Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Dr.

  • Nadir 
  • Senior Lecturer

    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tel: +604 653 2320
    Fax: +604 653 3335
    Room: 525

    School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang

    Research Cluster

    Data To Knowledge

  • Research Interest

    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Computational Intelligence
    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning
    • Mobile Robotics
    • Optimization
    • Path Planning


    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Machine Learning
    • Meta-heuristics
    • Mobile Robotics
    • Swarm Intelligence
    • Path Planning
    • IoT


My research is in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Path Planning, and Robotics. Currently, I am focusing on applications in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Optimization, Path Planning, and Mobile Robotics. I am also the Founder & CEO of a start-up company -  Intech Art Sdn. Bhd. (1481687-X) specializes in developing total digital solutions for businesses and organizations. Intech Art offers a range of hardware, software, and integration-related services. The ultimate goal of our team is to help clients leverage technology to improve their operations, enhance their competitiveness, and achieve their business objectives.  


B.Eng. (Hons.), UniMAP, Malaysia
M.Sc., UniMAP, Malaysia
Ph.D., University of Salford, United Kingdom 


  1. [2022] Implementation and Experiment of the Research Platform in Malaysia for "Artificial Intelligence of Things System to Classify and Predict the Quality of Produce in Smart Agriculture", KEIO University, RM169,271.59 - Co-Investigator
  2. [2022] Vehicles Classification Using Deep Learning Method to Produce a Data Set for Analytics Process, RU Team, RM69,094.00 - Principal Investigator
  3. [2021] A Customized Automated Cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System, Public-Private Research Network (PPRN), RM134,530.00 - Principal Investigator
  4. [2021] A Project Problem-Based Learning Approach (PPBL) Using NAO Robotics with Artificial Intelligence as the Facilitator in Teaching and Learning Among Undergraduate Students at USM, USM (RUI), RM40,000.00 - Co-Investigator
  5. [2021] Use of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Accuracy in Triage System of Emergency Department, USM (RUI), RM60,000.00, - Co-Investigator
  6. [2021] Image Data Analytics for Industry 4.0, COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER (CREST), RM206,500 - Co-Investigator
  7. [2020] Enhancing Path's Smoothness and Distance for a Mobile Robot by fusing Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) and Cubic Bezier Curve, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI (FRGS), RM119,800.00 - Principal Investigator
  8. [2020] Impact of body velocity and body angle deviation on Malaysian firefighters towards back-injury using marker-based motion capture system, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI (FRGS), RM113,040.00 - Co-Investigator
  9. [2020] Assessing the role of metaheuristic and machine learning approaches for transfer synchronisation in demand responsive transport, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI (FRGS), RM94,000.00 - Co-Investigator
  10. [2020] A New Generalized Developable Trigonometric Bezier Surface using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI (FRGS), RM76,200.00 - Co-Investigator
  11. [2020] A theoretical foundation for type-3 fuzzy set theory using level surfaces with a crisp and fuzzy boundary for data management, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI (FRGS), RM56,760.00 - Co-Investigator
  12. [2020] Elucidating the potential of covalently immobilised biomolecules (antibody and nucleic acid) on three-dimensional (3D) printable conductive carbon nanomaterials for high specificity and sensitivity of biosensors, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI (FRGS), RM104,400.00 - Co-Investigator
  13. [2020] 3D Joints Estimation Improvement over Existing Markerless Motion Capture for Accurate Tracking of Body Movements, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI (FRGS), RM89,014.00 - Co-Investigator
  14. [2019] Enhancing Piecewise Aggregate Approximation for Data Dimensionality Reduction in Wearable Health Devices, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI (FRGS), RM74,700.00 - Co-Investigator
  15. [2019] Hardware Software Partitioning in Image Processing for Smart Manufacturing Application, USM (RUI), RM65,000.00 - Co-Investigator.
  16. [2019] Integration of Particle Swarm Optimization on Multi-Agents for Exploration of Unknown Areas, USM (SHORT TERM), RM30,050.00 - Principal Investigator.
  17. [2018] Real-time Physical Activity Recognition using Wearable Inertial Sensors, USM (SHORT TERM), RM39,488.40 - Co-Investigator.



Indexed Journal (Selected)

  1. Sani Tijjani, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Mohd Halim Mohd Noor, 2024, An Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization with Position Update for Optimal Feature Selection, Expert Systems with Applications, 123337.
  2. Tay Shiek Chi, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Mohd Halim Mohd Noor, Khaw Beng Kang, Lim Lay Chuan, Liau Wei Jie Brigitte, 2024, Enhancing EfficientNet-YOLOv4 for Integrated Circuit Detection on Printed Circuit Board (PCB), IEEE Access, 25066 - 25078.
  3. Tian Zhonglin, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Muhammad Firdaus Akbar, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Mohd Halim Mohd Noor, Bakhtiar Affendi Rosdi, 2023, SFFSORT Multi-Object Tracking by Shallow Feature Fusion for Vehicle Counting, IEEE Access, 76827 - 76841.
  4. Danladi Agadi Tonga, Muhammad Firdaus Akbar, Nawaf HMM Shrifan, Ghassan Nihad Jawad, Nor Azlin Ghazali, Mohamed Fauzi Packeer Mohamed, Ahmed Jamal Abdullah Al-Gburi, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, 2023, Nondestructive Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Using Microwave Techniques: A Review, Coatings, 590.
  5. Yeong Chin Koo, Muhammad Nasiruddin Mahyuddin, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, 2023, Novel Control Theoretic Consensus-based Time Synchronization Algorithm for WSN in Industrial Applications: Convergence Analysis and Performance Characterization, IEEE Sensors Journal, 4159 - 4175.
  6. Yang Yang Lee, Zaini Abdul Halim, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, 2022, License Plate Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network–Back to the Basic With Design of Experiments, 2022, IEEE Access, 10, 22577-22585.
  7. Rotimi-Williams Bello, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Salisu Sani, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, 2022, Behavior Recognition of Group-ranched Cattle from Video Sequences using Deep Learning, Indian Journal of Animal Research, 505-512.
  8. Wendong Gong, Muhammad Firdaus Akbar, Ghassan Nihad Jawad, Mohamed Fauzi Packeer Mohamed, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, 2022, Nondestructive Testing Technologies for Rail Inspection: A Review, Coatings, 1790.
  9. Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Amril Nazir,  Anthony Tan Zhen Ren, Mohd Halim Mohd Noor, Muhammad Firdaus Akbar, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, 2021, EfficientNet-Lite and Hybrid CNN-KNN Implementation for Facial Expression Recognition on Raspberry Pi, IEEE Access, 9: 134065 - 134080.
  10. Mohd Halim Mohd Noor, Amril Nazir, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Jodene Ooi Yen Ling, 2021, Detection of Freezing of Gait Using Unsupervised Convolutional Denoising Autoencoder, IEEE Access, 9: 115700-115709.
  11. Hussain Abdulkareem Younis, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Rozinah Jamaludin, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, 2021, Survey of Robotics in Education, Taxonomy, Applications, and Platforms during COVID-19, Computers, Materials & Continua, 67(1), 687-707.
  12. Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Samia Nefti-Meziani, Adham Atyabi, 2020, A comparative review on mobile robot path planning: Classical or meta-heuristic methods?, Annual Reviews in Control, 50, 233-252.
  13. Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Ching May Lee, Muhammad Firdaus Akbar Jalaludin Khan, Fadratul Hafinaz Hassan, 2020, Path Planning for Mobile Robot Navigation in Unknown Indoor Environments Using Hybrid PSOFS Algorithm, IEEE Access, 8: 161805 - 161815. 

Conference Proceeding (Selected)

  1. Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Samia Nefti-Meziani, Adham Atyabi, 2023, The Impact of Dynamic Adjustment of Swarm Behavior on Particle Swarm Optimization Performance using Benchmark Functions, 2023 IEEE 13th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), IEEE, 0759-0767.
  2. Abdul Syafiq Abdull Sukor, Mohamad Naim Muhamad, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, 2022, Development of In-situ Sensing System and Classification of Water Quality using Machine Learning Approach, IEEE 18th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Applications (CSPA), 382-385.
  3. Yang Yang Lee, Zaini Abdul Halim, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, 2022, Novel FPGA-Optimized Stochastic Number Generator for Stochastic Computing, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications: Enhancing Research and Innovation through the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Springer, 618-624.
  4. Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Shiek Chi Tay, Abdul Syafiq Abdull Sukor, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, 2022, Smart Waste Management System, Proceedings of the 12th National Technical Seminar on Unmanned System Technology 2020, Springer, 713-724.
  5. Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Abdul Syafiq Abdull Sukor, Ong Chia Teng, 2021, Text Reader for Visually Impaired Person, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1755 (1), 012055.
  6. Hussein Abdulkareem Younus Al Kinani, Rozinah Jamaludin, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, 2020, The review of NAO robotics in Educational 2014-2020 in COVID-19 Virus (Pandemic Era): technologies, type of application, advantage, disadvantage, and motivation., IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 928: 1-14.
  7. Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Kong Chee Chung, 2019, iPassenger: Smart Passenger Analytics System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Advances in Visual Informatics.
  8. Ahmad Sufril Azlan Bin Mohamed, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, 2019, Facial Recognition Adaptation as Biometric Authentication for Intelligent Door Locking System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Advances in Visual Informatics, 2019: 257-267.
  9. Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, S. S. Suhaily, D. B. L. Arasu, D. B. L. Arasu, 2018, Smart Mirror Design Powered by Raspberry PI, 2018 Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference, 166-173.



  1. Ye Wei, 2023 - Present, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Full Time, Real-Time Motion Planning of Remote Nursing Care Robot Based On Reinforcement Learning, Main Supervisor. [Active]
  2. Yue Baicheng, 2022 - Present, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Full Time, Industrial Robot-Based Vision Positioning and Control System, Main Supervisor. [Active]
  3. Zhu Bao, 2021 - Present, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Full Time, Weed Monitoring Algorithm based on Swarm Intelligence, Main Supervisor. [Active]
  4. Ahmad Javed, 2021 - Present, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Full Time, Improved Meta-heuristics Technique on Mobile Robot Path Planning, Main Supervisor. [Active]
  5. Tijjani Sani, 2021 - Present, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Full Time, Semi-Supervised Learning for Human Activity Recognition, Co-supervisor. [Active]
  6. Shaek Mahfuzur Rahma, 2021 - Present, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Full Time, Modified Deep Learning for Image Recognition Application, Main Supervisor. [Active]
  7. Mohd Hisyam Hamzah, 2021 - Present, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Full Time, Fusion of Path Planning and Curvature Method for Mobile Robot Application, Main Supervisor. [Active]
  8. Lee Yang Yang, 2020 - Present, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Full Time, Hardware-Software Partitioning and Optimization for Real-Time Image Processing – A Practical Approach, Co-supervisor. [Graduated]
  9. Wan Zafira Ezza Binti Wan Zakaria, 2020 - Present, Doctor of Philosophy, Research - Part Time, Shape-preserving and Road Design Planning for Autonomous Driving by Rational Timmer function, Co-supervisor. [Active]

MSc (Research)

  1. El Kokhi Marthad Ahmad Hamde, 2022 - Present, Master, Research - Full Time, ECG Rhythm Analysis using Deep Learning Method for Triage Classification. [Active]
  2. Tay Shiek Chi, 2021 - Present, Master, Research - Full Time, Shape Detection for Integrated Circuit, Main supervisor. [Active]
  3. Muhamad Huzaifah Omar, 2020 - Present, Master, Research - Full Time, Nucleic Acid Biosensors Based-Three Dimensional (3D) Printed Electrodes for Monitoring of Cancer Biomarkers, Co-supervisor. [Graduated]

MSc (Mixed Mode)

  1. Wong Jun Hao, 2023, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode), An Improved Genetic Algorithm Through Fitness Selection for Mobile Robot Global Path Planning in Static Environment. [Completed]
  2. Tian Zhonglin, 2023, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode), A Modular Framework for Vehicle Detection and Classification at Intersections based on Deep Learning. [Completed]
  3. Shao Youzhe, 2022, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode), A Comparative Study of A Mixed-Model VFS-NET And Several CNN-based Durian Classification Models. [Completed]
  4. Benjamin Bhatt, 2020, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode), Optimised Path Planning using Enhanced Firefly Algorithm for A Mobile Robot. [Completed]
  5. Yeap Wei Seng, 2020, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode), The Pre-Processing Framework for Improving Face Recognition Accuracy. [Completed]
  6. Lee Ching May, 2020, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode), Local Path Planning for Mobile Robot using Metaheuristic Algorithm. [Completed]
  7. Zutawin Chojo, 2019, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode), Path Planning for UAV using Metaheuristic Algorithm. [Completed]

MSc (Course Work)

  1. Zhang Aobo, 2021, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Production Planning and Optimization for Electronic Manufacturing Industry. [Active]
  2. Atiqah Nachia Binti Mohd Ibrahim, 2021, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), A Deep Learning Method for Defect Detection of Swivel Cap using Convolutional Neural Network. [Completed]
  3. Chee Sai Wai, 2021, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Improved Detection Scheme in Carbon Dioxide Flux Anomalies using a Linear One-Class SVM with Deep Learning. [Completed]
  4. Lee Yong Meng, 2021, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Microwave Imaging using Artificial Intelligence for Defect Detection. [Completed]
  5. Lee Zhi Peng, 2021, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Forecasting the Probability of Machinery Breakdown for Predictive Maintenance. [Completed]
  6. Eugene Chin, 2020, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Matching Circuit Classification. [Completed]
  7. Lim Chun Ming, 2020, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Patent Monitoring with Machine Learning. [Completed]
  8. Mohd Safuwan Bin Shahabudin, 2019, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Machine Failure Prediction using Machine Learning. [Completed]


  • CST236 - Digital Systems Design
  • CPT244 - Artificial Intelligence
  • CPC251 - Machine Learning & Computational Intelligence
  • CPT344 - Computer Vision & Image Processing 
  • CPC357 - IoT Architecture And Smart Applications
  • CPC453 - Computer Vision & Robotic
  • CCS516 - Computational Intelligence
  • EES501 - Embedded System Design

Recognition & Leadership

Peer Review
Expert System with Applications
Intelligent Systems with Applications
Soft Computing
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 
Computers and Electrical Engineering
IEEE Access
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

Academic Editor

Professional Membership
Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

[Gold Medal] 34th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition, Malaysia (ITEX 2023) - iPassenger: Smart Passenger Analytics System.
[Gold Medal] International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA 2022) - iPassenger: Smart Passenger Analytics System.
[Silver Medal] International Research and Innovation Symposium and Exposition (RISE 2021) - Rapid Health Assessment Information System (rHAIS).
[Silver Medal] Malaysia Technology Expo - COVID-19 International Innovation Awards II (MTE 2021) - Rapid Health Assessment Information System (rHAIS).
[Gold Medal] International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada 2020 (iCAN 2020) - Smart Autonomous Drone System for Agriculture Applications. 

Intelligent property

  1. [2023] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Zaini Binti Abdul Halim, Lee Yang Yang, Tarik Adnan Almohamad, A Computer Implemented System for Stochastic Computing for Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Application, PI2023002144, 27/11/2023.
  2. [2023] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Muhammad Firdaus Akbar Jalaludin Khan, DefectsPro: Smart Defect Reporting and Tracking, LY2023P05365, 31/10/2023.
  3. [2023] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Muhammad Firdaus Akbar Jalaludin Khan, Haramain Sales Monitoring System, LY2023P05364, 31/10/2023.
  4. [2021] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Pang Yi Shen, Autonomous Mobile Robot Control using Voice Command (ARMCVC), LY2021P03029, 20/08/2021.
  5. [2021] Muhammad Firdaus Bin Akbar Jalaludin Khan, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Rapid Health Assessment Information System (rHAIS) - Mobile Application, LY2021P02506, 30/07/2021.
  6. [2021] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Muhammad Firdaus Bin Akbar Jalaludin Khan, Rapid Health Assessment Information System (rHAIS) - Statistic Dashboard, LYLY2021P02505, 30/07/2021.
  7. [2020] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Yau Sheik Chi, Smart Waste Management System, LY2020004174, 30/09/2020.
  8. [2020] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Muhammad Firdaus Bin Akbar Jalaludin Khan, Rapid Health Assessment Information System (rHAIS) - Kesihatan Dashboard, LY2020004175, 30/09/2020.
  9. [2020] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Muhammad Firdaus Bin Akbar Jalaludin Khan, Rapid Health Assessment Information System (rHAIS) - Kesalamatan Dashboard, LY2020004176, 30/09/2020.
  10. [2019] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Yeong Kin Rong, Shop N Go: Your Smart Shopping Buddy, LY2019004127, 06/08/2019.
  11. [2019] Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Lum Mun Kwai, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Intelligent Customisable Extention (ICE) Socket, LY2019004124, 06/08/2019.
  12. [2019] Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Kong Chee Chung, i-Passenger: Smart Passenger Analytics System, LY2019004128, 06/08/2019.


  1. Introduction to Machine Learning and its Applications, Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn Bhd, 3/7/2021 & 17/7/2021 (National)
  2. Collaboration between USM and Springtech Ventures Sdn Bhd, Springtech Ventures Sdn Bhd, 27/02/2020 - 26/02/2023, RM25,000.00 (National)
  3. Industry Collaboration‐ Sponsor of Rasberry Pi 4 Model for Computer Science Laboratory, DDMAN Sdn Bhd, 02/03/2020 - 02/03/2022, RM4,660.80 (National)
  4. TVET Workshop - Embedded System and 3D Printing Design, 24/08/2020 - 28/08/2020, RM11,500.00 (National)
  5. Enabling Business Intelligence with SAP, SAP,30/11/2019 - 30/11/2019 (University)
  6. Young Maker Challenge@American Corner2019, American Embassy, 08/03/2019 - 15/04/2019, RM16,425.00 (National)
  7. LaTeX Workshop, PPJJ USM, 23/07/2018 - 23/07/2018, RM1,400.00 (University)
  • Hits: 10289

School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +604-653 3647 / 2158 / 2155  |  Fax: +604-653 3684  | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  icon admin

  • Last Modified: Thursday 27 March 2025.