Chew XinYing, Associate Professor Ts. Dr.

  •  Chew 

  • Associate Professor

    Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tel : +604 653 2668
    Fax : +604 653 3335
    Room : 732

    School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang

    Research Cluster

    Data To Knowledge

  • Research Interest

    Statistical Process/Quality Control, Control Charts, Robust Statistics, Data/Text Mining, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research.


    Industrial Computing, Statistical Quality Control, Advanced Analytics (Machine Learning & Deep Learning)


BIT. (Hons.), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia.
Ph.D., Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia. 



Statistical Process/Quality Control, Control Charts, Robust Statistics, Data/Text Mining, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research. 



Grant Name: USM Short Term Grant (STG-2)
Grant Amount: RM35,000
Role: Project Leader
Project Title: New Coefficient of Variation Control Charts based on Variable Charting Statistics in Industry 4.0 for the Quality Smart Manufacturing and Services.
1/6/2022 - 31/5/2024

Grant Name: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Grant Amount: RM92,750
Role: Project Leader
Project Title: Efficient Joint Process Monitoring using a New Robust Variable Sample Size and Sampling Interval Run Sum Scheme.
1/9/2022 - 31/8/2025

Grant Name: USM Research University Grant (RUI) (Completed)
Grant Amount: RM40,000
Role: Project Leader
Project Title: A New Adaptive Kernel-Distance-Based Control Chart by Machine Learning Techniques to Support Industry 4.0 Sustainable Smart Manufacturing.

Grant Name: USM Short Term Grant (Completed)
Grant Amount: RM27,200
Role: Project Leader
Project Title: Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for Talent Acquisition: Strategic Planning, Execution and Career Development.
1/5/2018 - 30/4/2020

Grant Name: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) (Completed)
Grant Amount: RM47,700
Role: Project Leader
Project Title: New Robust Adaptive Model for the Coefficient of Variation in Infinite and Finite Horizon Processes.
1/9/2019 - 31/8/2021

Grant Name: Digital Sarawak CoE (DSCoE) (Completed)
Grant Amount: RM130,000
Role: Project Leader
Project Title: A Proposed Variable Parameter (VP) Multivariate Coefficient of Variation (MCV) Chart Integrating Advanced Data Visualization Tools for Sustainable Smart Manufacturing.
1/9/2018 - 31/8/2020

Grant Name: RUI Khas (Completed)
Grant Amount: RM80,000
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: A New Sensitive Nonparametric Generally Weighted Moving Average Control Chart Based on the Moving Sign Statistics.

Grant Name: USM Short Term Grant (Completed)
Grant Amount: RM26,000
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: Monitoring the Coefficient of Variation in Short Production Run Processes Using a Variable Parameter Control Chart.

Grant Name: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Grant Amount: RM60,700
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: A Maximum Likelihood Estimator Control Chart based on Two-Parameter Exponential Life Time Models with Unknown Parameters.

Grant Name: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Grant Amount: RM40,600
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: A New Hybrid Model for Monitoring the Multivariate Coefficient of Variation in Healthcare Surveillance.

Grant Name: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Grant Amount: RM77,600
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: Healthcare Sentiment Polarity Classification Using Distribution Pointwise Mutual Information and Sentiment Propagation.

Grant Name: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Grant Amount: RM45,600
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: A new adaptive nonparametric DGWMA-MS statistical process monitoring scheme to support industry 4.0 sustainable smart manufacturing.

Grant Name: RUI
Grant Amount: RM61,000
Role: Co-researcher

Grant Name: Industrial Grant (ESTEK AUTOMATION SDN BHD)
Grant Amount: RM12,000
Role: Co-researcher

Grant Amount: RM206,500
Role: Co-researcher

Grant Name: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Grant Amount: RM103,160
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: New Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Triple Sampling Control Charts for Monitoring Univariate and Multivariate Coefficient of Variations to Support Sustainable Transition in Industry 4.0.
1/9/2022 - 31/8/2025

Grant Name: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Grant Amount: RM126,860
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: Understanding the Effect of Different Machine Learning Techniques on Classification of Blood Donor Behaviour and its Impact on Repeat Blood Donations.

Grant Name: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Grant Amount: RM67,700
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: A Blockchain-based Collaborative Intrusion Detection Model for detecting ICMPv6-based DoS and DDoS attacks.

Grant Name: USM Short Term Grant
Grant Amount: RM22,000
Role: Co-researcher
Project Title: The Efficiency of Variable Sampling Interval Scheme for the Multivariate Coefficient of Variation in Short Production Runs.



Researcher ID : B-7391-2018
Scopus ID : 57209359890
ORCiD : 0000-0001-5539-1959
Google Scholar ID :


Chong, Z. L., Teoh, W. L., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., Teh, S. Y. (2025). Optimal Designs of the Group Runs Exponentially Weighted Moving Average X and t Schemes. Quality and Reliability Engineering International.

Ali, S. Z., Arash, A., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., & Lim, S. T. (2025). The Impact of Related Party Transactions (RPTs) and Business Strategy on Future-Oriented Sustainability Performance: Evidence from Emerging Asian Market. Discover Sustainability.

Aminu Maigari, Zurinahni Zainol, Chew XinYing (2025). Multimodal deep learning breast cancer prognosis models: review on multimodal architectures and concatenation approaches. Journal of Medical Artificial Intelligence.

Sammar Abbas, Alhamzah Alnoor, Abdullah Mohammed Sadaa, XinYing Chew, Gül Erkol Bayram (2025). Navigating the Power of Blockchain Strategy: Analysis of Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) Framework and Innovation Resistance Theory Using PLS-SEM and ANN Insights. Technological Forecasting & Social Change.

Aminu Maigari, Zurinahni Zainol, Chew XinYing (2025). Multi-Modal Stacked Ensemble Model for Breast Cancer Prognosis Prediction. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 13(3), 1013-1034.


Alnoor, A., Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K. W., Yousif, R. M., & Sadaa, A. M. (2024). Benchmarking of circular economy behaviors for Iraqi energy companies based on engagement modes with green technology and environmental, social, and governance rating. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI:

Alnoor, A., Bayram, G. E., Chew, X. Y., & Syed, H. A. S. (2024). The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Regenerative Tourism and Green Destinations. Emerald Publishing. DOI: 10.1108/9781837537464.

Alhamzah Alnoor, Sammar Abbas, Khai Wah Khaw, Yousif Raad Muhsen, XinYing Chew (2024). Unveiling the optimal configuration of impulsive buying behavior using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis and multi-criteria decision approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

Chew XinYing, Abbas Gatea Atiyah, Alhamzah Alnoor, Sammar Abbas, Yousif Raad Muhsen, Gül Erkol Bayram (2024). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and Complementary Methods in Business Research. Springer Nature.

Lee Ye Hean, Olanrewaju Victor Johnson, Chew XinYing, Teoh Wei Lin, Chong Zhi Lin & Khaw Khai Wah (2024). An Airline Passenger Satisfaction Prediction by Genetic-Algorithm-Based Hybrid AutoEncoder and Machine Learning Models. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 1974–1985.

J.W. Teoh, W.L. Teoh, Z.L. Chong & X.Y. Chew. (2024). The One-Sided Variable Sampling Interval Exponentially Weighted Moving Average X-bar Charts Under the Gamma Distribution. Sains Malaysiana.

Thura J. Mohammed, A. S. Albahri, Alhamzah Alnoor, Chew XinYing, Khai Wah Khaw, (2024). A Systematic Review of Artificial Intelligence in Orthopaedic Disease Detection: A Taxonomy for Analysis and Trustworthiness Evaluation. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems.

K. L. Goh, W.L. Teoh, Z.L. Chong, M.H. Lee, X.Y. Chew & K.W. Khaw. (2024). Optimising Variable Sample Size X-Bar Chart through Median Run Length with Estimated Process Parameters. Sains Malaysiana.

Alnoor, A., Chew, X. Y., Victor, T., Mark, C., & Khaw, K. W. (2024). The Dark Side of Metaverse: A Multi-Perspective of Deviant Behaviours from PLS-SEL and fsQCA Findings. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,1–21.

Alhamzah Alnoor, Paiman Ahmad, Shwan Mohammed Mustafa, Md Imtiaz Mostafiz, Franklin Akosa and XinYing Chew (2024). Government Effectiveness in Pandemic Strategic Management: Evidence from Conflict-Affected Nations. Financial Landscape Transformation: Technological Disruptions (pp. 103). KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.
Hussein, R. M., Khaw, K. W., Gaber, A., Chew, X. Y. (2024). Examining the behaviors and preferences of online shopping customers using clustering techniques. Journal of Soft Computing and Data Mining, 5(1): 104-121. DOI:

Olanrewaju Victor Johnson, Chew XinYing, Olabisi E. Johnson, Khai W. Khaw, Ming H Lee. (2024) Learning Rate Schedules and Optimizers, A Game Changer for Deep Neural Networks. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Advances in Intelligent Computing Techniques and Applications, Springer, 210. DOI:

Duaa, M. A., Manmeet, M. S., & Chew, X. Y. (2024). Unveiling Hidden Variables in Adversarial Attack Transferability on Pre-trained Models for COVID-19 Diagnosis. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 15.

Yi Wei Tye, Umi Kalsom Yusof, XinYing Chew, Samat Tulpar (2024). ASFE Feature Selection Technique Integrated with SMOTE-ENN for Handling High-Dimensional and Highly Imbalanced Wafer Defect Classification Data. The 17th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2024). Hefei, Anhui, China.

J.W. Teoh, W.L. Teoh, Z.L. Chong, X.Y. Chew, & S.Y. Teh. (2024). Redesigning the Omnibus SPRT Control Chart for Simultaneous Monitoring of the Mean and Dispersion of Weibull Processes: OSPRT chart for Weibull Processes. International Journal of Integrated Engineering.

Tan, C. F. & Chew, X. Y. (2024). Book Chapter: Quanto - Algorithmic Trading with Deep Learning. International Final Year Project Competition and Exhibition (ICPEX 2023) (pp.64). UniKL.

Muhsen, Y. R., Alhamzah, A., Husin, N. A., Chew, X. Y., Maslina, Z., and Noridayu, M. (2024). Z-cloud rough fuzzy based PIPRECIA and CoCoSo integration to assess agriculture decision support tools. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems.

Duaa, M. A., Manmeet, M. S., & Chew, X. Y. (2024). Enhancing Trustworthy Deep Learning for Image Classification against Evasion Attacks: A systematic literature review. Artificial Intelligence Review. DOI :

Ming Ha Lee, Melinda Kong, K. S. Khee Yong Si, XinYing Chew, and Patrick H. H. Then. (2024). Impact of Measurement Error on the Economic Performance of Synthetic X-Bar Chart. Journal of Engineering Research and Education.

Lee Xuan Chian, Khai Wah Khaw, XinYing Chew, Alhamzah Alnoor, Wei Chien Ng (2024). Bank Direct Marketing Campaign Success Prediction. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence.

Johnson O. V., Johnson O. E., XinYing Chew & Ganiyu M. (2024). Enhancing Emergency Department Triage Decision Making Using Machine Learning Techniques. Proceeding of the 1st International Conference of School of Applied Sciences, Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Nigeria (2024).

Chew, X. Y., Raad, M., Alnoor, A., Khaw, K. W., & Sadaa, A. M. (2024). Symmetric and Asymmetric Modelling to Boost Customers’ Trustworthiness in Livestreaming Commerce. Current Psychology. DOI:

Victor, O. J., Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K. W. & Chong, Z. L. (2024). CRATSM: An Effective Hybridization of Deep Neural Models for Customer Retention Prediction in the Telecom Industry. Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics.

Duaa, M. A., Manmeet, M. S., & Chew, X. Y. (2024). Unlocking the Robustness of AI in Healthcare: Transferability of Adversarial Attacks in Covid19 Detection Using ResNet50 and EfficientNet-B0. The 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI 2024). The Stones Hotel – Bali.

Zhong, Z. L., Yeong, W. C., Khaw, K. W., & Chew, X.Y. (2024). Optimal Design of the Side Sensitive Group Runs Double Sampling (SSGRDS) Xbar Scheme with Estimated Process Parameters. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.

Alaa, A. H., Khaw, K. W., Alhamzah, A., & Chew, X. Y. (2024). Exploratory Analysis with Association Rule Mining Algorithms in the Retail Industry. Malaysian Journal of Computing, 9(1), 1746-1758. 10.24191/mjoc.v9i1.21433.

Kien Seng Lok, Khai Wah Khaw, XinYing Chew, Wei Chien Ng. (2024). Decade-Long Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals Compliance and Financial Performance Tiers in All Banking Companies Listed on Bursa Malaysia. International Journal of Management, Finance and Accounting (IJOMFA).

Chan, B. K., Johnson, O. V., Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K.W., Lee, M. H. & Alhamzah, A. (2024). A Proposed Bayesian Optimization Based LSTM-CNN Model for Stock Trend Prediction. Computing and Informatics, 43, 38-63.


Zaidan, A.S., Khaw, K.W., Chew, X.Y., Alnoor, A., Ganesan, Y., Sadaa, A. (2023). The Influence of Organizational Contingencies on Financial Performance: The Mediating Role of Crisis Management. Central European Business Review, 12(2), 1-23. DOI:

Alhamzah Alnoor, Khaw Khai Wah, Chew XinYing, Sammar Abbas, Zeeshan Zaib Khattak (2023). The Influence of Barriers of the Hybrid Strategy on Strategic Competitive Priorities: Evidence from Oil Companies. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management.

Lim, S. T., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., & Yeong, W. C. (2023). Prediction of Thyroid Disease Using Machine Learning Approaches and Featurewiz Selection. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 15(3), 9-16. 

Victor, O. J., Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K. W. & Lee, M. H. (2023). A Cost-Based Dual ConvNet-Attention Transfer Learning Model for ECG Heartbeat Classification. Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering, 2(2), 90-110.

Khai Wah Khaw, Abdullah Mohammed Sadaa, Alhamzah Alnoor, Ali Shakir Zaidan, Yuvaraj Ganesan, XinYing Chew (2023). Spurring sustainability commitment strategy of family-owned SMEs: A multi-analytical SEM & ANFIS perspective. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 34(1), 100453.

Victor, O. J., Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K. W. & Lee, M. H. (2023). ps-CALR: Periodic-Shift Cosine Annealing Learning Rate for Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Access, 11, 139171-139186.

Olanrewaju Victor Johnson, Chew XinYing, Olabisi E. Johnson, Khai W. Khaw, Ming H Lee. (2023) Learning Rate Schedules and Optimizers, A Game Changer for Deep Neural Networks. 7th International Conference of Reliable Information and Communication Technology 2023 (IRICT 2023). Pulai Spring Resort, Johor, Malaysia.

Esraa, F. M., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., Alnoor, A. & Mariam, A. A. (2023) Classification and Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Memory Requirements for Compute Farm Jobs. Applications of Modelling and Simulation, 7, 190-200.

Hamed Karimi, Khai Wah Khaw, XinYing Chew, Zhi Lin Chong, Shiuh Tong Lim. (2023) Variable Sample Size Control Charts for Monitoring the Multivariate Coefficient of Variation based on Median Run Length and Expected Median Run Length. Journal of Science and Technology.

Yim, W. Y., Khaw, K. W., Lim, S. T., & Chew, X. Y. (2023). Enhancing conversions and lead scoring in online professional education. International Journal of Management, Finance and Accounting (IJOMFA).

Lim, S. T., Joe, Y. Y., Khaw, K. W., & Chew, X. Y. (2023). Predicting Travel Insurance Purchases in an Insurance Firm through Machine Learning Methods after COVID-19. Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering, 2(2), 43-58.

Chew, X. Y. (2023). Alternative Design of One-sided Shewhart Control Charts for the Multivariate Coefficient of Variation. Pertanika: Journal of Science and Technology, 31(1), 615-632. DOI:

Loo, W. C., Esraa, F. M., Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K. W., Sajal, S. & Lee, M. H. (2023). A Proposed Hybrid GA-TDDPL-CNN-LSTM Architecture for Stock Trend Prediction. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering,11(3), 653–664.

Loo, W. T., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., & Alhamzah, A. (2023). Predicting the Loan Default using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study in India. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET).

Aileen, C. Y. H., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., & Yeong, W. C. (2023). Prediction of US Airline Passenger Satisfaction using Machine Learning Algorithms. Data Analytics and Applied Mathematics (DAAM). DOI:

Zhang, D. H., Jin, X. X., Piao, S., & Chew, X. Y. (2023). Real-time load forecasting model for the smart grid using Bayesian optimized CNN-BiLSTM. Frontiers in Energy Research, 11, 1-12, DOI:

Alnoor, A., Chew, X. Y., Alharbi, R., & Khaw, K. W. (2023). How the information technology influences organizational communication: The mediating role of organizational structure. PSU Research Review. DOI:

Lee, M. H., Teoh, W. L., Tan, V. M., Kong, M., & Chew, X. Y. (2023). The Effect of Measurement Error on the Performance of the s Chart. Proceedings Volume 12936, The 12th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Mathematics, Istanbul Topkapı Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkiye. DOI:

Lye, K. Q. & Chew, X. Y. (2023). Book Chapter: SiLearn: An Intelligent Sign Learner Platform. International Final Year Project Competition and Exhibition (ICPEX 2022) (pp.26-29). UniKL.

Alnoor, A., Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K. W., Marcos, F., Hussam, A. H., & Yousif, R. M. (2023). Circular Economy of Medical Waste: Novel Intelligent Medical Waste Management Framework Based on Extension Linear Diophantine Fuzzy FDOSM and Neural Network Approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI:

Lim, C. S., Esraa, F. M., Khaw, K. W., Alnoor, A., Chew, X. Y., Chong, Z. L. & Marian, A. A. (2023). Hybrid GA–DeepAutoencoder–KNN Model for Employee Turnover Prediction. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 12, 75-90.

Ali Shakir Zaidan, Khaw Khai Wah, Khalid Mhasan Alshammary, Mushtaq Yousif, Chew XinYing (2023). Investigating Behavior of Using Metaverse by Integrating UTAUT2 and Self-efficacy, Beyond Reality: Navigating the Power of Metaverse and Its Applications, Proceedings of 3rd International Multi-Disciplinary Conference - Theme: Integrated Sciences and Technologies (IMDC-IST 2024) Volume 1.

Hon, S. H., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., & Wong, W. P. (2023). Prediction of Customer Churn for ABC Multistate Bank Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Malaysian Journal of Computing, 8(2), 1602-1619. 10.24191/mjoc.v8i2.21393.

S. Saha, R. Parvin, P. S. Ng, M. B. C. Khoo and X. Y. Chew, "A proposed variable sampling interval median chart for identifying out-of-control signals in process control," 2022 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, 2022, pp. 478-482, DOI: 10.1109/ICCIT57492.2022.10055777.


Alnoor, A., Hadi, A., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., Abdullah, M. S. & Sammar, A., Zeeshan, Z. K. (2022). Modelling and Evaluating Trust in Mobile Commerce: A Hybrid Three Stages Fuzzy Delphi, Structural Equation Modelling, and Neural Network Approach. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

Abdullah, H., Thajil, K., Alnoor, A., Al-Abrrow, H., Khaw, K.W., Chew, X.Y., Sadaa, A. (2022). Predicting Determinants of Use Mobile Commerce Through Modelling Non-Linear Relationships. Central European Business Review, 11, 1-24. DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.306.

Ubale K.M., Belaton, B., Chew, X.Y., Almotairi, K.H., Hussein, A.M.A, Aminu, M (2022). Comparative Analysis of Some Selected Generative Adversarial Network Models for Image Augmentation: a Case Study of COVID-19 X-ray and CT Images, 43 (6). 7153 – 7172.

Sajal Saha, Michael B.C. Khoo, Rehana Parvin, Peh Sang Ng and XinYing Chew. (2022) A proposed variable sampling interval median chart for identifying out-of-control signal in process control. In 2022 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT). Long Beach Hotel, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Organized by the IEEE Bangladesh Section.

Abdullah Mohammed Sadaa, Yuvaraj Ganesan, Khaw Khai Wah, Alhamzah Alnoor, Chew XinYing, Gul Erkol Bayram (2022). Based on the Perception of Ethics in Social Commerce Platforms: Adopting SEM and MCDM Approaches for Benchmarking Customers in Rural Communities. Current Psychology.

Zhi Lin Chong, Wei Lin Teoh, Sok Li Lim, Wai Chung Yeong, and XinYing Chew. 2022. Design of the Shewhart Median Scheme with the Percentile-Based Approach. In 2022 11th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2022). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 206–211.

Alnoor, A., Hadi, A., Halbusi, A., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., Marwa, A. M. & Khamis, A. R. (2022). Uncovering the Antecedents of Trust in Social Commerce: An Application of the Non-Linear Artificial Neural Network Approach. Competitiveness Review, 32(3), 492-523. DOI: 10.1108/CR-04-2021-0051

Ali, S. Z., Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K. W. & Marcos, F. (2022). Book Chapter: Electronic Word of Mouth and Social Commerce. Artificial Neural Networks and Structural Equation Modeling: Marketing and Consumer Research Applications (pp.79-95). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-6509-8_5

Zhao, X., Keikhosrokiani, P., Chew, X. Y. & Li, Z. Y.(2022). An RFM Model Using K-Means Clustering to Improve Customer Segmentation and Product Recommendation. Handbook of Research on Consumer Behavior Change and Data Analytics in the Socio-Digital Era (pp. 22). IGI Global.

Hew, Z. J., Victor, O. J., Chew, X. Y. & Khaw, K. W. (2022). Text Summarization for News Articles by Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence, 11, 174-196. DOI:

Sam, Y. X., Esraa, F. M., Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K. W. & Lee, M. H. (2022). A Proposed Hybrid CNN-RNN Architecture for Student Performance Prediction. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering.

Lee, M. H., Haq, A., Michael, K. B. C., Chew, X. Y. & Teoh, W. L. (2022). The multivariate exponentially weighted moving average chart for monitoring short production runs. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. DOI:

Esraa, F. M., Khaw, K. W. & Chew, X. Y. (2022). A New Hybrid Data Preprocessing Technique for Highly Imbalanced Dataset. Computing and Informatics, 41(4), 1001–1021.

Lee, M.H., Khoo, M.B.C., Chew, X. Synthetic c Charts with Known and Estimated Process Parameters based on Median Run Length and Expected Median Run Length (2022) Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, DOI:

Esraa, F. M., Khaw, K. W., Bahari, B., Wong, W. P. & Chew, X. Y. (2022). Fraud Detection Using a New Hybrid Machine Learning Architecture. Mathematics, 10(9), 1480. DOI:

Alnoor, A., Victor, T., Abbas, G.T., Atiyah, A., Khaw, K. W., Teh, S.Y., Chew, X. Y. & Samma, A. (2022). How Positive and Negative Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) Affects Customers’ Intention to Use Social Commerce? A Dual-Stage Multi Group-SEM and ANN Analysis. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. DOI:

Esraa, F. M., Khaw, K. W. & Chew, X. Y. (2022). Fraud Detection by Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence. DOI:


Tan, R. Z., Chew, X. Y. & Khaw, K. W. (2021). Neural Architecture Search for Lightweight Neural Network in Food Recognition. Mathematics, 9(11), 1245. DOI:

Chew, X. Y., Micheal, K. B. C., Khaw, K. W. & Lee, M. H. (2021). An improved Hotelling’s T2 chart for monitoring a finite horizon process based on run rules schemes: A Markov-chain approach. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 37, 577-591. DOI:

Teng, M. T., Teh, S. Y., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., & Yeong, W. C. (2021). Design of One-sided Modified S Control Charts for Monitoring a Finite Horizon Process. Reliability: Theory & Applications, 3(63), 16, 168-182. DOI:

Ang, C. K., Chew, X. Y., Johnson, O. V. & Khaw, K. W. (2021). Employee Turnover Prediction by Machine Learning Techniques. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 13(4), 49-56.

Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., Lee, M. H. & Yeong, W. C. (2021). An Optimal Adaptive Variable Sample Size Scheme for the Multivariate Coefficient of Variation – in-depth discussion. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 9(3), 681–693. DOI:

Ng, P. S., Michael, B. C. Khoo, Yeong, W. C., Sajal, S. & Chew, X. Y. (2021). Economic and Economic-Statistical Designs of the Side Sensitive Group Runs Chart with Auxiliary Information. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 37, 1965-1995. DOI: 10.1002/qre.2841

Khee, Y. K. S., Lee, M. H., Chew, X. Y., Lau, E. M. F., Kong, M., Then, P. H. H. & S. Rashid (2021). The Economic Design of the Double Sampling X-bar Chart with Measurement Errors. International Journal of Difference Equations, 15(2), 259-274.

Chew, X. Y. (2021). Evaluation of Variable Parameter MCV Control Chart in Downward Process Shifts. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, 16, 479-485.

Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., Lee, M. H., Yeong, W. C. & Sajal, S. (2021). One-sided 4-out-of-5 Run Rules Charts for the Multivariate Coefficient of Variation in the Finite Horizon Process. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 20, 455-460.

Alnoor, A., Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y. & Hasan, O. H. (2021). Medical Waste Aftermath COVID-19 Pandemic with Circular Economy Perception: An Intelligent Medical Waste Management Framework. The 23rd Malaysian Finance Association International Conference 2021 (MFAIC 2021), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia.

Lee, M. H., Michael, K. B. C., Haq, A. & Chew, X. Y. (2021). Economic-Statistical Design of the Variable Sampling Interval Poisson EWMA Chart. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. DOI:


Chew, X. Y., Khaw, K. W. & Yeong, W. C. (2020). The Efficiency of Run Rules Schemes for the Multivariate Coefficient of Variation: A Markov Chain Approach. Journal of Applied Statistics, 47(3), 460-480.

Tan, R. Z., Chew, X. Y. & Khaw, K. W. (2020). Quantized Deep Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Image-Based Dietary Assessment. IEEE Access, 8, 111875-111888. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3003518.

Chew, X. Y. & Khaw, K. W. (2020). One-sided Downward Control Chart for Monitoring the Multivariate Coefficient of Variation with VSSI Strategy. Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, 52(1), 112-130. DOI: 10.5614/

Lee, M. H., Michael, K. B. C., Chew, X. Y. & Then, P. H. H. (2020). Effect of Measurement Errors on the Performance of Coefficient of Variation Chart with Short Production Runs. IEEE Access, 8(1), 72216-72228. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2985410.

Satish, N. C. R. & Chew, X. Y. (2020). Classification and Feature Selection Approaches for Cardiotocography by Machine Learning Techniques. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 12(1), 7-14.

Satish, N. C. R., Chew, X. Y. & Khaw, K. W. (2020). Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Prediction by Machine Learning Techniques. Applications of Modelling and Simulation, 4, 89-100.

Lee, M. H., Michael, K. B. C., Chew, X. Y. & Then, P. H. H. (2020). Economic-statistical design of synthetic np chart with estimated process parameter. PLOS One, 15(4), 1-11.

Lee, M. H., Khee, Y. K. S., Then, P. H. H., Chew, X. Y. & Lau, E. M. F. (2020). Economic Design of A Synthetic Chart with Measurement Errors for Monitoring Process Mean. 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering Research 2020 (IPCER 2020), Langkawi, Malaysia.

Satish, N. C. R., Chew, X. Y. & Khaw, K. W. (2020). Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Classification and Feature Selection by Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence, 9(1), 62-71.

Lee, M. H., Khee, Y. K. S., Then, P. H. H., Yakub, S., Chew, X. Y. & Lau, E. M. F. (2020). Run Length Distribution of Multivariate Coefficient of Variation Chart. 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering Research 2020 (IPCER 2020), Langkawi, Malaysia.

Esraa, F. M., Khaw, K. W. & Chew, X. Y. (2020). Fraud Detection by Machine Learning Techniques. Industry 4.0 Regional Conference 2020 (I4RC20), UTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Lee, M. H., Victor, Y. C. Lim., Then, P. H. H., Yakub, S., Chew, X. Y. & Lau, E. M. F. (2020). Design of the Synthetic Multivariate Coefficient of Variation Chart based on the Median Run Length. Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, 9(9).


Chew, X., Khoo, M.B.C., Khaw, K.W., Yeong, W.C., Chong, Z.L. A proposed variable parameter control chart for monitoring the multivariate coefficient of variation (2019) Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 35 (7), pp. 2442-2461. DOI: 10.1002/qre.2536

Lee, M.H., Si, K.S.K.Y., Chew, X., Lau, M.F., Then, P.H.H. The coefficient of variation chart based on median run length (2019) International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8 (6 Special Issue 3), pp. 213-219. DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F1035.0986S319

Khaw, K.W., Chew, X., Yeong, W.C., Lim, S.L. Optimal design of the synthetic control chart for monitoring the multivariate coefficient of variation (2019) Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 186, pp. 33-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2019.02.001

Khaw, K.W., Chew, X.Y. A re-evaluation of the run rules control charts for monitoring the coefficient of variation (2019) Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 7 (4), pp. 716-730. DOI: 10.19139/soic-2310-5070-717

Chew, X., Khaw, K.W., Lee, M.H. The efficiency of run rules schemes for the multivariate coefficient of variation in short runs process (2019) Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, , pp. -. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2019.1704783

Lee, M.H., Khoo, M.B.C., Chew, X. Economic-statistical design of variable parameters s chart (2019) Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, pp. -. DOI: 10.1080/16843703.2019.1699687

Quah, J.W., Ang, C.H., Divakar, R., Idrus, R., Abdullah, N.L., Chew, X. Timing-of-delivery prediction model to visualize delivery trends for pos laju malaysia by machine learning techniques (2019) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 937, pp. 85-95. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3441-2_7

Khaw, K. W., Chew, X. Y., Teh, S. Y. & Yeong, W. C. (2019). Optimal variable sample size and sampling interval control chart for the process mean based on expected average time to signal. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 9(6), 880-885.

Lee, M. H., Khee, Y. K. S., Chew, X. Y., Lau, E. M. F. & Then, P. H. H. (2019). The Effect of Measurement Errors on the Double Sampling X-Bar Chart. COMPUSOFT An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology. 8(9), 3395-3401.

Satish, N. C. R., Song, S. N., Lim, Z. M. & Chew, X. Y. (2019). Classification and Feature Selection Approaches by Machine Learning Techniques: Heart Disease Prediction. International Journal of Innovative Computing, 9(1), 39-47.

Zhong, Z. L., Loo, X. Y., Michael Khoo, B. C., Khaw, K. W. & Chew, X. Y. (2019). Optimal Design of Modified Group Runs Scheme with Estimated Process Parameters Based on Expected Average Number of Sample. 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (IEEM 2019), Macau, Hong Kong.

Satish, N. C. R., Haziqah, S & Chew, X. Y. (2019). Classification and Feature Selection Approaches by Machine Learning Techniques: Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Prognosis Prediction. Amity Journal of Computational Sciences, 3(1), 12-16.

Chiew, S. C., Law, X. Y., Tan, R. Z., Chew, X. Y. & Khaw, K. W. (2019). Digital Recognition by Deep Learning Techniques: A Proposed Digit Recognizer to Automate Cheque Deposition. Amity Journal of Computational Sciences, 3(1), 17-27.


Lim, S. L., Yeong, W. C., Michale Khoo, B. C. & Chew, X. Y. (2018). A comparison of the variable sampling interval (VSI) and variable sample size (VSS) coefficient of variation charts. Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'18) Madrid, Spain.


Chew, X.Y., Khoo, M.B.C., Teh, S.Y., Lee, M.H. The Run Sum Hotelling's χ2 Control Chart with Variable Sampling Intervals (2016) Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32 (7), pp. 2573-2590. DOI: 10.1002/qre.1960


Chew, X.Y., Khoo, M.B.C., Teh, S.Y., Castagliola, P. The variable sampling interval run sum X control chart (2015) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 90, pp. 25-38. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2015.08.015


Awards / Recognitions


Best Video Award & Gold Award (Data Analytics/Artificial Intelligence Applications), International Final Year Project Competition & Exhibition 2023, Quanto - Algorithmic Trading with Deep Learning.

2nd Prize, International Article Writing Competition 2024, Multimedia University: CRATSM: An Effective Hybridization of Deep Neural Models for Customer Retention Prediction in the Telecom Industry, Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics.

Silver Medal, Innovation in Teaching & Learning Competition (INTELEC 2023) 2023, Alternative Assessment Made Easy with CSPracTIS [Co-member]

Sanggar Sanjung 2022

Hadiah Sanjungan 2022

Champion (1st Prize), Article Writing Competition 2023, Multimedia University: A Cost-Based Dual ConvNet-Attention Transfer Learning Model for ECG Heartbeat Classification, Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering.

Naib Johan (Kategori Pentaksiran Alternatif), Anugerah Khas YB Menteri Pengajian Tinggi: Reka Bentuk Kurikulum dan Panyampaian Inovatif (AKRI) 2022, Alternative Assessment for Consultancy Project and Practicum [Co-member]

Best Project & Gold Trophy (Data Analytics/Artificial Intelligence Applications), International Final Year Project Competition & Exhibition, SiLearn: An Intelligent Sign Learner Platform.

Silver Medal, International University Carnival on e-learning 2022, An improved flipped classroom approach for the flexible e-learning [Co-member]

Silver Medal, International Putra Innocreative Carnival in Teaching and Learning (i-PicTL2022), An Advanced 'Flipped Classroom' for Teaching a Data Programming Course [Co-member]

VLE@Educator Program: Certified Content Creator, Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia

Sanggar Sanjung 2021

Hadiah Sanjungan 2021

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (APC) 2020, Pusat Pengajian Sains Komputer, USM

Hadiah Sanjungan 2020

Best Paper Award, Fraud Detection by Machine Learning Techniques. Industry 4.0 Regional Conference 2020 (I4RC20), UTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Gold Medal, Alternative Assessment Made Easy for Consultancy Project and Practicum. International Putra InnoCreative Poster Competition 2020, UPM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Co-member]

Hadiah Sanjungan 2019

Silver Medal, Holistic Assessment: Consultancy Project and Practicum for Data Science and Analytics Programme. K-Novasi Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (Pendidik 4.0: Pereka Pengalaman Pembelajaran Bermakna) 2019, UKM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Co-member]

Hadiah Buku Universiti UKM Award, UKM




Tan Ren Zhang (Graduated) 

Olanrewaju Johnson (Graduated) 

Lee Ye Hean

Sun Yao

Zhao Xian

Al Atiyat Musab Ahmad Abdel Rahman

Esraa Faisal Malik Gasim (Graduated) 

Mohammad Tayyab

Aminu Maigari

Sani Abdullahi

Zhang DaoHua

Al Obaidi Thura Jamal Mohammed

Zhao Fuqi




Kama Sherab Si Khee Yong 

Sam Yit Xiong (Graduated)

Lim Chin Siang (Graduated)

Loo Wei Chuan (Graduated)

Karimi Hamed (Graduated)


Zhang Chi (Graduated)





Leadership / Membership

Members of Young Scientists Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM). 16 December 2022 - 31 December 2025

Professional Technologist (PT19100021), Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT)

HRD CORP Accredited Trainer (ID: 9d1f1edc-6684-4989-952b-53ec687256f9)

Adjunct Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Science, Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus, Malaysia. 1/9/2018 – 31-8-2022

HRDF Certified Trainer (ID: TTT/22949)

Data Science Associate, Dell EMC (EMCDSA)

International Statistical Institute (ISI) Regular Member, 2019 – ID: 16589

Scrum Alliance Community, 14/12/2016 – 14/12/2018



Instructor / Trainer for:

Introduction to Machine Learning & Deep Learning in Python; MDEC-Intel AI Academy Program (2nd – 4th July 2019 & 27th – 29th September 2019)

Enabling Business Intelligence with SAP; SAP Next-Gen Program (30th Nov 2019)

Data Science Certification Program - Keysight Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd (2019)

Application of AI/ Machine Learning; Omics Workshop; NEXUS Medical and Health Sciences, USM (15th August 2019)

Business Analytics & Data Visualization by Python & Power BI Desktop; Star@USM Program (26th – 27th February 2020)

AI/ Machine Learning by Python on Omics; Hands-On Workshop (21st November 2019)

Introduction to Machine Learning in Python - Sophic Automation Sdn. Bhd. (10th March 2020, 21th & 28th September 2020)

Data Science Certification Program - Keysight Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd (2021)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) - 1st Cohort (2021)

Introduction to Machine Learning in Python - Universiti Sains Malaysia (6th April 2021 – 8th April 2021)

Business Analytics & Data Visualization by Python & Power BI Desktop; Star@USM Program (21st – 22nd April 2021)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) - 2nd Cohort (2021)

Artificial Intelligent: Introduction to Machine Learning - Robert Bosch (Penang) Sdn. Bhd. (21st May 2021)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 3rd Cohort (2021)

A Quick Introduction to Machine Learning (3rd September 2021) – School of Computer Sciences, USM

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 4th Cohort (2021)

Data Science Certification Program - Keysight Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd (2021/2022)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 5th Cohort (2021/2022)

Online Short-Term Mobility Programme: Data Science Tropical School - Universidad Politechnica de Madrid, Spain (2nd December 2021)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 6th Cohort (2022)

Data Driven Decision Making Workshop - Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) – 7th-9th September 2021

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 7th Cohort (2022)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 8th Cohort (2022)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 9th Cohort (2022)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 10th Cohort (2023)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 11th Cohort (2023)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 12th Cohort (2023)

Short-Term Mobility Programme: Data Science Tropical School - Universidad Politechnica de Madrid, Spain (21 July 2023)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 13th Cohort (2023)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 14th Cohort (2024)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 15th Cohort (2024)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 16th Cohort (2024)

Professional Certification in Data Science - Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (KTechno) – 16th Cohort (2025)

Project Manager / Project Leader for:

Advanced Data Analytics using Excel for Decision Making (7th August 2021)

Creating Dashboards with Microsoft Excel (27th October 2021)

Series 2: Creating Dashboards with Microsoft Excel (19th March 2022)

Dashboard in a Day - Data Visualization by Microsoft Power BI (26th March 2022)

Professional Certificate for Data Science (September 2022 - November 2022)

Introduction to R Programming: In-House (20th March 2023 - 24th March 2023) 

Professional Certificate for Data Science: Cohort 2 (April 2023 - July 2023)

Professional Certificate for Data Science: In-House (June 2023 - August 2023) 

Professional Certificate for Data Science: In-House (June 2023 - September 2023) 

Professional Certificate for Data Science: Cohort 3 (May 2024 - August 2024)

Professional Certificate for Data Science: In-House (June 2024 - September 2024) 

  • Hits: 19307

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  • Last Modified: Thursday 27 March 2025.