Nor Athiyah Abdullah, Dr.


  • Senior Lecturer

    Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tel : +604 653 4644
    Fax : +604 653 3335
    Room : 608

    School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang

    Research Cluster

    Service Computing

  • Research Interest

    Psychological influences of HCI, Human behavior in social media, Survey research, Usability studies


    • Social informatics
    • Requirement engineering
    • Usability studies
    • Social media


BIT (Hons.) Software Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Malaysia
MSc Computer Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia

PhD in Software and Information Science, Iwate Pref. University (IPU), Japan  

Professional Certificates

Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE)
Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL)

Certificate in Coaching Skills & Certificate Business Coaching (CEDAR)


Exploring User’s Perspective on Decision-Making of Information Spreading during Disasters in Malaysia

Enhancement Strategies for Zero Waste Campus: Shaping Pro-environment Behaviours


For updated publications, visit these links : Google scholar | Research gate 


Ramlan, N.L.M., Abdullah, N.A., Karkonasasi, K., Mousavi, S.A. A study on the impact of crowd-sourced rating on tweets for the credibility of information spreading (2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1073, pp. 66-78. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-33582-3_7


Abdullah, N.A., Nishioka, D., Murayama, Y. Questionnaire testing: Identifying Twitter user’s information sharing behavior during disasters (2016) Journal of Information Processing, 24 (1), pp. 20-28. DOI: 10.2197/ipsjjip.24.20


Murayama, Y., Nishioka, D., Abdullah, N.A.B. Information processing for disaster communications (2015) Managing Big Data Integration in the Public Sector, , pp. 207-230. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9649-5.ch012

Abdullah, N.A., Nishioka, D., Tanaka, Y., Murayama, Y. User’s action and decision making of retweet messages towards reducing misinformation spread during disaster (2015) Journal of Information Processing, 23 (1), pp. 31-40. DOI: 10.2197/ipsjjip.23.31


Abdullah, N.A., Nishioka, D., Tanaka, Y., Murayama, Y. A preliminary study on user’s decision making towards Retweet messages (2014) IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 428, pp. 359-365. DOI:





Database Organisation & Design, Applied Informatics, Software Quality Assurance & Testing, Software Architecture & Design, Software Requirement & Engineering, Informatics Project Management, Programming Methodology & Data Structures

  • Hits: 7093

School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +604-653 3647 / 2158 / 2155  |  Fax: +604-653 3684  | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  icon admin

  • Last Modified: Friday 07 February 2025.