Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Dr.


  •   NIRR-passport-red.jpg

  • Senior Lecturer

    Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tel : +604 653 4387
    Fax : +604 653 3335
    Room : 528

    School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang

    Research Cluster

    Data To Knowledge

  • Research Interest

    Image Processing for Medical Data, Data Visualisation and Computer Vision


    Image Processing for Medical Data, Data Visualisation and Computer Vision

ACADEMIC Qualifications

Research Interests

Medical Imaging, Healthcare Data Management and Visualisation, Deep Learning of Image Data.

Other Interests

Do community work, be a trainer for reesearch related workshops.



Principle Investigator

  1. (2024 - ongoing) Elucidation of Brain Tumor Detection in Cerebrovascular Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Images by Channel Attention with Spatial Kernel Filtering Model, FRGS (RM 115,580.00)
  2. (2021-2024 - closed-pending report) High-pass Domain Kernel in Bilateral Filter to Enhance Small Blood Vessel Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Data Sets for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease (CSVD) Detection, FRGS (RM 71,700.00)
  3. (2020-2023 - closed-KPI achieved) Integrating Image Processing and Machine Learning to Identify Handwriting Features Useful for Automatic Screening of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) among Children, USM Short Term Grant (RM 30,370.00)
  4. (2018-2020 - closed-KPI achieved) Edge Preserving Bilateral Filter for Robust Small Vessel Segmentation in Cerebral Small Vessel Desease (CSVD) Domain, USM Bridging Grant (RM 21,700.00)
  5. (2016-2018 - closed-KPI achieved) Enhanced Image Pre-processing of Cellular Tomography Segmentation for High Efficiency, USM Short Term Grant (RM 39,920.40)


  1. Image Data Analytics for Industry 4.0, CREST (187,000.00)
  2. Image Stitching Algorithm for Machine Vision Inspection, ESTEK AUTOMATION Sdn. Bhd. (RM 12,000.00)
  3. Elucidating the performance and effect of digital mammograms and clinical data on machine learning models to detect breast cancer, FRGS (KPT)
  4. Intelligence-based Algorithm to generate focused molecule structure for immunopathogenesis allergy drug, FRGS (KPT)
  5. High Order Implicit Numerical Scheme for Atmospheric Chemical Kinetic Equations, FRGS (KPT)
  6. A Computational Model to Detect Human Emotion Based on Body Heat. Research University Grant (RUI)
  7. Development of Intelligent Tendon Movement Tracking Algorithm using GPU Parallel Processing, USM Short Term Grant



  1. Yang Jing, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, (2024), Review of Deep Learning-Based Image Inpainting Techniques, in IEEE Access, doi:
  2. Hussain A. Younis, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Ameer A. Badr, Taiseer Abdalla Elfadil Eisa, Maged Nasser, Tien-Ping Tan, Nur Hana Samsudin, Sani Salisu, (2024), Creating the Hu-Int dataset: A comprehensive Arabic speech dataset for gender detection and age estimation of Arab celebrities, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 96, Part A, 2024, 106511, ISSN 1746-8094, 
  3. Emad Abd Al Rahman, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Majed Bouchahma, (2024), A multioutput classifier model for breast cancer treatment prediction, Intelligence-Based Medicine, Volume 10, 2024, 100158, ISSN 2666-5212,
  4. Zuriana Zamberi, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, (2024), Data Analytics Modelling System for Short Courses at Seberang Jaya Community College. In: Zakaria, N.H., Mansor, N.S., Husni, H., Mohammed, F. (eds) Computing and Informatics. ICOCI 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2001. Springer, Singapore.


  1. Emad Abd Al Rahman, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem,  Kamarul Imran Musa, (2023), Framework for a Computer-Aided Treatment Prediction (CATP) System for Breast Cancer, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, vol. 36, no.3, pp. 3007–3028, 2023.(IF: 3.401). DOI: 10.32604/iasc.2023.032580 
  2. Tengku Muhammad Hanis, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Wan Nor Arifin,  Juhara Haron, Wan Faiziah Wan Abdul Rahman Rosni Abdullah, Kamarul Imran Musa, (2023), Developing a Supplementary Diagnostic Tool for Breast Cancer Risk Estimation Using Ensemble Transfer Learning. Diagnostics, vol. 13, no. 10, (IF: 3.6). DOI:
  3. Ong Yee Chiun, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, (2023). Object Detection Based Automated Optical Inspection of Printed Circuit Board Assembly Using Deep Learning. In: Yusoff, M., Hai, T., Kassim, M., Mohamed, A., Kita, E. (eds) Soft Computing in Data Science. SCDS 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1771. Springer, Singapore. DOI:
  4. Soh Hong Say, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Yusri Yusup, (2023). Performance Evaluation of Deep Learning Algorithms for Young and Mature Oil Palm Tree Detection. In: Yusoff, M., Hai, T., Kassim, M., Mohamed, A., Kita, E. (eds) Soft Computing in Data Science. SCDS 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1771. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 
  5. Sani Salisu, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Taiseer Abdalla Elfadil Eisa, Maged Nasser, Faisal Saeed, Hussain A. Younis, (2023). Motion Capture Technologies for Ergonomics: A Systematic Literature Review, Diagnostics, vol. 13, no. 15, (IF: 3.6). DOI: 
  6. Hussain A. Younis, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Wad Ghaban, Nadhmi A. Gazem, Maged Nasser (2023). A Systematic Literature Review on the Applications of Robots and Natural Language Processing in Education, Electronics, vol. 12, no. 13, (IF: 2.9).                                                                  DOI: 
  7. Hussain A. Younis, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Ameer A. Badr, Alia K. Abdul-Hassan, Ibrahim M. Alfadli, Weam M. Binjumah, Eman A. Altuwaijri, Maged Nasser (2023), Multimodal Age and Gender Estimation for Adaptive Human-Robot Interaction: A Systematic Literature Review, Processes, vol. 11, no. 5, (IF: 3.5). DOI: 


  1. Mohamad Raihan Goni, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Muzaimi Mustapha, Anusha Achuthan, Che Mohd Nasril Che Mohd Nassir, (2022), Brain Vessel Segmentation Using Deep Learning - A Review, IEEE Access,10:, (IF: 3.476). DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3214987 
  2. Tengku Muhammad Hanis, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Wan Nor Arifin, Juhara Haron, Wan Faiziah Wan Abdul Rahman, Rosni Abdullah, Kamarul Imran Musa, (2022), Over the Counter Breast Cancer Classification Using Machine Learning and PatientRegistration Records, Diagnostics, 12:, (IF: 3.992): DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics12112826 
  3. Muzaimi Mustapha, Anusha Achuthan, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Niferiti Aminuddin, Che Mohd Nasril Che Mohd Nassir, Nur Suhaila Idris, (2022), Reduced Cerebral Vascular Fractal Dimension among Asymptomatic Individuals as a Potential Biomarker for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease, Scientific Reports, 12:, (IF: 4.996). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-15710-9 
  4. Nursyazwani Mohamad Noor, Siti Ainor Mohd Yatim, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, (2022), Numerical Simulations of One-Directional Fractional Pharmacokinetics Model, CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, 73:, 4923-4934 (IF: 3.860). DOI: 
  5. Tengku Muhammad Hanis, Wan Nor Arifin Wan Mansor, Juhara Haron, Wan Faiziah Wan Abdul Rahman, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Rosni Abdullah, Kamarul Imran Musa, (2022), Factors Influencing Mammographic Density in Asian Women: A Retrospective Cohort Study in the Northeast Region of Peninsular Malaysia, Diagnostics,12/4:, (IF: 3.706). DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics12040860 
  6. Mohammad Raihan Goni, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, (2022), Salient Feature Extraction using Attention for Brain Tumor segmentation, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO) (pp. 266 - 270) (Scopus). DOI: 10.1109/icoco56118.2022.10031677 


  1. Hafzan Yusoff, Wan Puteri Elena Wan Dali, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Evidence-Based of Interactive Multimedia-Based Nutrition Education Package Efficacy on Obesity Outcomes Through Game and Video Intervention, Advances in Visual Informatics (pp. 151-162) (Scopus). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-90235-3_13
  2. Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Noor Shariah Ismail, Evidence-Based of Improved Electron Tomogram Segmentation and Visualization Through High-Pass Domain Kernel in Bilateral Filter, Advances in Visual Informatics (pp. 163-170) (Scopus). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-90235-3_14 
  3. Hafzan Yusoff, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Mohd Hakim Zakaria, SMARTS D4D Application Module for Dietary Adherence Self-monitoring Among Hemodialysis Patients, Innovative Systems for Intelligent Health Informatics, Data Science, Health Informatics, Intelligent Systems, Smart Computing (pp.52-60). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-70713-2_6 
  4. Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Nur Amalina Mazlan, Innovative Systems for Intelligent Health Informatics, Data Science, Health Informatics, Intelligent Systems, Smart Computing (pp.72-79). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-70713-2_8 
  5. Darshan Arasu, Ahmad Sufril Azlan MOhamed, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Nagaletchimee Annamalai, Syaheerah Lebai Lutfi, Mustafa M. Al Qudah, Human Stress Recognition from Facial Thermal-Based Signature: A Literature Survey, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 129(3):1-20 (ISI-Q2). DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2021.016985


  1. Nurul Hazirah Mohd-Isah, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Normah Abdul-Latip, CubeLink System–An on Board Data Handling (OBDH) for Space Exploration on Miniaturized Satellite, 10th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE), 21-22 August 2020, Penang, Malaysia, IEEE, 33-36. DOI: 10.1109/ICCSCE50387.2020.9204941 (Scopus)
  2. Teh Yi Xiang, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Sharifah Mashitah Syed-Mohamad, Mytoxapp: A Mobile System Of Toxicology Emergencies Through Image Processing, 8th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2019, 21-22 August 2019, European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS), March 2020, 694-700. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.03.03.81 (ISI)
  3. Loke Hui Kei, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, A Conceptual Perspective In Mathematics Through Augmented Reality And 3D Image Modelling Application, 8th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2019, 21-22 August 2019, European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS), March 2020, 613-620. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.03.03.71 (ISI)
  4. Zahidah Md. Shah, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Dengue Influx Management and Analysis Tools (Dimat) For Prediction Modelling And Simulation, 8th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2019, 21-22 August 2019, European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS), March 2020, 657-663. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.03.03.76 (ISI)


  1. Nur Amalina Mazlan, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Augmented Reality and Image Modeling as Learning Tool for Skin Allergies Detection and Recognition, International Conference on Education and Social Development (ICESD 2019), 25-27 November 2019, Thistle Hotel Johor Bahru.
  2. Fazira Ahmad-Ridzuan, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Convert and Calculate International Currency (2CIC) Learning Tool through Augmented Reality and Image Modeling, International Conference on Education and Social Development (ICESD 2019), 25-27 November 2019, Thistle Hotel Johor Bahru.
  3. Karthikeyan Shanmugasundaram, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Hybrid improved bacterial swarm optimization algorithm for hand-based multimodal biometric authentication system, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 18 (2), 123-141. (Scopus)
  4. Syazwan Syafiqah Sukri, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, iFR: A New Framework for Real-Time Face Recognition with Deep Learning, International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIC2019), 19-21 November 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS), volume 11870, Springer, Cham, 22 October 2019, 279-290. DOI: (Scopus)
  5. Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Sasitharan Mahalingam, Sharifah Mashita Syed-Mohamad, Intelligent Mobile Dictionary and Thesaurus, 10th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications (ROVISP 2018), 14-15 August 2018, Springer, Verlag, 2 April 2019, 513-519. DOI: (Scopus)


  1. Karthikeyan Shanmugasundaram, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, An Overview of hand-based Multimodal Biometric system using Multi-Classifier Score Fusion with Score Normalization, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC2017), 28-29 July 2017, IEEE Xplore, 5 March 2018, 53-57.
    DOI: 10.1109/CSPC.2017.8305806 (ISI)
  2. Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Effha Binti Soter, Anand Singh, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Gesture based help identification for hospital & elderlycare using dynamic time warping: A systematic study, Proceedings of the International Conference on Video and Image Processing (ICVIP2017), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, December 2017, 94-98
    DOI: (Scopus)
  3. Syazwan Syafiqah Sukri, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Face recognition with real time eye lid movement detection, International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIC2017), 28-30 November 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 10645. Springer, Cham, 29 October 2017, 352-363
    DOI: (Scopus)
  4. Ahmed Danial Arif Yaakob, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Measuring the Variabilities in the Body Postures of the Children for Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIC2017), 28-30 November 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 10645. Springer, Cham, 29 October 2017, 510-520. DOI: (Scopus)
  5. Karthikeyan Shanmugasundaram, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Nur Intan Raihana  Ruhaiyem, Hybrid Improved Bacterial Swarm (HIBS) Optimization Algorithm, International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIC 2017). 28-30 November 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 10645. Springer, Cham, 29 October 2017, 71-78. DOI: (Scopus)


  1. Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed, Bahari Belaton, Optimized Segmentation of Cellular Tomography through Organelles’ Morphology and Image Features, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 1 June 2016, 8 (3), 79-83. (Scopus)
  2. Puvana Losanie Ravi, Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem, Intelligent Gameplay for Improved Retro Games, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 1 September 2016, 8 (6), 23-26. (Scopus)


(Graduated) PhD Student as Co-Supervisor:

  1. Karthikeyan Shanmugasundaram (2019)

(Current) PhD Student as Main Supervisor:

  1. Emad Abd Al Rahman - UAE (2019)
  2. Yang Jing - China (2021)
  3. Fatima - UAE (2022)
  4. Ameen - Iraq (2022)
  5. Salisu Sani - Nigeria (2020)
  6. Hussein - Iraq (2020)
  7. Liu Peng - China (2023)
  8. Ali Hassan - Iraq (2023)

(Graduated) Masters Student as Main Supervisor:

  1. Noor Shariah Ismail (2017)
  2. Ng Han Lim (2018)
  3. Farah Wahidah Kamarudin (2019)
  4. Nur Atifah Hammade (2019)
  5. Farah Abdul Mutalib (2021)
  6. Syazwan Syafiqah Sukri (2021)
  7. Nik Nur Adlin Nik Qausbee - Malaysia (2021-2024)
  8. Mohamad Raihan Goni - Bangladesh (2021-2024)

(Current) Masters Student as Main Supervisor:

  1. Lin Jiacong - China (2023)

(Graduated) Masters Student as Co-Supervisor:

  1. Darshan Babu L. Arasu (2019 - 2022)
  2. Kinan (2019 - 2022)


  1. CPT111 Principles of Programming
  2. CPT112 Discrete Structures
  3. CPT115 Mathematical Methods for Computer Sciences
  4. CPT211 Programming Language Concepts & Paradigms
  5. CAT400 Undergraduate Major Project
  6. CAT401 Undergraduate Research Project
  7. CCS590 Dissertation
  8. CDS505 Data Visualisation & Visual Analytics
  9. CDS521 Multimodal Information Retrieval
  10. CDS590 Consultancy Project & Practicum

Recognition & Leadership

  • Certified Professional Trainer, Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia (2019)
  • Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2022, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2022)


  1. Data Science Certificate Program for Jabil (2018) - (HRDF claimable)
  2. Data Science Certificate Program for Keysight (2019) (HRDF claimable)
  3. Data Science Certificate Program for Keysight (2021-22) (HRDF claimable)
  4. Professional Certification in Data Science (KTechno - PENJANA) (2021) - 3 cohort 
  5. Professional Certification in Data Science (KTechno - PENJANA) (2022) - 6 cohort
  6. Professional Certification in Data Science (KTechno - PENJANA) (2023) - 2 cohort
  7. Professional Certification in Data Science (KTechno - PENJANA) (2024) - 2 cohort
  8. Professional Certificate for Data Science (2022) - 1 cohort (HRDF claimable)
  9. Professional Certificate for Data Science (2023) - 3 cohort (HRDF claimable)
  10. Professional Certificate for Data Science (2024) - 2 cohort (HRDF claimable)
  11. Quantitative Research Methods (USM Library) (2023)
  • Hits: 10524

School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +604-653 3647 / 2158 / 2155  |  Fax: +604-653 3684  | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  icon admin

  • Last Modified: Thursday 27 March 2025.