Technostress Factors Among Teachers in Hunan, China Through Statistical Methods and K-means Clustering. TEM Journal13(4), pp.3231. 

Wang, L., Lim, C.Y. (2024). A Quantitative Study to Explore the Factors Affecting Beijing, China Adults’ E-Hailing Services Satisfaction. Nanotechnology Perceptions, 20 (S11), pp.291-299.

Lim, C. Y., Ang, S. L.,  Ang, Chan, Z.F.,  Li, S. (2024). Food Delivery Applications with Data Mining Methods: Evaluating End-Users’ Experience, Nanotechnology Perceptions, 20 (2), pp.107 – 115. DOI:

Pan, T. C., Lim, C. Y., (2024). The Exploration and Analysis of Malaysia Web 3.0 Financial System’s Design Factors with Quantitative Survey and Clustering Method, Nanotechnology Perceptions, 20 (1), pp.402-415. DOI:

Xiao, H., Lim, C. Y., (2024). Exploration of Factors Affecting Intention to Use Software Testing Tool in Jinan, Shandong, China with Quantitative Survey Method, Nanotechnology Perceptions, 20 (1), pp.216-230. DOI:


Foh, W. L. W , Ang, S. L.,  Lim, C. Y. , Alaga, A. A. -L., Yeap, G. H., 2023. Prediction of Tuberculosis Patients’ Treatment Outcomes Using Multinomial Naive Bayes Algorithm and Class-Imbalanced Data,  2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), London, United Kingdom, 2023, pp. 1-6, DOI:

Khoo, C.Y.A., Ang, S.L., Lim, C.Y., Alaga, A., Foh, W.L.W. 2023. Performance of Bayesian Networks Classification Models for Tuberculosis Patient Outcome Prediction with Imbalanced Dataset. In: Shaw, R.N., Paprzycki, M., Ghosh, A. (eds) Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems. ICACIS 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1920, pp. 247-258, Springer, Cham. DOI:

Shi, A., Lim, C.Y., Ang, S.L. 2023. Customer Churn Analysis for Live Stream E-Commerce Platforms by Using Decision Tree Method. In: Shaw, R.N., Paprzycki, M., Ghosh, A. (eds) Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems. ICACIS 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1921, pp 168-178, Springer, Cham. DOI:

Seow, W. H., Lim, C. Y., Ang, S. L., 2023. Software Build Time Prediction on Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Pipeline. The 11th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR2023).

Chan, Z.F., Lim, C. Y., Chan, S. Y. 2023. Factors Affecting Malaysian College and University Students’ Satisfaction in Using Online Food Delivery Applications. International Journal of Business and Technology Management, Vol.5, No. 3, pp. 586-600. DOI:


Peng, A., Ang, S.L., Lim, C.Y., 2022. Automated Cryptocurrency Trading Bot Implementing DRL. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 30 (4), pp. 2683 - 2705. DOI:


Teh, Z. H., Lim, C. Y., Chen, S. Y. , 2021. An Exploratory Review of Malaysian E-Commerce Merchants and Their Readiness in Adopting Business Analytics Models for Assessment of Business KPIs, 2021 IEEE 6th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI), pp. 469-473.


Lim, C.Y., Mohanan, V., Jothi, N., Teng, W.J., 2019. A Gamified Approach to Improve Student Learning Experiences on Blackboard Learn, Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC 2019), Korea.

Lim, C.Y., Mohanan, V., Jothi, N., Teng, W.J., 2019. Gamifying a Computing Program to Encourage Student Engagement, 1ST International Conference on STEM Education (iSTEM 2019), USM, Penang, Malaysia.


Abhari, S., Jalali*, A., Jaafar, M., & Lim, C.Y. (2017). Customers’ Acceptance Level Of Smart Restaurant Services In Penang. In P. A. J. Wahid, P. I. D. A. Aziz Abdul Samad, P. D. S. Sheikh Ahmad, & A. P. D. P. Pujinda (Eds.), Carving The Future Built Environment: Environmental, Economic And Social Resilience, vol 2. European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences (pp. 490-501). Future Academy.


Lim C.Y., Khader A.T. 2016. A Triad-based Contextualisation Approach for Better Critical Issues' Decision Making Support. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 11 (22), pp. 13129 - 13134.

Lim C.Y., Arshad, M.R.M, 2016. A Triad-Based Contextualisation Approach for Understanding of a Critical Issue in a Government Investment Agency, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, vol. 136 (12), pp.1753-1758.


Lim C.Y., Arshad, M.R.M, 2015. A Triad-Based Contextualisation Approach for Better Understanding a Critical Issue, Asian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS2015). 


Lim, C.Y., Khoo, V.K.T., Belaton, B,  2013. Verification Mechanism for Online Responses in Criteria Prioritization, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 275-277, pp. 2555–2559.


Lim, C.Y., Khoo, V.K.T., Belaton, B.,  2012. A Methodology for Deliberating Prediction Criteria. Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 130-134, pp. 1758–1761.


Lim. C.Y., Khoo, V.K.T. 2010. Customer Relationship Management: Computer-Assisted Tools for Customer Lifetime Value Prediction, Proceedings 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology - System Development and Application and Knowledge Society, ITSim'10, 2010, vol. 3, pp. 1180–1185.

Lim. C.Y., Khoo, V.K.T. 2010. Customer Relationship Management: Lifecycle of Predicting Customer Lifetime Value, 2nd International Conference on Computer Research and Development, ICCRD 2010, pp. 88–92.


Master (Research Mode)

  1. Lim Kah Hao, Exploration of Usability and Need-Based Framework for ElderlyHealth Service Application. Master. 2023 (on-going)
  2. Eric Loo Chin Keong, The Usability Evaluation Framework for Malaysia Higher Education Institution's Learning Management Systems (LMS). Master. 2023 (on-going)
  3. Lei Chong, A CleanStack Model For Defending AgainstNon-Control-Data Attacks. PhD. 2024 (on-going)
  4. Hayatu Murtala, Value Based Software Engineering. PhD. 2024 (on-going)
  5. Jia Xingshuai, Prediction of Thyroid Tumours with Multimodal Machine Learning by Combining Clinical Notes with Structured Electronic Health Records. PhD. 2024 (on-going)
  6. Wang Ziyue, Optimization Method for Summary Model of Public Opinion Documents. PhD. 2024 (on-going)
  7. Qing Rui, The Influence of User Feedback on Software Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement. Master. 2024 (on-going)

Master (Mix Mode)

  1. Zhang Hoingwei, Corn Leaf Disease Recognition and Classification Based on the Improved YOLO11 Model, 2025, completed.
  2. Li Ziyi, Improving TransGNN with Multimodal Fusion for Enhanced Movie Recommendation, 2025, completed.
  3. Ma Ziang, Predicting Diabetes Occurrence With Hybrid Machine Learning Models, 2025, completed.
  4. Wu Feiyan, Improved Yolov8 for Enhanced Small-Sized Breast Mass Detection on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), 2024, completed.
  5. Du Xiangxian, Fine-Grained Recognition of Food Images Based on Improved Yolov8 Model, 2024, completed.
  6. Li Yiqi, Enhance Employee Turnover Prediction: Natural Language Processing and Time-Series Analysis Based on Machine Learning, 2024, completed.
  7. Liu Siyu, Technological Skill Training Framework for China Teachers Based on Findings of Technostress Factors, 2023, completed.
  8. Pan Tze Chern, System Design Framework for Web 3.0 Financial System, 2023, completed.
  9. XiaoHua, The Impact of Human Factors on the Software Testing Process, 2023, completed.
  10. Ding Yi, Shopping Purchase Recommendation System Based on Face Recognition and Association Rule Mining, 2023, completed.

Master (Coursework dissertation - data science/informatics/digital transformation)

  1. Cao Chuanlei,  Machine Learning Based Credit Scoring Models, 2025, completed.
  2. Ch'ng Wei Aun, Machine Learning Approach for Resource Efficiency And Production: Insights at Jinko Solar Malaysia, 2025, completed.
  3. Huang Zeqian,  Research on the Model of Predicting the Risk Level of Diabetes Based on Machine Learning, 2025, completed.
  4. Sun Wenchuan , Stock Short-Term Trading Prediction Model Based on Single Model and Ensemble Model, 2025, completed.
  5. Zhang Tingting, Intelligent Prediction and Service of Xinjiang Wind Farm, 2025, completed.
  6. Guo Ziyu, Optimization Strategies to Improve Plant Processing Efficiency with Lean Techniques, 2025, completed.
  7. Xu Yinghao, Automate Daily Inspection of Coke Oven Flue by Utilizing Computer Vision, 2025, completed.
  8. Zheng Jiaxin, Machine Learning Based Model to Support Content Creators in Readers' Behavioral Patterns Recognition and Decision-Making Recommendations, 2024, completed.
  9. Hou Jiajun, Machine Learning Based Order Return Prediction, 2024, completed. 
  10. Wang, Lei, Factors Affecting Adult’s Satisfaction With E-hailing Service In China, 2024, completed.
  11. Fu, Xueying, Models For Corporate Financial Expenditure Forecasting, 2023, completed. 
  12. Shi Aoxia, Customer Churn Analysis for Live Stream E-commerce Platform, 2023, completed.
  13. Seow Wen Han, Software Build Time Prediction and Analysis, 2023, completed.

Undergraduate (Final year project)

  1. Koh Yung Kwang, Mobile-based Positive School Attribute Assessment Application, 2024, completed.
  2. Chong Yi Yin, QR code receipt for retail purchase management, 2024, completed.
  3. Cui, Saifei, Health Management System, 2024, completed.
  4. Wang, Jinwen, Movie Recommendation System for Family based on User Profiles and Collaborative Filtering, 2024, completed.
  5. Teh Wei Liang, USM ONE Apps (student campus life apps/mobile newbie system), 2024, completed.
  6. Xiao, Ruiying, Job matching recruitment system, 2024, completed.
  7. Tan Pei Yong, Pre-Loved Item Marketplace, 2024, completed.
  8. Nur Afina Binti Mohammad Nadzri, Mall Explorer, 2024, completed.
  9. Feng, Tianci, Han Kunhang, Li Haodong, Community Support System, 2023, completed.
  10. Tan Jia Hui, Tay Ming Shan, Ting Su Qi, Family Engagement System, 2023, completed.
  11. Law Xiang Yun, Nor Islahiah binti Muhammed, Siti Maryam binti Abd Halim, Student Personal Management System, 2023, completed.


  • Foundations of Software Engineering
  • Real-time Software Engineering
  • Mobile and Game Platform-based Development
  • Systematic & Lean Innovation Management

Recognition & Leadership


1. AcademiaFiesta@USM 2024

  • Award: Silver Award (Educhamp Challenge category)

2. 4th International Conference on Applied Intelligence and Informatics (AII 2024)

  • Best Paper Award (Second Runner up)

2. 9th International Invention Innovation Competition, iCAN 2024, Toronto, Canada.

  • Gold Medal
  • Canadian Special Award of Excellence (Inventors Circle Special Award)
  • Jury’s Choice Award

3. 7th International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research Studies and Education (ICMDRSE-2024), India, 2024 (International)

  • Best Paper Presentation

4. 8th Annual Edition of the International Invention Innovation Competition, ICAN 2023, Toronto, Canada

  • Gold Medal
  • Best Woman Inventor Award
  • World Invention Intellectual Property Association (WIIPA) Special Award

5. International Education Innovation Exposition (Edu@Innovate 2023) - Gold Medal

External Examiner / Assessor

  1. 20 May 2024 - 19 May 2025, External Examiner for Veritas Education Sdn Bhd
  2. 2023-2025, External Examiner for PSDC Diploma in Information Technology, 2024, Penang Skills Development Centre.

Invited Speaker/Forum/Workshop Presenter/Guest Lecture

  1. 2024. Workshop Speaker on Intercontinental Congress on Art and Human Studies (ICAHS-2024).
  2. 2024, Guest Lecture on "Global Trends in Intelligent Manufacturing and Technology", Jinko Solar Malaysia.
  3. 2023, Invited Speaker, "Kerjaya dalam Sains Komputer", Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato Onn Butterworth, organised by Perbadanan Pembangunan Belia Pulau Pinang (PYDC),
  4. 2022, Guest Speaker at TARUMT Annual CBSIR Symposium 2022 "Building Innovation for Sustainable Industrialisation", Guest lecture title: The Impact of Business Apps Revolution to Our Daily Lives.

Research Fellow/Technical Committee/Research Panel

  1. 2024, Journal Committee, Conference on ICT For University (ICT4U 2.0)
  2. 2024, Reviewer of Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences
  3. 2024, Reviewer of International Conference on Smart Computing, IOT, and Machine Learning (SIML) 2024
  4. 2024, Reviewer of 2024 2nd Asia Conference on Knowledge and Innovation Management  (ACKIM)
  5. 2024, Chief Judge for Pertandingan Nukleus Amalan Terbaik (NAT) 2024, Institut Pendidikan Perguruan Pulau Pinang.
  6. 2023, Reviewer of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal
  7. 1 January 2023 - 31 Dicember 2023, Fellow Researcher for Makmal Inkubator Disleksia, Pusat Pengajian Pengkomputeran, UUM COllege of Arts and Sciences.
  8. 2023, Technical Program Committee Member for International Conference on Information and Communication Technology.
  9. 2023, Technical Program Committee Member for IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT).
  10. 2023, Research Panel for Research Seminar Pinang 2023, Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Penang Campus.
  11. 2016-2018, Reviewer of IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems.

Consultancy & Training

  1. 2022 - current, Business Advisor of Digital Sales and Marketing, Releaf Brewery Enterprise. 
  2. 2nd November 2022 - 31th December 2024, Consultancy Work Title: Consultancy To Develop An Inclusive Social Protection Policy System In Malaysia. Client: United Nations Development Programme Malaysia (UNDP).
  3. March 2023 - Python Beginner Training, Department of Statistic Malaysia (Penang Branch).
  • Hits: 6424

School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
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  • Last Modified: Thursday 27 March 2025.