Mohd Azam Osman, Associate Professor

  • Azam 

  • Associate Professor

    Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tel : +604 653 2127
    Fax : +604 653 3335
    Room : 712

    School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang

    Research Cluster

    Enabling Technologies And Infrastructures

  • Research Interest

    Mobile application based on location-based services, Image Processing and AI, Information management and retrieval.


    Distributed Shared Memory Systems, Image Processing and AI


BCompSc (Hons.) USM



Formerly Mohd Azam Osman was involved in parallel algorithm especially for parallelizing the Edge Detection Algorithm to classify paddy and weeds leaf. He is also interested in mobile application for image recogntion. He is now working on object recognition and multi-object tracking based on image/video. 


Mobile Apps for fish diseases recognition

Next generation of Harmony Home Living - using facial expression to control home environment

Methods For Identifying Fish Behaviour Based on Fish Swimming Patterns Using  Intelligent Tracking Algorithms

Globalization (International + Localization) of M-Community GreenEve2Peace for Farming and Fishing Community in collaboration with Mada C-IV Simpang Empat Kangkong, Alor Setar Kedah and Suratthani Rajabath University, Thailand.

Wellness Community: M-Good Health for Tuberculosis (TB) Patients in collaboration with Respiratory Clinic, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar, Kedah.

 [Fill your grants or projects]



Wafa’ Za’al Alma’aitah, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2021, Towards adaptive structured Dirichlet smoothing model for digital resource objects, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol 80 (8), pp. 12175 – 12194

Ch'Ng Yan Huan, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Jong Hui Ying, 2021, An innovation-driven approach to specific language impairment diagnosis, Malaysia Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol 28 (2), pp. 161-170

Wafa’ Za’al Alma’aitah, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2021, The Digital Resources Objects Retrieval: Concepts and Figures, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Vol 72, pp. 430 - 438

Thung Phien Phin, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Yulita Hanum P.Iskandar, 2021, Measuring Happiness among Employees in the Manufacturing Industry using Facial Expression Recognition, Solid State Technology, 64(2), pp. 5572 – 5587


Ch'Ng Yan Huan, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Jong Hui Ying, 2020, Psychology Software Tool (PST) For Specific Language Impairment Person, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), Vol 12 (3), pp. 169-1974

Arshaad Mohiadeen, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Jong Hui Ying, 2020, Evaluating student’s Reaction To Lecturers Using Facial Expression, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), Vol 12 (3), pp. 1952-1956

Mohamad Amar Irsyad Mohd Aminuddin, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, 2020, Location Tracking and Location Prediction Techniques for Smart Traveler Apps, in (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing), Springer,Vol 1037,  pp. 83-96

Wafa’ Za’al Alma’aitah, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2020, Opportunities and challenges in enhancing accessto metadata of cultural heritage collections: a survey, Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol 53, pp. 3621-3646 (Impact Factor : 5.7)

Nawaf Farhan Funkur Alshdaifat, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2020, Improved Deep Learning Framework for Fish Segmentation in Underwater Videos, Ecological Informatics, Vol 59, pp. (Impact Factor : 2.511)


Wafa' Za'Al Almaa'Itah, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2019, Structured dirichlet smoothing model for digital resource objects, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9, pg. 3427-3430

Wafa' Za'Al Almaa'Itah, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2019, Document expansion method for digital resource objects, 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, JEEIT 2019 – Proceedings, pp. 256–260

Fenddy Kong Mohd Aliff Kong, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, 2019, Multi- layer Mangrove Species Identification, Arai K., Bhatia R., Kapoor S. (eds) . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 880, pg. 849-855

Wafa' Za'Al Almaa'Itah, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2019, Language Model for Digital Resource Objects retrieval, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, pg. 2871-2881

Wafa' Za'Al Almaa'Itah, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2019, Information retrieval framework for digital resource objects, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8, pg. 17-22


Simon Chan, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), in (Real-time Geo-location Based Augmented Reality for Mobile Tourism Application)

Siti Fatimah Bokhare, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2018, Ease of Use and Usefulness Evaluation of Medical Family Tree Data Visualization, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, pp. 473-478

Mohd Syafiq Alam Shah, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Siti Azizah Binti Mohd Nor, 2018, An Experience in Establishing the Mangrove Reference Data Center (MRDC) and its Augmented Reality Based Application, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Vol. 7, pp. 85-88


Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Tarmiji Masron, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, 2017, Kerangka Pengurusan Data Sistem Repositori Kearifan Tempatan, in (Aplikasi Teknologi dalam Kearifan Tempatan), Penerbit USM (Universiti Sains Malaysia)

Lee Heng Wei, Zarul Fitri Bin Zaaba, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Tarmiji Masron, 2017, Understanding the role of sociodemographic factors and vacation motives in vacationer's decision making process: A case of Langkawi Island, Tourismos, Vol 11, pp. 77-91

Chai Wai Chen, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Zarul Fitri Bin Zaaba, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, 2017, Managing secure personal mobile health information, Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp. 347-356


Al-khaffaf, Hasan S. M, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2016, A Framework for Objective Performance Evaluation for  Digital  Font Reconstruction, SAI Computing Conference 2016, pp. 369-372

Chuah How Siang, Soh Sin Siang, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2016, Wecare: Assistive solution for severe speech and motion impairment people, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol 11(2)  pp. 5408-5413

Wong Poh Lee, Zarul Fitri Zaaba, Mohd Azam Osman, Tarmiji Masron, 2016, Understanding the role of sociodemographic factors and vacation motives in vacationer's decision-making process: A case of Langkawi Island, Tourismos, Vol 11(2), pp. 77-91


Wong Poh Lee, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Khairun Yahya, Burie, Jean Christophe, Jean Marc Ogier, 2015, Recognition of fish based on generalized color Fourier descriptor, Proceedings of the 2015 Science and Information Conference, SAI 2015, pp. 680-686

Sirot Pitman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2015, Virtual Shadow Puppet Play with Intelligent Instructional Tool and Interactive Real-Time Animation, International Journal of Arts and Technology, Vol 8(3) pp. 231-248

Lee Chi Ngan, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Zarul Fitri Bin Zaaba, 2015, The Sentinel: A Proposed Potential Intruder Alert System Based on Human Behaviours, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computing & Informatics 2015, pp. 46-51

Lim Teck Boon, Mohd Heikal Bin Husin, Zarul Fitri Bin Zaaba, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2015, Implementation of An Automated Smart Home Control for Detecting Human Emotions Via Facial Detection, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Computing & Informatics (ICOCI 2015)

Wong Poh Lee, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Khairun Binti Yahya, Burie, Jean Christophe, Jean Marc Ogier, 2015, Enhanced object tracking in real-time environment using dual camera, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 303-314


Lee Heng Wei, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Maziani Binti Sabudin, Rosnah Binti Idrus, Thongchai Kruahong, Nattayanee Leanjay, 2014, Exploring the Key Determinants of Successful ICT Innovation Adoption: A Case Study of a Fishing Community in Thailand, Vol 279, pp. 643-648

Syed Saqib Bukhari, Al-khaffaf, Hasan S.m., Shafait, Faisal, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Breuel, Thomas M, 2014, Final report of GREC’13 arc and line segmentation contest, in (Final report of GREC’13 arc and line segmentation contest), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 234-239

Wong Poh Lee, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Jean-marc Ogier, Khairun Binti Yahya, 2014, Tracking Multiple Fish in a Single Tank Using an Improved Particle Filter, Lecture Notes in Engineering, Vol 279, pp. 799-804

Lim Teck Boon, Mohd Heikal Bin Husin, Zarul Fitri Bin Zaaba, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2014, Eye 2H: A proposed automated smart home control system for detecting human emotions through facial detection, 5th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M), 17 November 2014 - 18 November 2014

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Maziani Binti Sabudin, Azlan Bin Osman, 2014, Wellness Community: M-Good Health for TB Patient, Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe) 2014


Vasuky Mohanan, Rahmat Budiarto, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2013, Holistic Network Selection Using Dynamic Weights to Achieve Personalize ABC, The 19th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communication (APCC2013), Bali, Indonesia, pp. 196-201

Wong Poh Lee, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Tarmiji Masron, 2013, The Design of a One-Stop Tourism Portal in Langkawi Island using Location Searching Method (ISI), Book Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems Research., 26, pp. 245-248

Wong Poh Lee, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Khairun Yahya, 2013, Tracking multiple fishes using colour changes identification and enhanced object tracking algorithm. (Scopus), Applied Mechanics and Materials, pp. 1528-1532

Tan Shiang Yen, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Ng Poh Sheng, Tan Chee Yong, Steven Chan, 2013, Infrastructure damage reporting system with location awareness (Scopus), Applied Mechanics and Materials. (16609336), pp. 284-287:5., 284-287

Al-khaffaf, Hasan S.m., Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, 2013, Final report of GREC'11 arc segmentation contest: Performance evaluation on multi-resolution scanned documents, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7423, pp. 187-197

Edwind Chee Hou Tay, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, 2013, The Design of Assisted Smart Driving Tool (ASD-Tool) Based on Vehicle and Road Conditions, International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT) 8th  Conference,, : , 315-318

Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2013, Exploring The Use of Digital Games for Teaching and Learning, Advances in Intelligent Systems Research Journal (AISR Journal ), pp. 7-12

F. Ahmad, A.S. Yahaya, M.A. Osman, W.P. Lee, A.B.Ismail, 2013, Development of WILMS: Well Inform Landslide Monitoring System for USM Healthy Campus, , LandSlide Science and Practice:Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring,  Vol 2,  pp. 549-557

Lee Heng Wei, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Nurul Hashimah Binti Ahamed Hassain Malim, Manmeet Kaur A/p Mahinderjit Singh, 2013, User Requirement Analysis and Function Engineering: Insight from a Designed of a Mobile-Health System for Tuberculosis Patients in Malaysia, International Journal of Information Processing and Management (IJIPM), pg. 1-12

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Wong Poh Lee, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Sirot Pitman, 2013, Challenges in Globalizing M-Community Application: A Case of Extending it to a Fishing Community in Thailand, AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science

Tan Siang Yen, Mohd Azam Osman, Ng Poh Sing, Yong T.C, Chan S., Infrastructure damage reporting system with location awareness, Applied Mechanic and Materials, Vol 284-287, pp. 2391 - 2395.


Tan Shiang-yen, Lee Heng Wei, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Nurul Hashimah Binti Ahamed Hassain Malim, 2012, Exploring the potential of applying information and communication technology among the farming community in Malaysia, 8th International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management (ICCM 2012), Seoul, 24 April 2012 - 26 April 2012, pp. 842-845

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2012, Task Technology Fit in Understanding Adoption of A New Communication Technology: A Study of Paddy Farmers in Malaysia (Scopus/ISI-In press), Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Lee Heng Wei, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Wong Poh Lee, 2012, Enhancing Agriculture Based Livelihoods Through Technology Innovation: Deploying M-Community For Farmers in Malaysia, International Journal for Digital Society (IJDS), Vol 3, pp. 681-688

Lee Heng Wei, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Wong Poh Lee, 2012, Enhancing Agriculture Based Livelihoods Through Technology Innovation: Deploying M-Community For Farmers in Malaysia, International Journal for Digital Society (IJDS), 3, pp.  681-688

Tan Shiang-yen, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Genevie Loo Shim Sheng Hooi, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, 2012, Multi-Way Reminder System: A Solution Towards Ubiquitous and Effective Communication., Proceedings of the 14th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Computational Techniques and Intelligent Systems (MAMECTIS '12)

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Lee Heng Wei, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Tan Shiang Yen, 2012, An Experience in Deploying GreenEve2Peace: M-Community for Farming Community in Malaysia, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2012), London, 25 June 2012 - 28 June 2012, pp. 188-192

Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Tan Kian Lam, Sirot Pitman, 2012, Traditional Shadow Puppet Play - The Virtual Way, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Vol 78, pp. 246-248

Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Tan Kian Lam, Sirot Pitman, 2012, Design and Development of an Interactive Virtual Shadow Puppet Play, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Vol 101, pp. 118-126

Wong Poh Lee, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Khairun Yahya, 2012, Modelling of Fish Swimming Patterns Using an Enhanced Object Tracking Algorithm, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol 133, pp. 585-592

Tan Shiang Yen, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Wong Poh Lee, Lee Heng Wei, 2012, Application of information and communication technology in paddy farming: Toward information-based agriculture, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology,Vol 4 (20), pp. 363-370

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Tan Shiang-yen, Abdullah Sani Alwi, 2012, A Study of the Trend of Smartphone and its Usage Behavior in Malaysia, International Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (IJNCAA), 275-286

Tan Shiang-yen, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, 2012, Mobile Content in Malaysia: Demand and Supply Investigations., Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS), Vol. 4(4), pp. 182-194


Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Maziani Binti Sabudin, 2011, GreenEve2Peace: An Advising and Scheduling Management Platform for Farming Community., Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS '11), Cambridge, UK, ISBN:978-960-474-277-6, pp. 90-95, 20-22 February 2011, pp. 90-95

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Maziani Binti Sabudin, 2011, Consumer Behaviors Toward Usage of Smartphone in Malaysia., Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2011), Kathmandu, Nepal, 1-2 July 2011, pp. 158-164

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Maziani Binti Sabudin, Azlan Bin Osman, 2011, Consumer Behaviors toward Usage of Smartphone in Malaysia, International Proceedings of Computer Science, and Information Technology (IPCSIT)

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Maziani Binti Sabudin, Wong Poh Lee, 2011, GreenEve2Peace: An advising and scheduling management platform for farming community, Recent Researches in Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems - 10th  WSEAS International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed System, Cambridge, 20 February 2011 - 22 February 2011, pp.  90-95

Tan Shiang-yen, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Sani Alwi, 2011, Exploring the Mobile Content Market in Malaysia, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Mobile - IT Convergence (ICMIC 2011), 2011 International Conference on Mobile IT-Convergence, ICMIC 2011, Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 26 September 2011 - 28 September 2011, pp. 64-67

Azizul Ahmada, Tarmiji Masron, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Badaruddin Bin Mohamed, Azizan Bin Marzuki, 2011, Initial Studies on Web Based Tourism Decision Support System (WBTDSS), Proceedings of 2nd Regional Conference on Tourism Research, pp. 344-359

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Maziani Binti Sabudin, Tan Shiang-yen, 2011, Consumer Behaviors Toward Usage of Smartphone in Malaysia., Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2011)

Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Zainal Abidin Sanusi, Tan Shiang Yen, Abdullah Sani Alwi, 2011, An Exploratory Study on the Trend of Smartphone Usage in a Developing Country, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 194, pp.  387-396


Al-khaffaf, Hasan S.m., Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, Wong Poh Lee, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2010, GREC'09 arc segmentation contest: Performance evaluation on old documents, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 6020 LNCS, pp. 251-259

Lee Heng Wei, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Nasriah Zakaria, Tan Bo, 2010, Adoption of e-commerce online shopping in Malaysia, Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2010, Shanghai, 10 November 2010 - 12 November 2010, pp. 140-143

Tan Khian Chuan, Nasriah Zakaria, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, 2010, User requirements for online consultation in Cancer Patient Portal, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, IECBES 2010, Kuala Lumpur, 30 November 2010 - 2 December 2010,  pp. 389-394

Syafalni, Alfin, Rahmat Budiarto, Mohd Azam Bin Osman, Elmarzouqi, Nabil, 2010, Design of the robot intelligent interaction and teleoperation via multilayer-cross control communication framework, International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications, DFmA 2010, DFmA 2010, Yogyakarta, 2 August 2010 - 3 August 2010

Mohd Yazid Jaafar, Mohd Azam Osman, Wan Mohd Nazmee Bin Wan Zainon, Abdullah Zawawi Bin Talib, A framework for grid-based mobile flower recognition, 2010, International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications, DFmA 2010, DFmA 2010, Yogyakarta, 2 August 2010 - 3 August 2010

Lee Yean Hooi, Mohd Azam Osman, Rosnah Idrus, Tan Siang Yen, Acceptance level of push technology-based on-line shopping widget among Malaysians: Application of technology acceptance theory, 2010, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, Vol 7(3), pp. 211-220


Wong Poh Lee, Mohd Azam Osman, Maziani Sabudin, 2009, Design of an intelligent route planning system using an enhanced A*-search algorithm,Proceedings - 2009 3rd  Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, AMS 2009, 2009, Bandung, Bali, 25 May 2009 - 26 May 2009, pp. 40-44


Imran Sawar, Mohd Azam Osman, 2008, Efficient queue and GSI security management framework for mobile desktop grid, 1st International Conference on Distributed Frameworks and Application, DFmA 2008, Penang, 21 October 2008 - 22 October 2008, pp. 84 – 88

Lee Kek Yong, Wong Poh Lee, Mohd Azam Osman, Chan Huah Yong, 2008, Design of Embedded System for Grid Handtop Computing (ESGHC), International Conference on Electronic Design, ICED 2008, Penang, 1 December 2008 - 3 December 2008


Abdullah Zawawi Talib, Peng P.C, Mohd Bazli Abdul Karim, Mohd Azam Osman, 2006, Is a dynamic grouping structure appropriate for crowd simulation modeling in emergency situations? Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and ModellingVolume 2006, Rhodes, 26 June 2006 - 28 June 2006, pp. 69 – 74


Bahamish, H.A.A., Salam, R.A., Abdullah, R., Osman, M.A., Rashid, N.A. Mining protein data using parallel/distributed association rules (2004) Proceedings - 2004 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, ICTTA 2004, , pp. 461-462. DOI:


[Fill your graduates supervisions]


Undergraduate Course Coordinator

  • Group Innovation Project
  • Undergraduate Major Project
  • Undergraduate Research Project

Undergraduate Course Teaching

  • Principle of Programming
  • Programming Methodology and Data Structures
  • Internet Protocols, Architecture and Routing
  • Operating Systems
  • Data Communication and Networks
  • Programming Languages and Paradigms

Postgraduate Course Coordinator

  • Dissertation (MSc. Embedded System Engr.)

Postgraduate Course Teaching

  • Management of Hajj and Umrah
  • Web Design and Animation

Recognition & Leadership

Research Product

  • Gold Medal, Resource Management Tool, ITEX 2007
  • Gold Medal, Resource Management Tool, British Invention Show (BIS), 2007
  • Silver Medal, Well Inform Lanslides Monitoring System (WILMS), Korean International Woman's Invention Exposition (KIWIE), 2010
  • Silver Medal, Infor-Link for Halal Food Restaurants, Malaysia Technology Exhibition (MTE), 2008
  • Silver Medal, M-Community for Advitising and Connecting People - Flying 2U, ITEX 2009
  • Silver Medal, Publication Tracker and Analysis System (PTAS), ITEX 2010
  • Gold Medal, The Eyes: Car Security System, British Invention Show (BIS), 2013


  • Head of Hajj Surveillance Monitoring using RFID project, Hajj Research Group, in Mecca 1428H, University Umm Al-Qura (UQU), 18 Dec 2007 – 8 Jan 2008
  • Invited researcher, Asia Academic Forum, Taipei, Taiwan, Intel Higher Education. 20 – 22 Oct 2008
  • Invited researcher, Microsoft Research Asia Windows Core Workshop, Beijing China, Microsoft Malaysia, 14 – 16 April 2010
  • Invited researcher, The Marine Eco-Civilization (Wenzhou) Forum, Wenzhou, China, Marine Eco-Civilization, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China, 15 – 19 Oct 2011
  • Invited researcher, Further Collaboration in Education and researches, College of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Can Tho University, Vietnam., 13 – 19 July 2011
  • Panel of judge, PECIPTA 2011, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Invited speaker, Profiling the Next Generation of Mobile Users in Malaysia, Merlien Institute, Singapore, Insights Valley Asia , 23-24 May 2012




Consultancy work for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to develop and maintain the online Database, Division for International Trade and Commodities, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,1998 – 2005.  

Consultant   on   Data   Processing   Drug   abuse   situation   and   training   for   Community-based   treatment   and rehabilitation in Hanoi (AD/VIE/98/B93)-UNOPS Project, 1998


Lead Consultant, Data Migration to the New Developed System and Database of TRSM, Academy of Science Malaysia, 01/09/2019 - 31/12/2019, RM17,490.00 (National)

Lead Consultant & Developer for The Top Research Scientist Malaysia TRSM System and Database Enhancement Project 2018, Academy of Sciene Malaysia, 02/01/2018 - 30/08/2018, RM75,000.00 (National)

Lead consultant, Enhancement of TRSM database for Makna/Awards/Grant for Academy of Science Malaysia, Academy Science Malaysia, 01/07/2013 - 30/12/2013, RM7,800.00 (National)

Principle Consultant, Preparation of Study on Content Consumption Pattern in Malaysia, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn.Bhd (MDEC), 07/07/2012 - 07/10/2012, RM49,000.00 (National)

Head of consultant, Develop Top Research Scientist TRSM Database, Academy of Science Malaysia, 15/10/2011 - 15/10/2012, RM46,500.00 (National)

Software Solution for Trip Generation Study, Highway Planning Unit, Ministry of Works, Malaysia.

Principle Consultant, Study on Content Consumption Patterns in Malaysia, for Creative Multimedia Division, Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ( MDEC)  RM49,000.

Lead Consultant, e-PPSMI Jemaah Nazir Sekolah, Ministery of Education Malaysia ,04/06/2006 - 09/06/2006 (National)

Panel Project, Undergraduate Degree Programme Computer Sciences and Stamford, Stamford College, 01/04/2004 - 04/06/2005, RM11,800.00 (National)

Diploma Programme & Pre-Diploma Computer Scienc,  Kolej Lagenda Sem 1, 2002/2003, Kolej Legenda, 01/07/2002 - 25/11/2002, RM32,750.00 (National)


Service to Community


Discussion, propose for the ICT solution  and  planning  on  Project  Implementation  of  GreenEve2peace  to  help aquaculture  group,  Mu  Wan  village,  Suratthani  Thailand, Faculty  of  Science  Technology,  Suratthani Rajabhat University, Suratthani, Thailand, 25 Nov, 20112.

Head of project, ICT  solution  and  planning  on  Project  Implementation  of  GreenEve2peace  to  help Aquaculture  group,  Mu  Wan  village,  Suratthani  Thailand,  Faculty  of  Science  Technology,  Suratthani Rajabhat University, Suratthani, Thailand

Workshop on Training Session and Project Deployment of M-Community application at Faculty of Science Technology, Suratthani Rajabhat University, Suratthani, Thailand, 16 –17  Mac, 2011 National


Head of  project, Training Program to Introduce M-Community: GreenEve2Peace to head of   Farming Community -Mada C-IV, Simpang Empat Kangkong, Alor Setar, Kedah, at  the School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 24-25 Mei, 20112

Head of project, Provide ICT Application –M-Community GreenEve2Peace for MADA and the Community Mada C-IV Simpang Empat Kangkong, Alor Setar Kedah. . Launching Ceremony to  Introduce  M-Community:  GreenEve2Peace  to  Farming  Community  at Mada C-IV, Simpang Empat Kangkong, Alor Setar, Kedah Simpang Empat Kangkong ,10 Mac 20124.

Community Project for Orang Asli, Tangkai Cermin, Perak, 22-24 Nov 2013.


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  • Last Modified: Thursday 27 March 2025.