Manmeet Kaur Mahinderjit Singh, Associate Professor Dr.

  • manmeet3 

  • Associate Professor

    Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tel : +604 653 5346
    Fax : +604 653 3335
    Room: 514

    School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang


    Research Cluster

    Enabling Technologies And Infrastructures

  • Research Interests

    Internet of Things (IoT) Sensors Network and Applications, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) application and security, Cyber-Criminology

    Research Expertise 

    Information Security, Threat Intelligences Models, Digital Data Security, Digital Privacy Model,  Smart Devices Security ( IoT & Mobile Security), Cybersecurity Prevention & Detection Solutions


Education Qualifications

BSc (Hons) - Universiti Sains Malaysia 
MSc - Distributed Computing, Universiti Sains Malaysia 
PhD - Data Security, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 


Associate Professor Dr. Manmeet MAHINDERJIT SINGH is a Cybersecurity Educator and Researcher at the School of Computer Sciences, University Sains Malaysia (USM). She graduated from The University of Queensland, Australia in 2012 with a PhD Degree in Data Security. She obtained her M.Sc and B.Sc degrees in the field of Computer Science and specialising in Security and Distributed Systems. Before joining the academic field, she has vast experience in the computer/laptop hardware and software services industry. Presently, Dr Manmeet’s expertises are in Information Security, Threat Intelligences, Data Security, Digital Risks, Smart devices Security (IoT and Mobile Security) and Cybersecurity Prevention and Detections Solutions. She has an interest in Cyber-Criminology and  Sensor Networks. She also has an interest in the applicability of Smart devices technologies such as connected devices in Smart Home, Smart city, wearable devices and Brings Your Own Devices (BYOD) models. Her zeal in these areas is well demonstrated in her research projects and grants, lecturing/tutoring courses and consultancy/training. She has taught in areas such as Computer Programming, Computational Thinking for STEM, Information Security (e.g., Emerging technologies security, Big Data Security and Information Security for Managers) and Internet of Things hands-on (e.g., Motorola-WICOM boards, Raspberry Pi and MEMS sensors).  In addition to teaching and research supervision, she has published extensively in the areas of her specialisations and research interests. She has been awarded several innovations and academic awards. Among the awards are being nominated as Top 10 Women In Security Malaysia 2020 and 2022, Gold medalist won at ITEX 2020,  Korea Academic Innovation, Innovation Award for Penang Science, Research Excellences Service ( USM - 2016 & 2019). Manmeet had also chaired CISO 2024 and CISO 2023 Kuala Lumpur, invited speakers and panel moderator for several forum sessions. She was also appointed as a judge for CISO Award by IDG Singapore for 2021, 2022 and 2023. Besides to her strong collaboration research efforts with both International cybersecurity researchers and governmental agency such as Cybersecurity Malaysia, she is also active as Executive Committee member in Australia Information Security Association (AISA) and has been appointed as mentor for Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) community organisations. 

You can get more details of my Publications, Supervisions and Awards & Recognition below. For future collaboration and supervision, please email me via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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Google Scholar ID:

Research Grants & Collaboration Projects

Advanced Persistent Threat Attacks Defender and Remediation model using behavioural based tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) for Smartphone Environment ( Fundamental National Grant 2020-2024 - Ongoing)

Shaping Pro - Environment Behaviours (Long Term National Research Grant - Ongoing)

Bridge @ USM : Creating "Knowledge Market" to Bridge the Demand of Knowledge Seekers with the Supply of Knowledge Providers (Ongoing)

An Analysis of the Impact of Internal Data Sharing on Employee Productivity, Decision Maling and Transforming Data Into Bussiness Value, External Agency,  MCMC (Ongoing)

RFID Counterfeiting Threat Detections and Prevention ( PhD Project: 2008-2012, Status - Completed)

RFID-Enabled Supply Chain Counterfeiting Attack Expert Detector System ( University Grant 2013-2015. Status - Completed)

Sentient based Multi-level Security Authorisation and Privacy-Preserving Technique for Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) ( National grant 2015-2018. Status - Completed)

Ambient Intelligence Smart Home Automation using ECHONET Lite (AmISHA-ELITE) ( University grant 2016-2020 - Report Submitted - Completed)

Sentient-Based Access Control Model (SENSATE) Project [Completed]

Label Based Spear Phish Detection (LESSIE) Project [Completed]

SAHOMASI (Smart Home Using MEMS Sensors & Ambient Intelligence) Lab - Collaboration between CS USM, CEDEC USM and Japan Advanced Institute of Security and Technology (JAIST)  URL:

Dark Web Mining & Cybercrime Studies (Researcher (Sabbatical) at School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Vancouver Canada, 2018-2019) URL :

Darknet Marketplaces Illegal Substances Mining & Traffic Analysis [ etc: Identity theft Threats, NPS Drugs] - Completed

RESEARCH Publications


1. Duaa Mkhiemir Salameh Akhtom; Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, Chew Xinying,  2024, Enhancing Trustworthy Deep Learning for Image Classification against Evasion Attacks: A systematic literature review, in (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW),,1 - 34, (Impact Factor: 12, DOI:)

2. Alhamarneh, Raed Ahmed; Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, 2024, Strengthening Internet of Things Security: Surveying Physical Unclonable Functions for Authentication, Communication Protocols, Challenges, and Applications, in  APPLIED SCIENCES (MDPI), Vol 15, 1-17

3. Pin, Lim Wei;  Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, 2024, User authentication using gait and enhanced attribute-based encryption: a case of smart home, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 13(3) pp: 1839-1846

4. Mustaffa, Mustamin; Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh; Selvaraj, Kalaivani; 2024, RFID Clone Detection in Supply Chain Using Modified Count-Min and BASE Protocol. Vol 14(2)

5. Selvaraj, Kalaivani; Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, 2024, APT Attack Detection Using Packet Flow and Optimized Ensemble Machine Learning with Low Time Complexity, IEEE Conference Proceeding, pp 229-234

6. Duaa Mkhiemir Salameh Akhtom; Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, 2024, Unveiling Hidden Variables in Adversarial Attack Transferability on Pre-Trained Models for COVID-19 Diagnosis, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol 15(11), pp 1343-1350


1. Amjed Ahmed Majied Al Kadhimi, Khalid M.N.A., Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, , 2023, A Systematic Literature Review and a Conceptual Framework Proposition for Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) Detection for Mobile Devices Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques, in (APPLIED SCIENCES (SWITZERLAND)), 13,, (Impact Factor: 2.7, DOI:10.3390/app13148056)

2. Duraid Thamer Salim Al Hamadani, Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, Pantea Keikhosrokiani, , 2023, A systematic literature review for APT detection and Effective Cyber Situational Awareness (ECSA) conceptual model, in (HELIYON), 9,, (Impact Factor: 4, DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17156)
3. Mohd Nor Akmal Bin Khalid, Amjed Ahmed Majied Al Kadhimi, Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, , 2023, Recent Developments in Game-Theory Approaches for the Detection and Defense against Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): A Systematic Review, in (MATHEMATICS), 11,1 - 34, (Impact Factor: 2.4, DOI:10.3390/math11061353)
4. Ali, Auwal Shehu, Zarul Fitri Bin Zaaba, Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, , 2023, The rise of "security and privacy": bibliometric analysis of computer privacy research, in (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY), ,, (Impact Factor: 3.2, DOI:10.1007/s10207-023-00761-4)
5. Ali A.S., Zarul Fitri Bin Zaaba, Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, , 2023, Privacy during epidemic of COVID-19: a bibliometric analysis, in (BULLETIN OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS), 12,587-596, (Impact Factor: , DOI:10.11591/eei.v12i1.4460)

6.Yi S.Y., Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, Gian Chand @ Sodhy A/L Didar Singh, Jabar T., , 2023, Fingerprinting generation for Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) detection using Machine Learning techniques, 2023 13th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA), Kota Samarahan, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 31-36, doi: 10.1109/CITA58204.2023.10262639.


1. Jabar T., Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, , 2022, Exploration of Mobile Device Behavior for Mitigating Advanced Persistent Threats (APT): A Systematic Literature Review and Conceptual Framework, in (SENSORS), 22,, (Impact Factor: 3.85, DOI:10.3390/s22134662)
2. Selvan S., Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, , 2022, Adaptive Contextual Risk-Based Model to Tackle Confidentiality-Based Attacks in Fog-IoT Paradigm, in (COMPUTERS), 11,, (Impact Factor: , DOI:10.3390/computers11020016)
3. Owoh N.P., Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh, , 2022, Security analysis of mobile crowd sensing applications, in (APPLIED COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS), 18,2-21, (Impact Factor: , DOI:10.1016/j.aci.2018.10.002) 

4. Ziyad R. Alashhab, Manmeet Kaur A/P Mahinderjit Singh, Iznan Husainy Bin Hasbullah, Prateek Jain, Taief Alaa Al-amiedy, Mohammed F.R. Anbar, , 2022, Distributed Denial of Service Attacks against Cloud Computing Environment, in (APPLIED SCIENCES (SWITZERLAND)), 12,1-25, (Impact Factor: 2.84, DOI:10.3390/app122312441)


A. Abu Bakar, M. Mahinderjit Singh, A.R Mohd Shariff; A Privacy Preservation Quality of Service (QoS) Model for Data Exposure in Android Smartphone Usage.Sensors 21, no. 5: 1667.

M. Mahinderjit Singh, R. Frank, W.M.N. Wan Zainon, Cyber-Criminology defense in Pervasive environment: A study of Cybercrimes in Malaysia. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol. 10, No. 3, June 2021, pp. 1658~1668 ISSN: 2302-9285,

M.Mahinderjit Singh, K.S Wong, N.S.A. Kamaruddin, M.R. Mohd Arshad, M.H Mohd Noor, N.I.R Ruhaiyem. WasteBOT: Conceptual Design of Smart Bin and Web Service for IoT Waste Management System. Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe) 2021,  2021


N. Pius Owoh.; M. Mahinderjit Singh; SenseCrypt: A Security Framework for Mobile Crowd Sensing Applications. Sensors 202020, 3280.

Lee.P.L, M. Mahinderjit Singh, Resolving the imbalance issue in short messaging service spam dataset using cost-sensitive techniques. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 2020/10/1

Z. Zulkefli, M.Mahinderjit Singh, Sentient-based Access Control model: A mitigation technique for Advanced Persistent Threats in Smartphones,
Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 51,102431, ISSN 2214-2126.

R. Khana, M. Mahinderjit Singh, F. Damanhoori, N. Mustaffa. Breast Self-Examination System Using Multifaceted Trustworthiness: Observational Study. JMIR Med Inform 2020;8(9):e21584.

R.Khanna, M.Mahinderjit Singh,  F. Damanhoori, N. Mustafa. Investigating the Importance of Implementing Ethical Value on a Healthcare System within a Social Media context. 2020.International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change

N. Baharom, M. Mahinderjit Singh, Authentication and Authorization Model for Safeguarding Mission-Critical Applications in Pervasive Environment, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. Vol 9, No1.1., 2020.

Y.S Chow, W.S.Ting, M. Mahinderjit Singh, M.N Ab Wahab, Ambient Sensors Fusion Smart Home, Test Engineering & Management, Volume 82, 2020. pp 12001-12009.


Pius Owoh, M. Mahinderjit Singh, Applying Diffie-Hellman Algorithm to Solve the Key Agreement Problem in Mobile Blockchain-based Sensing Applications, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 10(3), 2019.

Mahinderjit Singh. M, Wern Shen. L, Anbar. M. Conceptualizing Distrust Model with Balance Theory and Multi-Faceted Model for Mitigating False Reviews in Location-Based Services (LBS). Symmetry 2019, 11, 1118.

Singh, M.M., Lim, Y., Manaf, A. Smart home using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensor and ambient intelligence (SAHOMASI) (2019) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 481, pp. 557-567. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-2622-6_54

Chuan, B.L.J., Singh, M.M., Shariff, A.R.M. APTGuard: Advanced persistent threat (APT) detections and predictions using android smartphone (2019) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 481, pp. 545-555. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-2622-6_53

Al Ashhab, Z.R., Anbar, M., Singh, M.M., Alieyan, K., Ghazaleh, W.I.A. Detection of HTTP flooding DDoS attack using Hadoop with MapReduce: a survey (2019) International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8 (1), pp. 71-77. DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2019/12812019


Amran, A., Zaaba, Z.F., Mahinderjit Singh, M.K. Habituation effects in computer security warning (2018) Information Security Journal, 27 (4), pp. 192-204. DOI: 10.1080/19393555.2018.1505008

Pius Owoh, N., Mahinderjit Singh, M., Zaaba, Z.F. Automatic annotation of unlabeled data from smartphone-based motion and location sensors (2018) Sensors (Switzerland), 18 (7), pp. -. DOI: 10.3390/s18072134

Abiodun, O.I., Jantan, A., Singh, M.M., Anbar, M., Zaaba, Z.F., Oludare Abiodun, O.E. Forensic dna profiling for identifying an individual crime (2018) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9 (7), pp. 755-765. DOI:

Amran, A., Zaaba, Z.F., Mahinderjit Singh, M.K. Habituation effects in computer security warning (2018) Information Security Journal, , pp. 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/19393555.2018.1448492

Owoh, N.P., Mahinderjit Singh, M. Security analysis of mobile crowd sensing applications (2018) Applied Computing and Informatics, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1016/j.aci.2018.10.002

Mahinderjit Singh, M., Ching, K.W., Abd Manaf, A. A novel out-of-band biometrics authentication scheme for wearable devices (2018) International Journal of Computers and Applications, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1080/1206212X.2018.1547347

Mohammed, S.M.Z., Shariff, A.R.M., Singh, M.M. An Authentication Technique: Behavioral Data Profiling on Smart Phones (2018) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 488, pp. 88-98. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-8276-4_9

Hassan, R., Mahinderjit-Singh, M., Hassan, H., Yuhaniz, S.S. Online Islamic business enhancer tool (OIBET) for young entrepreneurs (2018) Proceedings of the 31st International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018: Innovation Management and Education Excellence through Vision 2020, , pp. 687-701. DOI:

Mun, S.P., Husin, M.H., Singh, M.M., Malim, N.H.A.H. N-LibSys: Library system using NFC technology (2018) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 425, pp. 22-30. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5281-1_3


Shien, L.K., Singh, M.M. A secure mobile crowdsensing (MCS) location tracker for elderly in smart city (2017) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1891, pp. -. DOI: 10.1063/1.5005418

Wei, K.C., Singh, M.M., Osman, H.M.B. Near Field Communication Interactive Learning System (NILES) for Blended Learning: A Pervasive Social Networking Services (2017) Proceedings - 2017 Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, PICICT 2017, , pp. 71-77. DOI: 10.1109/PICICT.2017.29

Samsudin, N.F., Zaaba, Z.F., Singh, M.M. Further investigation on security warnings implementation: A case in higher institution (2017) Advanced Science Letters, 23 (5), pp. 4141-4145. DOI: 10.1166/asl.2017.8293

Ching, K.W., Singh, M.M., Zaaba, Z.F. Human activity recognition (HAR) for wearable sensors with classification techniques (2017) Advanced Science Letters, 23 (5), pp. 4206-4210. DOI: 10.1166/asl.2017.8300

Radzi, S.F.M., Abidin, S.S.Z., Aziz, A.A., Damandhoori, F.S.H., Singh, M.M. Breast cancer cells predictions with classification algorithms (2017) Advanced Science Letters, 23 (5), pp. 4331-4335. DOI: 10.1166/asl.2017.8316

Yeong, B.C., Malim, N.H.A.H., Singh, M.M. NFC-based waste management tracking and monitoring system (2017) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1145/3018896.3025134

Ching, L.L., Malim, N.H.A.H., Husin, M.H., Singh, M.M. Smart university: Reservation system with contactless technology (2017) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1145/3018896.3018903

Singh, M.M., Teo, Y.C. Enhanced action based trust model: A multi-facet model for social media (2017) Transactions on Engineering Technologies: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2015, , pp. 411-423. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2717-8_29

Ragunatha Nadarajah, V., Singh, M.M. Privacy-by-design(PBD) IoT framework: A case of location privacy mitigation strategies for near field communication (NFC) tag sensor (2017) Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 2 (1), pp. 134-148. DOI: 10.25046/aj020116

Patric, I.A., Singh, M.M. Context-aware security policies: Model for anti-counterfeiting in RFID-enabled Supply Chain Management (SCM) (2017) Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (3), pp. 722-733. DOI:

Kit, J.L.W., Singh, M.M., Malim, N.H.A.H. Ambient intelligence smart home automation (AMISHA) system (2017) Advanced Science Letters, 23 (6), pp. 5073-5077. DOI: 10.1166/asl.2017.7312

Zulkefli, Z., Singh, M.M., Mohd Shariff, A.R., Samsudin, A. Typosquat Cyber Crime Attack Detection via Smartphone (2017) Procedia Computer Science, 124, pp. 664-671. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.12.203

Amran, A., Zaaba, Z.F., Singh, M.M., Marashdih, A.W. Usable Security: Revealing End-Users Comprehensions on Security Warnings (2017) Procedia Computer Science, 124, pp. 624-631. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.12.198

Ismail, K.A., Singh, M.M., Mustaffa, N., Keikhosrokiani, P., Zulkefli, Z. Security Strategies for Hindering Watering Hole Cyber Crime Attack (2017) Procedia Computer Science, 124, pp. 656-663. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.12.202

Singh, M.M., Ng, P.J., Yap, K.M., Husin, M.H., Malim, N.H.A.H. Cyberbullying and a mobile game app? An initial perspective on an alternative solution (2017) Journal of Information Processing Systems, 13 (3), pp. 559-572. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.04.0033


Wen, K.S., Singh, M.M. A Pervasive Social Networking Application: I-NFC enabled Florist Smart Advisor (2016) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 160 (1), pp. -. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/160/1/012091

Hassan, R., Marimuthu, M., Mahinderjit-Singh, M. Application of Six-Sigma for process improvement in manufacturing industries: A case study (2016) International Business Management, 10 (5), pp. 676-691. DOI: 10.3923/ibm.2016.676.691


Wai Soon, S., Wei, L.T., Mahinderjit Singh, M., Husin, M.H. INdoor-OuTdoor Elderly CAring SystEm (NOTECASE) (2015) 2nd International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies, ISTMET 2015 - Proceeding, , pp. 136-141. DOI: 10.1109/ISTMET.2015.7359017

Rostam, N.A., Zulkiffli, N.F., Ghazali, N.H., Ahamed Hassain Malim, N.H., Mahinderjit Singh, M., Husin, M.H. The acceptance study of NFC technology: A survey of models and user acceptance (2015) 2nd International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies, ISTMET 2015 - Proceeding, , pp. 53-57. DOI: 10.1109/ISTMET.2015.7359000

Chin, T.Y., Singh, M.M. Multi-facet trust factors ranking with correlation analysis technique: A case study on Online Social Network (OSN) (2015) Proceedings of the 26th International Business Information Management Association Conference - Innovation Management and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage: From Regional Development to Global Growth, IBIMA 2015, , pp. 1812-1822. DOI:

Zhi, M., Singh, M.M. Rfid-enabled smart attendance management system (2015) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 329, pp. 213-231. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9558-6_26

Almazrooie, M., Samsudin, A., Singh, M.M. Improving the diffusion of the stream cipher salsa20 by employing a chaotic logistic map (2015) Journal of Information Processing Systems, 11 (2), pp. 310-324. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.02.0024

Bann, L.L., Singh, M.M., Samsudin, A. Trusted Security Policies for Tackling Advanced Persistent Threat via Spear Phishing in BYOD Environment (2015) Procedia Computer Science, 72, pp. 129-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.12.113

Mohammed, S.M.Z., Mohd, A.R., Singh, M.M. A Secure Mobile App Solution Using Human Behavioral Context and Analytic Hierarchy Process (2015) Procedia Computer Science, 72, pp. 434-445. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.12.124

Zulkefli, Z., Singh, M.M., Malim, N.H.A.H. Advanced persistent threat mitigation using multi-level security – access control framework (2015) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9158, pp. 90-105. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21410-8_7

Cherng, L.Y., Hassain Malim, N.H.A., Mahinderjit Singh, M. Trend analysis in ageing and ICT research (2015) Jurnal Teknologi, 76 (1), pp. 313-327. DOI:

Azahar, T.F., Mahinderjit-Singh, M., Hassan, R. RFID-enabled supply chain detection using clustering algorithms (2015) ACM IMCOM 2015 - Proceedings, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1145/2701126.2701140

Singh, M.M., Chieng, L.B., Hassan, R., Zaaba, Z.F. Friends personalization of trustworthiness for privacy perseverance in social networking (2015) Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2219, pp. 428-432. DOI:

Hassan, R., Mahinderjit-Singh, M., Jidwin, A.P., Hasan, J. A critical assessment of quality assurance practices in Mobile telecommunication and business performance (2015) Proceedings of the 26th International Business Information Management Association Conference - Innovation Management and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage: From Regional Development to Global Growth, IBIMA 2015, , pp. 1106-1113. DOI:

Chow, S.T., Leow, Y.Q., Ching, F., Damanhoori, F., Singh, M.M. Breast cancer factors detection using classification algorithms (2015) Proceedings of the 26th International Business Information Management Association Conference - Innovation Management and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage: From Regional Development to Global Growth, IBIMA 2015, , pp. 1786-1801. DOI:

Chew, C.B., Wei, K.C., Sheng, T.W., Mahinderjit-Singh, M., Malim, N.H.A.H., Husin, M.H. Security challenges and mitigations of NFC-Enabled attendance system (2015) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9141, pp. 160-167. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20472-7_18

Othman, A.S., Kadir, H.A., Ishak, N.H.H., Ahamed, M.H.H.N.H., Malim, H., Singh, M.M. Mobile organizer apps: A general understanding study among the undergraduates of universiti sains Malaysia (2015) ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10 (15), pp. 6381-6386. DOI:

Osman, N.F., Samsudin, N.F., Nor, N.S.M., Husin, M.H., Malim, N.H.A.H., Singh, M.M. User-friendliness of near-field communication (2015) ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10 (15), pp. 6370-6375. DOI:


Li, T.J., Singh, M.M. Hybrid trust framework for loss of control in cloud computing (2014) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 279 LNEE, pp. 669-675. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-41674-3_96

Chung, S.K., Yee, O.C., Singh, M.M., Hassan, R. SQL injections attack and session hijacking on e-learning systems (2014) I4CT 2014 - 1st International Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control Technology, Proceedings, , pp. 338-342. DOI: 10.1109/I4CT.2014.6914201


Singh, M., Bolla, V.H., Berg, R. A Case of in-stent thrombosis in a patient with drug eluting stents during perioperative management with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (2013) Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 82 (7), pp. 1108-1112. DOI: 10.1002/ccd.24845

Mahinderjit-Singh, M., Li, X., Li, Z. Context-aware web services for security control and privacy preservation in an RFID supply chain (2013) International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 12 (2-Jan), pp. 39-66. DOI: 10.1504/IJITM.2013.051629


Singh, M.M., Li, X., Li, Z. Security and privacy protection in RFID-enabled supply chain management (2011) International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications, 3 (4), pp. 294-318. DOI: 10.1504/IJRFITA.2011.043738


Mahinderjit-Singh, M., Li, X. Trust in RFID-enabled supply-chain management (2010) International Journal of Security and Networks, 5 (3-Feb), pp. 96-105. DOI: 10.1504/IJSN.2010.032208


Mahinderjit-Singh, M., Li, X. Trust framework for RFID tracking in supply chain management (2009) RFID Technology Concepts, Applications, Challenges - Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges IWRT 2009 In Conjunction with ICEIS 2009, , pp. 17-26. DOI:

Mahinderjit-Singh, M., Li, X. Computational model for trust management in RFID supply chains (2009) 2009 IEEE 6th International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, MASS '09, , pp. 734-740. DOI: 10.1109/MOBHOC.2009.5336926


SV - Main Supervisor;  Co- SV - Co-Supervisor 

MSc MM - MSc of Mixed Mode

MSc Project - MSc of Informatics 



   Role                   Status                                                                       Thesis  Title                        
  Thulfiqar Jabar Abd PhD SV Ongoing Situational Awareness Cybersecurity for Mobile  
  Amjed Ahmed Al-Kadhimi PhD SV Ongoing  Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Mobile Sensors Behaviour  
  Duaa Mkhiemir Salameh Akhtom  PhD  SV  Ongoing   Adversarial Machine Learning  Using Steganography in Healthcare Domain   
  Selvaraj Kalaivani PhD SV Ongoing An Enhanced Threat Intelligences Model To Mitigate Ransomware Attacks In Organisation  
  Rajes Khana PhD SV Awarded (2022)  Trustworthiness and Ethical Factors for Social Media enabled Healthcare Platform  
  Duraid Thamer PhD SV Ongoing

 Tactics, Techniques and Procedure (TTP) Trails for Android Smartphone Using Machine Learning

  Owoh Nsikak Pius PhD SV


Integrated Security and Privacy Preservation Framework in Mobile Crowd Sensing  
  Zhang Siyuan PhD SV Ongoing  Secure Big Healthcare System Using Blockchain   
  Ziyad Reefat Hamzeh Al Ashhab PhD Co-SV Ongoing  Machine learning-based technique for detecting DDoS attacks against Cloud
  Anizah Binti Abu Bakar MSc    SV Awarded (2022) Quality of Service for Privacy Preservation in Smartphone Applications  
  Satiaseelan  MSc MM SV Awarded(2020) Adaptive Contextual Risk-Based Access Control To Prevent MITM Attacks In FOG-IoT Paradigm  
  Siti Nursabrina Binti Sabireen MSc Project SV Awarded(2020) Fake News on Whatsapps Application Detection Using Data Mining Techniques  
  Siti NurKhairiah Binti Mohammad MSc Project         SV Awarded(2020)  NPS Illegal Drugs Detection Model in TOR Using Ensemble Techniques  
  Zakiah Binti Zulkefli MSc  SV Awarded(2019) Secure Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Access Control Model for Smartphone Against Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)  
  Khairun Ashikin Bt Ismail MSc MM SV Awarded(2018) False Positive Reduction techniques in SMS Phishing Attack  
  Lim Wei Pin MSc MM SV Awarded(2018) Enhanced Attribute-Based Encryption(ABE) for Gait Profiling  
  Huzaifa Marina Binti Osman MSc Project SV Awarded(2017) Ubiquitous Learning Using NFC  Sensor Technology  
  Abd Muain Bin Abdul Azizit MSc Project  SV Awarded(2017) QR Code in Teaching and Learning; A Case of Flipped Classroom  
  Tan Han Yee MSc MM SV Awarded(2017) Anti-Counterfeiting Approach For NFC Enabled Logistics  
  Mohd Nasrol Zainol MSc Project SV Awarded(2017) User Profiling In Detecting Credit Card Fraud using Data Mining Techniques   
  Mi Zhiwei MSc Project SV Awarded(2016) Emails Spam Detection With Hybrid Data Mining Techniques  
  Ku Aina Afiqah Binti Ku Adzman MSc MM SV Awarded(2016) Security Risks  Assessment of an NFC-enabled Smartphone using Touch and-go Application  
  Muhammad Khairul Zharif Bin Nor A’Zam MSc MM SV Awarded(2016) Alert Management Technique to Reducing False Positive Errors in RFID-enabled Supply Chain  


1. CST 131, 2012 - 2023, Computer Organisation

2. CST 431, 2013-2024, Systems Security & Protection

3. CYY 504, 2016-2018, Dissertation

4. CIT 553, 2014-2023, Business Intelligence And Data Mining

5. CCS528 , 2023-2025 - Information Security and Cryptography 

6. CST 436, 2023 - Digital Investigations and Forensics

Recognition & Leadership

Awards & Innovations

  1. Top Women in Security ASEAN Region 2022 Award [Online :]
  2. Top Women in Security ASEAN Region 2021 Award  [Online :]
  3. Top 10 Women In Security Malaysia 2020, Presented by ISACA Chapter Malaysia, ASIS International (Malaysia), Malaysian Women in Security (MYWIS), Women in Security & Resilience Alliance (WISECRA) and MY SECURITY Media [Online: ]
  4. Gold Medalist - Apps-Sensors Mobile Data Collector (AMoDAC) @ ITEX 2020, Malaysia 
  5. Research’s Excellence Service, University Sains Malaysia, 2019, Penang Malaysia
  6. Outstanding Woman in Computer Sciences, Venus International Foundation, 2017, India
  7. Research’s Excellence Service, University Sains Malaysia (USM) -2015
  8. Gold Medal, Young Innovate Open Category – Penang Science; Supervisor- Ambient Intelligent Smart Home Automation (AMISHA)
  9. Silver Medal, Novel Research Innovation and Competition 2015 Supervisor – Ambient Intelligent Smart Home Automation (AMISHA)
  10. Silver Medal, Microsoft Innovate Competition 2015 Supervisor –INdoor-OuTdoor Elderly CAring SystEm (NOTECASE)
  11. Silver Medal for Multifactor Identification System (MIDAS) at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2015, Seoul, Korea.
  12. Silver Medal for DIY-Commerce for Clothing Makers and Tailors at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2015, Seoul, Korea.
  13. TIIIA Outstanding Diploma for DIY-Commerce for Clothing Makers and Tailors at Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2015, Seoul, Korea.
  14. USM Excellence Industry/Community Engagement Award, 2015
  15. Microsoft Innovate Competition 2014 Supervisor – RFID-enabled Attendance Management Systems – Consolation Prize (National –Level)
  16. F-Secure USM Event Coordinator for Finalist Winner -2014
  17. F-Secure USM Event Coordinator for 1st Placing Security Competition Winner -2013
  18. Academic Scheme for PhD Studies Scholarships Award: 2008-2012

Invited Speaker/Forum/Workshop Presenter/Guest Lecture/ Technical Accessor 

  1. Guest Speaker, "Blockchain Technology: A Catalyst for Sustainable Development", October 2024,  MY Universities Hackathon 
  2. Keynote Speaker, "Cybersecurity and Sustainability in ASEAN Countries & Its Future", Indo-Forum Binus, 2024 
  3. Invited Speaker, " Towards Trustworthy and Secure Artificial Intelligences (AI) Model" University of Strathclyde, NEXUS UK 2024, Summer School (International )
  4. Invited Speaker, " ASEAN Cybersecurity Perspective",  University of Strathclyde, NEXUS UK 2024, Summer School (International )
  5. Invited Speaker, " Applied Cryptography: Understanding Cryptographic Principles and Applications", UTA'45 Jakarta Indonesia, 2024
  6. Invited Speaker, " Internet of Things or Threats? ", Binus University, Jakarta Indonesia, 2024 ( International)
  7. Judge for PhilSec 2024 Awards, Philipines ( International)
  8. Panelist Speaker for CyberSecMY 2024, " Exploring the Synergy of AI, ML and Cybersecurity in the Age of Digital Transformation".
  9. Guest Speaker and Chairing CISO Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2024 
  10. Technical Accessor. CSO ASEAN Judge, 2021 - 2024, IDG Singapore (International )
  11. Judge for HILTI Cybersecurity 2022 IT COMPETITION, 2022, (International )
  12. 2023, Invited Speaker, "Situation Awareness Model and MITRE Framework in generating Mobile - Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) fingerprinting",  University of Strathcylde, NEXUS UK, Summer School (International )
  13. 2023, Invited Speaker, "Adopting Zero Trust Security Framework for Long Term Cybersecurity" , Pullman Kuala Lumpur City , ECSOM, Cybersecurity Malaysia Conference 2023 (International )
  14. 2023, Invited Speaker, "Combating Fraud Through Preventive Measures and Crisis Management", Park Royal Collections, Emnes Event, Asia Anti-Fraud Leaders Summit (International )
  15. 2023, Invited Speaker, "APT Prevention Using Situational Awareness Model" , Shangri-La, Kuala Lumpur , Coronium , CISO Malaysia 2023 (International )
  16. 2023, Invited Speaker, "SASE Journey: Integrating Network and Security Capabilities in Cloud and Mobile Applications", Triumph Eminent Sdn Bhd / St Regis, Triumph Eminent Sdn Bhd, Cyberattack Retreat Malaysia 2023 (International )
  17. 2022, Invited Speaker, Women in Cyber - Top Women in Cyber Security ASEAN Region 2022, Webex Online, MySecurity Media Pty Ltd, Women in Cyber Security - International Women in Cyber Day (International )
  18. 2021, Invited Speaker, "Discovery of Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) for Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)", Online , University of Stractclyde , International Cybercrime Summer School (International )
  19. 2021, Invited Speaker, "Healthcare Security Challenges During Covid19 Pandemic" , Online , UTA ’45 Jakarta 2021, The 2nd International Seminar and Call For Paper (ISCP) (International )
  20. 2021, Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh. The 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) October 6, 2021. "Self-confidence at Work for Women: Learn to Sit at the Table"
  21. 2021, Soo Yin Yi, Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh. Online Cybercrime Workshop, 19 August 2021 "Discovery of Tactics Techniques & Procedures (TTP) for Mobile APT"
  22. 2020, Online Cybercrime Workshop, 19 August 2020 "Preserving Risk Privacy for Mobile Devices"
  23. 2020, Guest Lecture at CS Journal Club, School of Computer Sciences. 21 February 2020 "Internet of Things Security"
  24. 2019, Invited Speaker at SICSA Cyber Nexus: International Perspectives on Cybercrime, University of Strathclyde. 19 August 2019 “An Integrated Security and Privacy Preservation Framework for Mobile Crowd Sensing in Smart Cities”
  25. 2019, Invited Speaker at Simon Fraser University Summer School in Glasgow, 22 August 2019. “ Cybercrime Perspective in Southeast Asia”
  26. 2019, Guest Lecture at Simon Fraser University University, 21 March 2019. " Internet of Things Authentication and Authorization Challenges"
  27. 2019, Presenter at Conference of Western Criminology, Hawaii, 8th February 2019 “Mitigating Identify Theft with an Enhanced Attribute-based Encryption Technique.
  28. 2018, Invited Speaker at Cyber Nexus: International Perspectives on Cybercrime; University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, August 2018 on “Sentient based Authorization Model for Privacy-Preserving in Military Domain.”
  29. 2018, Field Trip and Invited Speaker at Field Trip on International Cybercrime in University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 20th August – 31 August 2018 on “Cybercrime in Malaysia.”
  30. 2018, Invited Speaker on International Workshop on Dependable Operational Network Smart Home Technology between University Sains Malaysia & Japan Advanced Institute of Sciences and Technology (JAIST), 2018 on Smart Home Ambient Intelligences for Ageing Society (SAHOMASI)
  31. 2018, Invited Speaker, SAHOMASI, USM-JAIST, USM-JAIST, Workshop on D-NOM (International )
  32. 2018, Invited Speaker, Smartphone-based Access Control Model in Tackling Advanced Persistent Threat, Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA), Cyber Nexus: International Perspectives on Cybercrime (International)
  33. 2018, Invited Speaker, Cybercrime in ASIA, University of Strathclyde/Glasglow, SFU – University Strathclyde Field Trip, SFU – University Strathclyde Field Trip (International)
  34. 2017, Invited Speaker, Bengkel Computational Thinking for Young Makers, Akademi Sains Malaysia, Young Makers Program 2017 (National)
  35. 2017, Invited Speaker, Invited speaker 1, USM, MDEC, MDEC (National)
  36. 2016, Invited Speaker, Research Communications, USM, Keio University, EBA Workshop 2016Tangkai Cermin Orang Asli Settlement, Perak and Penang, Malaysia (International)
  37. 2012, Invited Speaker, Where to Publish Your Papers?, USM, School of Computer Sciences, Journal & Technical Writing Workshop 2012 (University).

Professional Body & Research Center Membership

1. IEEE Computer Society

2. Australian Information Security Association (ASIA)

3. Internation Cybercrime Research Center ( International Member:

4. Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS)

5. ISACA Malaysia Chapter

Training & Consultancy

  • Workshop on First Step for Preventing Cybercrime Threat for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (BizTech Times)
  • CyberSecurity Trainer (USM – Jabil Company Partnership)
  • Big Data Security Trainer ( USM – Jabil Company Partnership)
  • IoT Security Trainer ( National Advanced IPv6)
  • Emerging Technologies Security ( National Advanced IPv6 - AceS Trainer)
  • Cybersecurity for Managers ( National Advanced IPv6 Trainer - AceS Trainer)
  • Master Trainer for Computational Thinking for Computer Sciences ( USM- Malaysia Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) – State Education Department)
  • WICOM Motorola Board Training ( USM – Motorola Solutions, Penang)

For future collaboration and supervision, please email me via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +604-653 3647 / 2158 / 2155  |  Fax: +604-653 3684  | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  icon admin

  • Last Modified: Thursday 27 March 2025.