Nasuha Lee Abdullah, Dr.

  • Nasuha 

  • Senior Lecturer

    Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tel : +604 653 4754
    Fax : +604 653 3335
    Room : 633

    School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang

    Research Cluster

    Service Computing

  • Research Interest

    • Information Systems/IT


    • Information Systems/IT
    • Technopreneurship
    • Engineering Business Management
    • Quality Management


Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics/Computer | Universiti Pertanian Malaysia | 1991

Master of Science IT Technopreneurship | Universiti Sains Malaysia | 2008

Doctor of Engineering in Engineering Business Management | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | 2015

Working Experience

1991  Quality Engineer ---> Quality Manager | Sony Electrinics (M) Sdn Bhd

2007  Quality Department Manager | Flextronics Technology Sdn Bhd

2009  Lecturer ---> Senior Leturer | School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia


Projects (Short Term Grant) - Completed (2016 - 2018)

Managing Operational Complexity in Electrical and Electronics Industry in Malaysia


PhD (On going) as Main Supervisor

1. WAHDAIN ESMAT ABDULMAJEED SAEED I The Determinants of Successful Big Data Integration Among The Public Sector Organizations of Malaysia | 2021
2. SULAIMAN M H H ALKANDARI | Factors Affecting Intention To Adopt Cloud Computing Among Smes In Kuwait: The Moderating Role Of Social Influence | 2020
3. ALOMARI ALI SAEED A |  Behavioral Intention To Use Cryptocurrency Among Public University Students In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia | 2020
4. MARZUK ABDULLAHI Determinants For The Adoption And Use Of Nigerian Digital Currency: The E Naira, Among Undergraduates In Abuja, Nigeria | 2022
5. RASHA TALIB AHMED AL NAQEEB The Impact of the Use Information Systems On the Company's Performance in A Public Sector | 2020
6. WANG JINLING | Information Technology Management in The Library of China University with Widespread Using of Innovation Technology | 2020
7. ALSHAMMARI SAUD ASHIQ H | Effective Implementation of Health Information System at Heal, KSA | 2022.
8. ZHANG XIAOCHEN | Effective Application of Internet of Things (IOT) In The Smart Supply Chain System | 2022

PhD / Master (On going) as Co Supervisor

1. USMAN HAMZA | A Stakeholders-Inclusive Model For Devops In ECommerce | 2020 | PhD Main supervisor: Dr Sharifah Mashita
2. WADA MOHAMMED JINJIRI | Optimizing Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for Predicting the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease| 2020 |Master: Main Supervisor: Dr Pantea K.
3. CHERYLL ANNE AUGUSTINE 2021 Habit-Change Support Web-Based System for Hospitals | 2021 | Master: Main Supervisor: Dr Pantea K.
4 AL MAMUN MD HABIB | Predicting Behavioral Intention to use Health Behavior Change Support System (HBCSS) among Overweight and Obese Students at USM | 2022| PhD: Main
Supervisor: Dr Pantea K


CDS 506 Research, Consultancy and Professional Skills

CDS 590 Consultancy Project and Practicum

CIT546 Applied Informatics

Recognition & Leadership


  1. 1st runner-up with Cash award RM 5000; Anugerah Khas YB Menteri Pengajian Tinggi: Reka Bentuk Kurikulum dan Penyampaian Inovatif (AKRI) 2022 28 Aug 2022; Alternative Assessment Category; Title: Alternative Assessment for Consultancy Project and Practicum (team members Bahari Belaton, Chew XinYing, Farahiyah Abu Bakar, Wong Li Pei)
  2. Gold medal, International Putra Innocreative Carnival in Teaching and Learning, Poster Competition, 21-28 Oct 2021, Online, UPM. Smart Scheduling for Alternative Assessment; (team members, Wong Li Pei, Farahiyah Abu Bakar)
  3. Gold medal, International Putra Innocreative Carnival in Teaching and Learning, Poster Competition, 22-28 Oct 2020, Online, UPM. Alternative Assessment Made Easy for Consultancy Project and Practicum; (team members Bahari Belaton, Chew XinYing, Farahiyah Abu Bakar)
  4. Bronze award, LeanHawker: Solution to Food Waste for Hawker, Novel Research and Innovation Competition 2019, April 2019, USM
  5. Silver medal, K-Novasi Pengajaran & Pembelajaran, Educator 4.0, Jan 2019, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Holistic Assessment: Consultancy Project and Practicum for Data Science and Analytics
  6. Pengiktirafan Universiti 2016 (USM Promotion Recognition 2016)
  7. Sijil Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang USM 2015 (USM Excellent Service Award 2015)
  8. Best paper award, Fourth Asian Conference on Information Systems 2015, Malaysia, 2015 (International)
  9. Best student award, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, 2015 (University)
  10. Certificate of Excellence for PhD thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, 2014 (University)

  11. 10. Best Presenter for session 14 in International University Social Responsibility Conference & Exhibition (IUSRCE 2010), IUSRCE 2010, Malaysia, 2010 (International)



Thangeswariy a/p Ramanei, Nasuha Lee Abdullah and Pang Tong Khim, (2021) "Predicting Accounts Receivable with Machine Learning: A Case in Malaysia," 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2021, pp. 156-161, doi: 10.1109/ICIT52682.2021.9491773.
W. M. Jinjri, P. Keikhosrokiani and Nasuha Lee Abdullah (2021) "Machine Learning Algorithms for The Classification of Cardiovascular Disease- A Comparative Study," 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2021, pp. 132-138, doi: 10.1109/ICIT52682.2021.9491677.
Zahidah Zakaria Merican, Umi Kalsom Yusof and Nasuha Lee Abdullah (2021) “Review on Embryo Selection Based on Morphology Using Machine Learning Methods” Int. J. Advance Soft Compu. Appl,
Vol. 13, No. 2, July 2021 pp 44-54 Print ISSN: 2710-1274, Online ISSN: 2074-8523
Wan Nur Syamilah Wan Ali, Nasuha Lee Abdullah (2021). Climate Change: Climate Literacy and Response among USM Students. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education
(TURCOMAT), 12(3), 2205-2210. [Other journal]


Ahmad, F. N. A., Zaaba, Z. F., Aminuddin, M. A. I. M., & Abdullah, N. L. (2020) Empirical Investigations on Usability of Security Warning Dialogs: End Users Experience. In International Conference on Advances in Cyber Security (pp. 335-349). Springer, Singapore.


Quah, J.W., Ang, C.H., Divakar, R., Idrus, R., Abdullah, N.L., Chew, X. Timing-of-delivery prediction model to visualize delivery trends for pos laju malaysia by machine learning techniques (2019) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 937, pp. 85-95. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3441-2_7

Nasuha Lee Abdullah 2019 Edge of Chaos (complexity) Enhances Performance, Simply Speaking Blog by USM [other publication]
Nasuha Lee Abdullah 2019 When Kanban Meet Scrum, Simply Speaking Blog by USM [other publication]


Shalini Mariyappan, Nasuha Lee Abdullah, Rosnah Idrus, 2018. Enhancing Scrum Framework: A Case at a Multinational Company in Malaysia. Proceeding of ICiCSE 2018 International Conference on Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering. Hilton Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia, 30-31 July 2018 cum International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol 7 (4.31) pp190-203 [Other journal]
Wong Phaik Ean, Nasuha Lee Abdullah, Rosnah Idrus , Pantea Keikhosrokiani, 2018. Real Time Productivity Monitoring System for Small and Medium Size Manufacturing Industry. Proceeding of ICiCSE 2018 International Conference on Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering. Hilton Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia, 30-31 July 2018 cum International Journal of Engineering & Technology. Vol 7 (4.31) pp 128-134 [Other journal].
Sharifah Nafisah Syed Muhammad, Rosnah Idrus, Nasuha Lee Abdullah, Pantea Keikhosrokiani, 2018. A Framework For Integrating Gamification Mechanics And Dynamics To Authentic Learning Environment (ALE) In Non-Game Context. Proceeding of ICiCSE 2018 International Conference on Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering. Hilton Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia, 30-31 July 2018 cum International Journal of Engineering & Technology Vol 7(4.31) [Other journal].
Ching FeiYau, Nasuha Lee Abdullah, Rosnah Idrus , 2018. Managing Complexity: Online Supervisor Matching Service (O-SMS) for Research Postgraduate Students in Malaysia. Advanced Sceince
Letters, Vol. 24 No.2 pp. 1100-1103 [Others journal]


Minhat, M., Abdullah, N.L., Idrus, R., Keikhosrokiani, P. TacTalk: Talking tactile map for the visually impaired (2017) ICIT 2017 - 8th International Conference on Information Technology, Proceedings, , pp. 475-481. DOI: 10.1109/ICITECH.2017.8080045

Wei, O.C., Idrus, R., Abdullah, N.L. Extended ERP for inventory management: The case of a multi-national manufacturing company (2017) International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems, ICRIIS, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1109/ICRIIS.2017.8002489

Yun, M.W., Abdullah, N.L., Idrus, R., Keikhosrokiani, P. Lifestyle disease prevention: Health literacy, health attitude and mHealth (2017) International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems, ICRIIS, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1109/ICRIIS.2017.8002462


Hamid, A., Abdullah, N.L., Idrus, R. Framework for successful Open Source Software implementation in the Malaysian Public Sector (2016) 4th IGNITE Conference and 2016 International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Application, ICAICTA 2016, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1109/ICAICTA.2016.7803143


Abdullah, N.L., Jamaludin, K.R., Talib, H.H.A. Operational complexity impact on performance of electrical and electroncis industry in Malaysia (2015) ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10 (15), pp. 6593-6601. DOI:


Abdullah, N.L., Jamaludin, K.R., Talib, H.H.A. Pretesting impact of operational complexity in Malaysia's electrical and electronics manufacturing industry (2014) Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 67 (3), pp. 43-50. DOI:


Abdullah, N.L., Jamaludin, K.R., Talib, H.H.A. Quality management effectiveness in Malaysia: A conceptual model for electronics manufacturing services industry (2012) ISBEIA 2012 - IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications, , pp. 258-262. DOI: 10.1109/ISBEIA.2012.6422882

Abdullah, N.L., Jamaludin, K.R., Talib, H.H.A. Challenges of quality management: A case study at malaysian electronics manufacturing services company (2012) Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 59 (SUPPL.2), pp. 29-32. DOI:


See, K.P., Shiang-Yen, T., Abdullah, N.L., Idrus, R. Exploring user's perception toward automated checkout trolley in developing countries (2011) Proceedings of the European Computing Conference, ECC '11, , pp. 28-34. DOI:

Quanlow, R., Abdullah, N.L., Lai, V.C.S. Role of information technology in efficient management of quality assurance operation: A case study in a Malaysian small and medium enterprise (2011) 2011 7th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia: Emerging Convergences and Singularity of Forms - Proceedings of CITA'11, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1109/CITA.2011.5999507


Ng, A.A.B., Abdullah, N.L. Security challenges in designing an integrated web application for multiple online banking (2010) Proceedings 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology - Visual Informatics, ITSim'10, 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561291



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School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
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  • Last Modified: Tuesday 25 March 2025.