Cheah Yu-N, Associate Professor Dr.
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Room : 733
School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau PinangResearch Cluster
Data To Knowledge
Research InterestKnowledge Management, Health Informatics
Knowledge Management, Knowledge Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Semantic Technologies & Health Informatics
BCompSc (Hons), PhD. USM
Dr. Cheah Yu-N’s main interest in this area is to explore how computer science techniques can be employed to realise a variety of knowledge management processes, i.e. to create, identify, collect, organise, share, adapt, and apply knowledge. This effort translates into various initiatives such as the following: Tacit knowledge acquisition, Knowledge discovery and data mining, Knowledge organisation, Intelligent agents
Coalition formation, Automatic question answering, Personal knowledge publishing, and Knowledge email.
A majority of the implementations are in the form of client-server applications. This is in line with the widespread adoption of intranet- and internet-based environments in many organizations.
Health Informatics
Dr. Cheah’s interest in this area focuses on adapting computer science and knowledge management techniques for healthcare purposes. In view of this, some of the research topics can be adapted into other domains besides healthcare. In general, the various research outputs can be incorporated into a platform that aims to provide a variety of processors and services for healthcare knowledge management. Some of the areas being explored are as follows: Dynamic healthcare planning, Healthcare decision support, Clinical case acquisition, and Healthcare portals.
An Approach For Computational Cultural Dynamics Using Semantic Web And Ontology Mapping
Exploring a Network-based Visual Representation of Printed Historical Data
A Hybrid Approach for Ontology Mapping with Background Knowledge
Virtual Health Connect (VHC): A Community-based Immunisation Scheduler and Manager
Rana, T.A., Cheah, Y.-N. Sequential patterns rule-based approach for opinion target extraction from customer reviews (2019) Journal of Information Science, 45 (5), pp. 643-655 DOI: 10.1177/0165551518808195
Rana, T.A., Cheah, Y.-N. Improving aspect extraction using aspect frequency and semantic similarity-based approach for aspect-based sentiment analysis (2018) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 566, pp. 317-326 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60663-7_30
Pak, I., Teh, P.L., Cheah, Y.-N. Hidden sentiment behind letter repetition in online reviews (2018) Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 10 (2-Mar), pp. 115-120 DOI:
Rana, T.A., Cheah, Y.-N. A two-fold rule-based model for aspect extraction (2017) Expert Systems with Applications, 89, pp. 273-285 DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2017.07.047
Gunasegaran, T., Cheah, Y.-N. Evolutionary cross validation (2017) ICIT 2017 - 8th International Conference on Information Technology, Proceedings, , pp. 89-95 DOI: 10.1109/ICITECH.2017.8079960
Ibrahim, K., Ranaivo-Malançon, B., Lim, T., Cheah, Y.-N. Evaluating layout and clustering algorithms for visualizing named entity graph (2017) Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 9 (10-Feb), pp. 47-55 DOI:
Rana, T.A., Cheah, Y.-N. Exploiting sequential patterns to detect objective aspects from online reviews (2016) 4th IGNITE Conference and 2016 International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Application, ICAICTA 2016, , pp. - DOI: 10.1109/ICAICTA.2016.7803101
Lee, J.C., Cheah, Y.-N. Paraphrase detection using semantic relatedness based on Synset Shortest Path in WordNet (2016) 4th IGNITE Conference and 2016 International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Application, ICAICTA 2016, , pp. - DOI: 10.1109/ICAICTA.2016.7803127
Rana, T.A., Cheah, Y.-N. Aspect extraction in sentiment analysis: comparative analysis and survey (2016) Artificial Intelligence Review, 46 (4), pp. 459-483 DOI: 10.1007/s10462-016-9472-z
Rana, T.A., Cheah, Y.-N., Letchmunan, S. Topic modeling in sentiment analysis: A systematic review (2016) Journal of ICT Research and Applications, 10 (1), pp. 76-93 DOI: 10.5614/itbj.ict.res.appl.2016.10.1.6
Ngo, H.C., Cheah, Y.-N., Goh, O.S., Choo, Y.-H., Basiron, H., Kumar, Y.J. A review on automated menu planning approaches (2016) Journal of Computer Science, 12 (12), pp. 582-596 DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2016.582.596
Kadhim, A.I., Cheah, Y.-N., Ahamed, N.H. Text Document Preprocessing and Dimension Reduction Techniques for Text Document Clustering (2015) Proceedings - 2014 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence with Applications in Engineering and Technology, ICAIET 2014, , pp. 69-73 DOI: 10.1109/ICAIET.2014.21
Rana, T.A., Cheah, Yu.-N. Hybrid rule-based approach for aspect extraction and categorization from customer reviews (2015) 2015 9th International Conference on IT in Asia: Transforming Big Data into Knowledge, CITA 2015 - Proceedings, , pp. - DOI: 10.1109/CITA.2015.7349820
Ariffin, A.H., Cheah, Y.-N. See What You Want, Feel What You See: The personalized re-recommendation framework using hybrid strategies for field trip plan (2014) 2013 3rd World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, WICT 2013, , pp. 262-267 DOI: 10.1109/WICT.2013.7113146
Kadhim, A.I., Cheah, Y.-N., Ahamed, N.H., Salman, L.A. Feature extraction for co-occurrence-based cosine similarity score of text documents (2014) 2014 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, SCOReD 2014, , pp. - DOI: 10.1109/SCORED.2014.7072954
Tan, C.J., Lim, C.P., Cheah, Y. A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm-based ensemble optimizer for feature selection and classification with neural network models (2014) Neurocomputing, 125, pp. 217-228 DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2012.12.057
Kamaludeen, R.A., Cheah, Y.-N., Sulaiman, S. A knowledge-based decision making model to support the analysis phase in software maintainance (2014) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 265, pp. 1046-1057 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-434-3-1046
Kamaludeen, R.A., Cheah, Y.-N., Sulaiman, S. Maintenance decision making in problem and modification analysis phase using a knowledge-based model (2014) 2014 8th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference, MySEC 2014, , pp. 25-30 DOI: 10.1109/MySec.2014.6985984
Hardy, Cheah, Y.-N. Question classification using extreme learning machine on semantic features (2013) Journal of ICT Research and Applications, 7 (1), pp. 36-58 DOI: 10.5614/itbj.ict.res.appl.2013.7.1.3
Tan, C.J., Lim, C.P., Cheah, Y.-N. A Modified micro Genetic Algorithm for undertaking Multi-Objective Optimization Problems (2013) Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 24 (3), pp. 483-495 DOI: 10.3233/IFS-2012-0568
Kamaludeen, R.A., Cheah, Y.-N., Sulaiman, S. Software maintenance expert base decision support (SoXDeS) framework (2013) Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, ACSAT 2013, , pp. 25-30 DOI: 10.1109/ACSAT.2013.13
Ooi, B.-Y., Chan, H.-Y., Cheah, Y.-N. Dynamic service placement and replication framework to enhance service availability using team formation algorithm (2012) Journal of Systems and Software, 85 (9), pp. 2048-2062 DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2012.02.010
Singh, S., Cheah, Y.-N. A hybrid approach for ontology mapping via genetic algorithm (2011) Proceedings - CIMSim 2011: 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, , pp. 80-83 DOI: 10.1109/CIMSim.2011.84
Kamaludeen, R.A., Sulaiman, S., Cheah, Y.-N. Expert-based decision support framework for software reengineering (2011) 2011 5th Malaysian Conference in Software Engineering, MySEC 2011, , pp. 325-329 DOI: 10.1109/MySEC.2011.6140692
Ooi, B.Y., Chan, H.Y., Cheah, Y.-N. Resource selection using fuzzy logic for dynamic service placement and replication (2011) IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, , pp. 128-132 DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2011.6129077
Cheah, Y.-N., Khoh, S.B., Ooi, G.B. An ontological approach for program management lessons learned: Case study at motorola penang design centre (2011) IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, , pp. 1612-1616 DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2011.6118189
Song, S., Cheah, Y.-N. An unsupervised center sentence-based clustering approach for rule-based question answering (2011) ISCI 2011 - 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Informatics, , pp. 125-129 DOI: 10.1109/ISCI.2011.5958896
Hameed, N., Cheah, Y.-N., Rafie, M. XEBPER: An E-book using Java 3D API (2011) Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 24 (1), pp. 54-62 DOI:
Ooi, B.Y., Chan, H.Y., Cheah, Y.-N. Dynamic service placement and redundancy: Concept and research direction (2010) 2010 International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications, DFmA 2010, , pp. - DOI:
Sze, H.K., Ping, T.T., Kong, T.E., Yu-N, C. Linguistic stem concatenation for Malay large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (2010) Proceeding, 2010 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development - Engineering: Innovation and Beyond, SCOReD 2010, , pp. 144-148 DOI: 10.1109/SCORED.2010.5703990
Ooi, B.Y., Chan, H.Y., Cheah, Y.-N. Dynamic service placement and redundancy to ensure service availability during resource failures (2010) Proceedings 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology - Engineering Technology, ITSim'10, 2, pp. 715-720 DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561605
Singh, S., Cheah, Y.-N. Hybrid approach towards ontology mapping (2010) Proceedings 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology - System Development and Application and Knowledge Society, ITSim'10, 3, pp. 1490-1493 DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561625
Chua, C.C., Cheah, Y.-N., Tang, E.K. A services-oriented platform for synergisation of research and development strengths (2010) Proceedings 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology - System Development and Application and Knowledge Society, ITSim'10, 3, pp. 1130-1137 DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561506
Hameed, N., Cheah, Y.-N., Rafie, M. An e-book personalization architecture with digital rights and encryption procedures (2010) Proceedings 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology - System Development and Application and Knowledge Society, ITSim'10, 3, pp. 1222-1227 DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561626
Kassim, A.M., Cheah, Y.-N., Hashim, I.H.M. Identifying social factors and representation for knowledge based coalition formation system (2010) Proceedings 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology - System Development and Application and Knowledge Society, ITSim'10, 3, pp. 1450-1455 DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561494
Singh, S., Cheah, Y.-N. An approach to facilitate searching on heterogeneous semantic web sources (2008) Proceedings - International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 2, pp. - DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2008.4631724
Cheah, Y.-N., Chong, Y.H., Neoh, S.L. A framework for cohesive healthcare coalition formation (2006) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 124, pp. 575-580 DOI:
Cheah, Y.-N., Karthigasoo, S., Manickam, S. Using ensemble and learning techniques towards extending the knowledge discovery pipeline (2005) ICEIS 2005 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, , pp. 408-411 DOI:
Mahiddin, N., Cheah, Y.-N., Haron, F. A generic plan ontology for dynamic health plans (2005) Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, IKE'05, , pp. 165-171 DOI:
Abidi, S.S.R., Cheah, Yu.-N., Curran, J. A knowledge creation info-structure to acquire and crystallize the tacit knowledge of health-care experts (2005) IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 9 (2), pp. 193-204 DOI: 10.1109/TITB.2005.847188
Zaidi, S.Z.H., Abidi, S.S.R., Manikam, S., Yu-N, C. ADMI: A multi-agent architecture to autonomously generate data mining services (2004) 2004 2nd International IEEE Conference 'Intelligent Systems' - Proceedings, 1, pp. 273-279 DOI:
Cheah, Y.-N., Lim, K.G. KM-mail: An approach for sharing, evaluating and organizing knowledge-rich e-mail (2003) Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, 2, pp. 641-645 DOI:
Cheah, Y.-N., Rashid, F.A., Abidi, S.S.R. An approach to enrich online medical problem-based learning with tacit healthcare knowledge (2003) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 95, pp. 744-749 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-939-4-744
Hashmi, Z.I., Abidi, S.S.R., Cheah, Y.-N. Intelligent healthcare information assistant: Towards agent-based healthcare knowledge management (2002) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 90, pp. 601-605 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-934-9-601
Hashmi, Z.I., Abidi, S.S.R., Cheah, Y.-N. An intelligent agent-based knowledge broker for enterprise-wide healthcare knowledge procurement (2002) Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, , pp. 173-178 DOI:
Cheah, Y.-N., Abidi, S.S.R. The role of information technology in the explication and crystallization of tacit healthcare knowledge (2001) Health Informatics Journal, 7 (4), pp. 158-167 DOI: 10.1177/146045820100700309
Abidi, S.S.R., Cheah, Y.-N. A knowledge creation strategy to enrich enterprise information systems with enterprisespecific tacit knowledge (2001) ICEIS 2001 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2, pp. 633-638 DOI:
Cheah, Y.-N., Abidi, S.S.R. Augmenting knowledge-based medical systems with tacit healthcare expertise: Towards an intelligent tacit knowledge acquisition info-structure (2001) Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, , pp. 264-269 DOI:
Yu-N., Cheah, Abidi, Syed Sibte Raza Ontology-mediated scenario composer for knowledge acquisition in intelligent systems (2000) IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 1, pp. I-377-I-381 DOI:
Yu-N, C., Abidi, S.S.R. Healthcare knowledge acquisition: An ontology-based approach using the Extensible Markup Language (XML) (2000) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 77, pp. 827-831 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-921-9-827
Yu-N, C., Abidi, S.S.R. Health expert's tacit knowledge acquisition and representation using specialised healthcare scenarios (2000) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 77, pp. 837-841 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-921-9-837
Yu-N, C., Abidi, S.S.R. Healthcare knowledge management through building and operationalising healthcare enterprise memory (1999) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 68, pp. 726-730 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-912-7-726
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