Aman Jantan, Associate Professor Dr.
Associate ProfessorEmail :
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Room : 730
School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau PinangResearch Cluster
Enabling Technologies And Infrastructures
Research Interest1. CyberSecurity – Computer and Network Security, Information Security & Quality Assurance, Digital Forensic & Cybercrime Investigation
2. Software Engineering – Component Based System Development, Dynamic and Safe Updating, Software Fault Tolerance, Software Testing and Quality Assurance.
3. Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning, Deep LearningSpecialization
Computer & Network Security, ISRM, Digital Forensic & Cybercrime Investigation, Artificial Intelligence.
BCompSc. (Hons) Universiti Sains Malaysia
MSc. Universiti Sains Malaysia
PhD. Universiti Sains Malaysia
Software Engineering
Encompasses research and development of application in many subfields such as software project management, software requirements engineering, design and architectures, software testing, software metrics as well as quality assurance, and software maintenance/evolution. The focuses are mainly on the methodologies of software engineering such as object-oriented software engineering, component-based software engineering, web system engineering, security system engineering (or/as well as secure system development), the critical and legacy systems, extreme programming and reverse engineering.The application of web engineering concept as well as secure system leads to the research on e-Commerce and e-Business, which focused mainly on the security as well as the framework such as the enterprise system, supply chain management, and customer-relationship systems. For software testing, the research focuses on the methodologies as well as techniques such as black-box testing, white-box testing, and so forth.
ICT Securities
Research on the computer and network security fields such as intrusion detection system with artificial intelligence capabilities, firewall systems, malwares (such virus and anti-virus, rootkit, and worms), cryptography systems, secure system development, and web system securities. The current focuses of research are on the electronic forensic system techniques and application development, network penetration testing and countermeasures, cyber warfare in general, and RFID securities.
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Forensic Tool for Cyber Investigation (EMFORCI)
A Forensic-Based Detection System To Deal with Digital Evidences From Network
Malware Behavioral Analysis For Better Identification and Classification
Malware Analysis and Prediction System (MAPS)
A Cyber Defense System By Using Honeybee Concepts And Strategies
Content-based Analysis Framework for Better E-Mail Forensic and Cybercrime Investigation
Arshad, H., Jantan, A., Hoon, G.K., Abiodun, I.O. Formal knowledge model for online social network forensics (2020) Computers and Security, 89, art. no. 101675, . DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2019.101675
Omolara, A.E., Jantan, A. Modified honey encryption scheme for encoding natural language message (2019) International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 9 (3), pp. 1871-1878. DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v9i3.pp1871-1878
Arshad, H., Jantan, A., Hoon, G.K., Butt, A.S. A multilayered semantic framework for integrated forensic acquisition on social media (2019) Digital Investigation, 29, pp. 147-158. DOI: 10.1016/j.diin.2019.04.002
Omolara, A.E., Jantan, A., Abiodun, O.I., Arshad, H., Mohamed, N.A. Fingereye: Improvising security and optimizing ATM transaction time based on iris-scan authentication
(2019) International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 9 (3), pp. 1879-1886. DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v9i3.pp1879-1886
Arshad, H., Jantan, A., Omolara, E. Evidence collection and forensics on social networks: Research challenges and directions (2019) Digital Investigation, 28, pp. 126-138. DOI: 10.1016/j.diin.2019.02.001
Omolara, A.E., Jantan, A., Abiodun, O.I. A comprehensive review of honey encryption scheme (2019) Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 13 (2), pp. 649-656. DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v13.i2.pp649-656
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. An enhanced Bat algorithm with mutation operator for numerical optimization problems (2019) Neural Computing and Applications, 31, pp. 617-651. DOI: 10.1007/s00521-017-3021-9
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. A new approach for intrusion detection system based on training multilayer perceptron by using enhanced Bat algorithm (2019) Neural Computing and Applications, . DOI: 10.1007/s00521-019-04655-2
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. Training a Neural Network for Cyberattack Classification Applications Using Hybridization of an Artificial Bee Colony and Monarch Butterfly Optimization
(2019) Neural Processing Letters, . DOI: 10.1007/s11063-019-10120-x
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. A Cognitively Inspired Hybridization of Artificial Bee Colony and Dragonfly Algorithms for Training Multi-layer Perceptrons (2018) Cognitive Computation, 10 (6), pp. 1096-1134. DOI: 10.1007/s12559-018-9588-3
Abiodun, O.I., Jantan, A., Omolara, A.E., Dada, K.V., Mohamed, N.A., Arshad, H. State-of-the-art in artificial neural network applications: A survey (2018) Heliyon, 4 (11), art. no. e00938, . DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00938
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. Hybridizing artificial bee colony with monarch butterfly optimization for numerical optimization problems (2018) Neural Computing and Applications, 30 (1), pp. 163-181. DOI: 10.1007/s00521-016-2665-1
Abiodun, O.I., Jantan, A., Singh, M.M., Anbar, M., Zaaba, Z.F., Oludare Abiodun, O.E. Forensic dna profiling for identifying an individual crime (2018) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9 (7), pp. 755-765.
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. New approach to improve anomaly detection using a neural network optimized by hybrid ABC and PSO algorithms (2018) Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 34 (1), pp. 1-14.
Mohamed, N.A.E., Jantan, A., Omolara, A.E. Mitigation of cyber terrorism at ATMs, and using DNA, fingerprint, mobile banking app to withdraw cash (Connected with IoT) (2018) International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 11 (6), pp. 845-852.
Arshad, H., Jantan, A.B., Abiodun, O.I. Digital forensics: Review of issues in scientific validation of digital evidence (2018) Journal of Information Processing Systems, 14 (2), pp. 346-376. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.03.0095
AbdElatif Mohamed, N., Jantan, A., Abiodun, O.I. An improved behaviour specification to stop advanced persistent threat on governments and organizations network (2018) Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2233, pp. 219-224.
Mohamed, N.A., Jantan, A., Abiodun, O.I. Protect governments, and organizations infrastructure against cyber terrorism (mitigation and stop of server message block (SMB) remote code execution attack) (2018) International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 11 (2), pp. 261-272.
Omolara, A.E., Jantan, A., Abiodun, O.I., Poston, H.E. A novel approach for the adaptation of honey encryption to support natural language message (2018) Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2233, pp. 134-139.
Omolara, A.E., Jantan, A., Abiodun, O.I., Arshad, H. An enhanced practical difficulty of one-time pad algorithm resolving the key management and distribution problem (2018) Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2233, pp. 409-415.
Abiodun, O.I., Jantan, A., Omolara, A.E., Singh, M.M.M., Abubakar, Z.L., Umar, A.M. Big data: An approach for detecting terrorist activities with people's profiling (2018) Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2233, pp. 196-201.
Jantan, A., Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Ghaleb, S.A.A. Using modified bat algorithm to train neural networks for spam detection (2017) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (24), pp. 6788-6799.
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. A novel hybrid artificial bee colony with monarch butterfly optimization for global optimization problems (2017) COMPSE 2016 - 1st EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, .
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. Hybridizing bat algorithm with modified pitch-adjustment operator for numerical optimization problemsHybridizing bat algorithm with modified pitch-adjustment operator for numerical optimization problems (2017) COMPSE 2016 - 1st EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, .
Ahmed, A.A., Jantan, A., Wan, T.-C. Filtration model for the detection of malicious traffic in large-scale networks (2016) Computer Communications, 82, pp. 59-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2015.10.012
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. Novel multi-objective artificial bee colony optimization for wrapper based feature selection in intruction detectoin (2016) International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications, 8 (1), pp. 70-81.
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. Swarm intelligence and neural network for data classification (2014) Proceedings - 4th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2014, art. no. 7072714, pp. 196-201. DOI: 10.1109/ICCSCE.2014.7072714
Ghanem, W.A.H.M., Jantan, A. Using hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm and particle swarm optimization for training feed-forward neural networks (2014) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 67 (3), pp. 664-674.
Jantan, A., Ahmed, A.A. Honeybee protection system for detecting and preventing network attacks (2014) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 64 (1), pp. 38-47.
Elejla, O.E., Jantan, A.B., Ahmed, A.A. Three layers approach for network scanning detection (2014) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 70 (2), pp. 251-264.
Ahmed, A.A., Jantan, A., Wan, T.-C. Real-time detection of intrusive traffic in QoS network domains (2013) IEEE Security and Privacy, 11 (6), art. no. 6515471, pp. 45-53. DOI: 10.1109/MSP.2013.52
Ahmed, A.A., Jantan, A., Rasmi, M. Service violation monitoring model for detecting and tracing bandwidth abuse (2013) Journal of Network and Systems Management, 21 (2), pp. 218-237. DOI: 10.1007/s10922-012-9236-2
Saari, E., Jantan, A. E-Cyborg: The cybercrime evidence finder (2013) 2013 8th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia - Smart Devices Trend: Technologising Future Lifestyle, Proceedings of CITA 2013, art. no. 6637579, . DOI: 10.1109/CITA.2013.6637579
Jantan, A., Rasmi, M., Ibrahim, M.I., Rahman, A.H.A. A similarity model to estimate attack strategy based on intentions analysis for network forensics (2012) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 335 CCIS, pp. 336-346. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34135-9_34
Kareem, E.I.A., Alsalihy, W.A.H.A., Jantan, A. Multi-connect architecture (MCA) associative memory: A modified hopfield neural network (2012) Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 18 (3), pp. 279-296. DOI: 10.1080/10798587.2008.10643243
Kareem, E.I.A., Jantan, A. An intelligent traffic light monitor system using an adaptive associative memory (2011) International Journal of Information Processing and Management, 2 (2), pp. 23-39. DOI: 10.4156/ijipm.vol2.issue2.4
Zolkipli, M.F., Jantan, A. An approach for identifying malware operation and target using run time analysis and resource monitoring (2011) International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 5 (8), pp. 169-178. DOI: 10.4156/jdcta.vol5.issue8.19
Rasmi, M., Jantan, A. AIA: Attack intention analysis algorithm based on D-S theory with causal technique for network forensics - A case study (2011) International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 5 (9), pp. 230-237. DOI: 10.4156/jdcta.vol5.issue9.25
Ahmed, A.A., Jantan, A., Wan, T.-C. SLA-based complementary approach for network intrusion detection (2011) Computer Communications, 34 (14), pp. 1738-1749. DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2011.03.013
Zolkipli, M.F., Jantan, A. A framework for defining malware behavior using run time analysis and resource monitoring (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 179 CCIS (PART 1), pp. 199-209. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22170-5_18
Saari, E., Jantan, A. F-IDS: A technique for simplifying evidence collection in network forensics (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 181 CCIS (PART 3), pp. 693-701. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22203-0_58
Ali, G.A., Jantan, A. A new approach based on honeybee to improve intrusion detection system using neural network and bees algorithm (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 181 CCIS (PART 3), pp. 777-792. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22203-0_65
Ibrahim, Mohd.I., Jantan, A. A secure storage model to preserve evidence in network forensics (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 180 CCIS (PART 2), pp. 391-402. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22191-0_34
Yusoff, Mohd.N., Jantan, A. A framework for optimizing malware classification by using genetic algorithm (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 180 CCIS (PART 2), pp. 58-72. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22191-0_5
Rasmi, M., Jantan, A. Attack intention analysis model for network forensics (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 180 CCIS (PART 2), pp. 403-411. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22191-0_35
Zolkipli, M.F., Jantan, A. An approach for malware behavior identification and classification (2011) ICCRD2011 - 2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development, 1, art. no. 5764001, pp. 191-194. DOI: 10.1109/ICCRD.2011.5764001
Zolkipli, M.F., Jantan, A. Malware behavior analysis: Learning and understanding current malware threats (2010) Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Network Applications, Protocols and Services, NETAPPS 2010, art. no. 5635801, pp. 218-221. DOI: 10.1109/NETAPPS.2010.46
Zolkipli, M.F., Jantan, A. A framework for malware detection using combination technique and signature generation (2010) 2nd International Conference on Computer Research and Development, ICCRD 2010, art. no. 5489509, pp. 196-199. DOI: 10.1109/ICCRD.2010.25
Ahmed, A.A., Jantan, A., Ali, G.A. A potent model for unwanted traffic detection in QoS network domain (2010) International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 4 (2), pp. 122-130. DOI: 10.4156/jdcta.vol4.issue2.14
Ali, G.A., Jantan, A., Ali, A. Honeybee-based model to detect intrusion (2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5576 LNCS, pp. 598-607. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02617-1_61
Zare-Mirakabad, M.-R., Jantan, A., Bressan, S. Clustering-based frequency l-diversity anonymization (2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5576 LNCS, pp. 159-168. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02617-1_17
Zare-Mirakabad, M.-R., Jantan, A., Bressan, S. Privacy risk diagnosis: Mining l-diversity (2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5667 LNCS, pp. 216-230. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04205-8_19
Mirakabad, M.R.Z., Jantan, A., Bressan, S. K-anonymity diagnosis centre (2009) International Journal of Security and its Applications, 3 (1), pp. 47-64.
Mirakabad, M.R.Z., Jantan, A. Diversity versus anonymity for privacy preservation (2008) Proceedings - International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 4, art. no. 4632044, . DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2008.4632044
Jazzar, M., Jantan, A. Towards real-time intrusion detection using fuzzy cognitive maps modeling and simulation (2008) Proceedings - International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 2, art. no. 4631676, . DOI: 10.1109/ITSIM.2008.4631676
Alhazbi, S., Jantan, A. Safe runtime reconfiguration in component-based software systems (2008) Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP 2008, pp. 122-126.
Mirakabad, M.R.Z., Jantan, A., Bressan, S. Towards a privacy diagnosis centre: Measuring k-anonymity (2008) Proceedings - International Symposium on Computer Science and Its Applications, CSA 2008, art. no. 4654069, pp. 102-107. DOI: 10.1109/CSA.2008.44
Jazzar, M., Jantan, A. An approach for anomaly intrusion detection based on causal knowledge-driven diagnosis and direction (2008) Studies in Computational Intelligence, 149, pp. 39-48. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-70560-4_4
Jazzar, M., Jantan, A.B. Using fuzzy cognitive maps to reduce false alerts in SOM-based intrusion detection sensors (2008) Proceedings - 2nd Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, AMS 2008, art. no. 4530625, pp. 1054-1060. DOI: 10.1109/AMS.2008.32
Alhazbi, S., Jantan, A. Multi-level mediator-based technique for classes hot swapping in Java applications (2006) Proceedings - 2006 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, ICTTA 2006, 2, art. no. 1684871, pp. 2889-2892. DOI: 10.1109/ICTTA.2006.1684871
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