Putra Sumari, Professor Dr.

  •   Putra

  • Professor 

    Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Tel : +604 653 3615
    Fax : +604 653 3335
    Room : 721

    School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang

    Research Cluster

    Service Computing

  • Research Interest

    • Image & video retrival
    • Brain computer interface
    • Watermarking
    • Compression
    • Video on demand system


    • Image & Video analysis
    • Signal processing


I am Professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Science, Malaysia. I received MSc in 1996 at Liverpool University and PhD in 2001 at John Moores University, England. Both are in Computer Sciences specifically in software engineering and video processing respectively. I have been a visiting fellow at Department of Computer Sciences at National Univerasity of Singapore from 2006 to 2008.



My research interest lie on image and videoa analysis for medical, video on demand system, watermaking and compression applications.  I am also interested on the use of brain signals for computer application.     



Classification of Brain Electroencephalogram Signal based on Adaptive Neural Networks Model for Brain Computer Interfacing

Broadcasting Environment for CDN-P2P based Video-on-demand System

Mammogram Detector : An Automated Masses Detecting Based on Case Based Reasoning Classifier and Harralix Texture Extrator for MRI Digital Breast Mammogram Diagnosis

Student Fatigue and Attention Mental State Recognition using EEG Brain Signal Classifier

Peer Service Area Architecture for Hybrid IPTV




Al-Wesabi, O.A., Abdullah, N., Sumari, P. Hybrid storage management method for video-on-demand server (2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1073, pp. -695. DOI: 704

Doraisamy, V., Sumari, P., Shariff, A.R.M. Mobile Cloud Cloudlet Online Gaming Transmission System (MCCGT) (2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1072, pp. -469. DOI: 479


Fati, S.M., Sumari, P. A survey on content awareness challenges in IPTV delivery networks (2019) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78 (12), pp. -16817. DOI: 16842

Al-Wesabi, O.A., Sumari, P., Abdullah, N. Data stream management system for video on demand hybrid storage server (2019) International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 18 (5), pp. -470. DOI: 493

Karkonasasi, K., Arusanthran, L., Sodhy, G.C., Mousavi, S.A., Sumari, P. Intention to use a cloud-based point of sale software among retailers in Malaysia: The mediating effect of attitude (2019) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 843, pp. -850. DOI: 860


Alsalibi, A.I., Mittal, S., Al-Betar, M.A., Sumari, P.B. A survey of techniques for architecting SLC/MLC/TLC hybrid Flash memory–based SSDs (2018) Concurrency Computation, 30 (13), pp. e4420-. DOI:


Abualese, H., Sumari, P., Al-Rousan, T., Al-Mousa, M.R. Utility classes detection metrics for execution trace analysis (2017) ICIT 2017 - 8th International Conference on Information Technology, Proceedings, , pp. 8080044-469. DOI: 474

Atawneh, S., Almomani, A., Al Bazar, H., Sumari, P., Gupta, B. Secure and imperceptible digital image steganographic algorithm based on diamond encoding in DWT domain (2017) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76 (18), pp. -18451. DOI: 18472

Haj Aliwi, H.S., Sumari, P. The effect of the number of translation gateways in the heterogeneous protocols architectures with respect to the packet delay (2017) Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 14 (8), pp. -3641. DOI: 3645

Alsalibi, A.I., Sumari, P., Alomari, S.A., Al-Betar, M.A. Performance and reliability concern scheme for efficient garbage collection and wear leveling on flash memory-based solid state disk (2017) Microsystem Technologies, 23 (7), pp. -2521. DOI: 2535

Fati, S.M., Sumari, P. Content-aware replica placement strategy for IPTV services over peer-service area architecture (2017) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76 (7), pp. -10041. DOI: 10065


Haj Aliwi, H.S., Sumari, P., Alajmi, N.K.A., Alieyan, K. The effect of packet loss in the homogeneous and heterogeneous protocols media exchange environment: A comparison (2016) 2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence, ICTC 2016, , pp. 7763554-649. DOI: 654

Rajalingam, M., Raman, V., Sumari, P. Implementation of vocabulary-based classification for spam filtering (2016) 2016 International Conference on Computing Technologies and Intelligent Data Engineering, ICCTIDE 2016, , pp. 7725344-. DOI:

Raman, V., Then, P., Sumari, P. Proposed retinal abnormality detection and classification approach: Computer aided detection for diabetic retinopathy by machine learning approaches (2016) Proceedings of 2016 8th IEEE International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN 2016, , pp. 7586601-636. DOI: 641

Al-Wesabi, O.A., Sumari, P. Streaming management scheme for hybrid storage video on demand server (2016) Advanced Science Letters, 22 (10), pp. -2695. DOI: 2699

Hussain, Z.M., Sumari, P. WERT technique in requirements elicitation for web applications (2016) International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communications, ICEIC 2016, , pp. 7562976-. DOI:

Mousavi, S.A., Hanifeloo, Z., Sumari, P., Arshad, M.R.M. Enhancing the diagnosis of corn pests using gabor wavelet features and SVM classification (2016) Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 75 (6), pp. -349. DOI: 354

Ghetas, M., Yong, C.H., Sumari, P. Harmony-based monarch butterfly optimization algorithm (2016) Proceedings - 5th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2015, , pp. 7482176-156. DOI: 161

Al-Wesabi, O.A., Sumari, P., Al-Wesabi, M.A. Efficient architecture for large-scale video on demand storage server (2016) Proceedings - 5th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2015, , pp. 7482216-383. DOI: 388

Mousavi, S.A., Sumari, P., Hanifeloo, Z., Arshad, M.R.M. A robust method to detect and track moving targets in cluttered scenes with respect to illumination changes (2016) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11 (7), pp. -5277. DOI: 5283

Ghetas, M., Yong, C.H., Sumari, P. A survey of quality of service in multi-tier web applications (2016) KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 10 (1), pp. -238. DOI: 256

Rajalingam, M., Sumari, P. An enhanced character segmentation and extraction method in image-based email detection (2016) International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9 (26), pp. -171. DOI: 179

Mousavi, S.A., Hanifeloo, Z., Sumari, P., Arshad, M.R.M. Retinopathy of prematurity detection in infants using gamma transformation and gabor wavelet on tiles of retinal images (2016) International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 8 (2), pp. -700. DOI: 706


Aliwi, H.S.H., Sumari, P. A comparative study between Inter-Asterisk exchange and Jingle Protocols (2015) Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8 (35), pp. -. DOI:

Al-Wesabi, O.A., Sumari, P. Hybrid storage architecture for video on demand server (2015) 2015 4th International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems, ICSECS 2015: Virtuous Software Solutions for Big Data, , pp. 7333092-6. DOI: 10

Alipour, M., Manesh, A.S., Mousavi, S.A., Sumari, P., Arshad, M.R.M. Digital finite - field for data coding and error correction in GF(2m) (2015) International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (4), pp. -1297. DOI: 1303

Mousavi, S.A., Meghdadi, M., Hanifeloo, Z., Sumari, P., Arshad, M.R.M. Old and worn banknote detection using sparse representation and neural networks (2015) Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8 (10), pp. -913. DOI: 918


Gaber, S.M.A., Sumari, P. Predictive and content-aware load balancing algorithm for peer-service area based IPTV networks (2014) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 70 (3), pp. -1987. DOI: 2010

Fati, S.M., Budiartu, R., Sumari, P. Provisioning virtual IPTV delivery networks using hybrid Genetic Algorithm (2014) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, ICUIMC 2014, , pp. 106-. DOI:

Mousavi, S.A., Arshad, M.R.H.M., Mohamed, H.H., Sumari, P., Panahian Fard, S. P300 detection in electroencephalographic signals for brain-computer interface systems: A neural networks approach (2014) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 277 LNEE, pp. -355. DOI: 363


Atawneh, S., Sumari, P. Hybrid and blind steganographic method for digital images based on DWT and chaotic map (2013) Journal of Communications, 8 (11), pp. -690. DOI: 699

Atawneh, S., Almomani, A., Sumari, P. Steganography in digital images: Common approaches and tools (2013) IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India), 30 (4), pp. -344. DOI: 358


Gaber, S.M.A., Sumari, P., Budiarto, R. Balanced content allocation scheme for peer-service area CDN architecture for IPTV services (2012) Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 11 (1), pp. -131. DOI: 146

Raman, V., Then, P., Sumari, P. Comparative analysis on evaluation results of case base reasoning classification and ann classification on mammogram mass detection (2012) Proceedings - 2012 8th International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management, ICCM 2012, 1, pp. 6268554-527. DOI: 531

Rahiman, A.R., Sumari, P. Cleaning process with efficient allocation scheme improves flash memory performance (2012) Journal of Computers, 7 (3), pp. -810. DOI: 818

Alomari, S.A., Sumari, P. Effective broadcasting and caching technique for video on demand over wireless network (2012) KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 6 (3), pp. -919. DOI: 940

Ramli, R., Zakaria, N., Mustaffa, N., Sumari, P. Privacy issues in a psychiatric context: Applying the ISD privacy framework to a psychiatric behavioural monitoring system (2012) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 45 (10), pp. -114. DOI: 119


Raman, V., Then, H.H., Sumari, P., Venkatesa Mohan, N. Case base classification on digital mammograms: Improving the performance of case base classifier (2011) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8285, pp. 828506-. DOI:

Alomari, S.A., Sumari, P., Taghizadeh, A. A comprehensive study of wireless communication technology for the future mobile devices (2011) European Journal of Scientific Research, 60 (4), pp. -583. DOI: 591

Raman, V., Sumari, P., Then, P. Matab implementation and results of region growing segmentation using haralic texture features on mammogram mass segmentation (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 154 CCIS, pp. -293. DOI: 303

Raman, V., Then, P., Sumari, P. Mammogram problem solving approach: Building CBR classifier for classification of masses in mammogram (2011) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 142 CCIS, pp. -284. DOI: 289


Sumari, P., Darus, R. Handling latency in broadcast disk system for mobile computing (2010) 2010 International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications, DFmA 2010, , pp. 5952328-. DOI:

Raman, V., Sumari, P., Lekha, J.R., Dharma Prakash Raj, E.G. Performance based CBR mass detection in mammograms: Applying machine learning and problem solving methods for detecting mass in digital mammogram (2010) 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communication Control and Computing Technologies, ICCCCT 2010, , pp. 5670776-565. DOI: 568

Alomari, S.A., Sumari, P., Al-Taweel, S.A., Manasrah, A.M. CUSTP: Custom protocol for audio and video conferencing system over P2P networks (2010) International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 4 (3), pp. -. DOI:

Sumari, P., Rahiman, A.R. Caching scheme for handheld device in Mobile Video-on-demand system (2010) Proceedings - 2010 7th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, CGIV 2010, , pp. 5575903-49. DOI: 54

Alomari, S.A.K., Sumari, P. A Video on Demand system architecture for heterogeneous mobile Ad Hoc Networks for different devices (2010) ICCET 2010 - 2010 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, Proceedings, 7, pp. 5485697-V7700. DOI: V7707

Al-Omari, S.A.K., Sumari, P., Al-Taweel, S.Al. Peer to peer media streaming system: A/V conferencing system using custom protocol (2010) 2010 5th International Conference on Future Information Technology, FutureTech 2010 - Proceedings, , pp. 5482693-. DOI:


Rahiman, A.R., Sumari, P. Minimizing the garbage collection time in flash memory using efficient data allocation scheme (2009) IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, , pp. 5396010-. DOI:

Al-Taweel, S.A.M., Sumari, P. Robust video watermarking based on 3D-DWT domain (2009) IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, , pp. 5395859-. DOI:

Rahiman, A.R.A., Sumari, P. Probability based page data allocation scheme in flash memory (2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5879 LNCS, pp. -300. DOI: 310

Al-Taweel, S.A.M., Sumari, P. Digital video watermarking in the discrete wavelet transform domain (2009) Proceedings of the 2009 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization: New Advances and Trends, CGIV2009, , pp. 5298269-133. DOI: 137

Al-Taweel, S.A.M., Sumari, P., Kamarulhaili, H. Digital video watermarking based on 3D-discrete wavelet transform domain (2009) ICSIPA09 - 2009 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications, Conference Proceedings, , pp. 5478676-352. DOI: 356

Raman, V., Sumari, P., Abdullah, R. Pilot prototype analysis: Ongoing framework for semantic extraction retrieval in tennis sports video (2009) 2009 International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, ICCEE 2009, 2, pp. 5380249-619. DOI: 623

Mohamad, I.J., Wan, T.-C., Alzyoud, F.Y., Sumari, P. Optimizing the MPLS support for real time IPv6-flows using MPLS-PHS approach (2009) IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, , pp. 5396094-. DOI:

Al-Taweel, S.A.M., Sumari, P., Alomari, S.A.K., Husain, A.J.A. Digital video watermarking in the discrete cosine transform domain (2009) Journal of Computer Science, 5 (8), pp. -536. DOI: 543

Al-Omari, S.A.K., Sumari, P., Al-Taweel, S.A., Husain, A.J.A. Digital recognition using neural network (2009) Journal of Computer Science, 5 (6), pp. -427. DOI: 434

Raman, V., Then, P., Sumari, P. Digital mammogram tumor preprocessing segmentation feature extraction and classification (2009) 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, CSIE 2009, 2, pp. 5171391-507. DOI: 511


Rahiman, A.R., Sumari, P. Solid state disk: A new storage device for video storage server (2008) Proceedings - International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim, 3, pp. 4631955-. DOI:

Raman, V., Sumari, P. Digital mammogram segmentation: An initial stage (2008) Proceedings of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Technology, ACST 2008, , pp. -259. DOI: 263

Jantan, A.H., Sumari, P., Sulaiman, S. Com+HDM: Complex Web hypermedia applications (2008) Proceedings - 2008 International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, ICACTE 2008, , pp. 4736968-290. DOI: 294


Sumari, P., Kamarulhaili, H. The design of video-on-demand servers (2005) Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 18 (1), pp. -50. DOI: 56


Salam, R.A., Talib, A.Z.Hj., Sumari, P., Rodrigues, M.A. Feature extraction in automatic shape recognition system (2004) Proceedings - 2004 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, ICTTA 2004, , pp. -467. DOI: 468


Sumari, P., Darus, R.M., Kamarulhaili, H. Data organization for broadcasting in mobile computing (2003) Proceedings - 2003 International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Graphics, GMAG 2003, , pp. 1219665-49. DOI: 54

Yew, T.C., Haili, H.K., Sumari, P. Message recovery signature scheme using complementary elliptic curves (2003) Proceedings - 2003 International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Graphics, GMAG 2003, , pp. 1219673-106. DOI: 110

Ishak, Z., Arshad, M.R.M., Sumari, P. Adaptive hypermedia system in education : Review of available technologies (2003) ICICS-PCM 2003 - Proceedings of the 2003 Joint Conference of the 4th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing and 4th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, 3, pp. 1292770-1767. DOI: 1771


Sumari, P., Kamarulhaili, H. Data storage and stream caching for video on demand servers (2002) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2550, pp. -66. DOI: 75

Sumari, P., Samsudin, A., Kamarulhaili, H. Data storage and retrieval for video-on-demand servers (2002) Proceedings - 4th International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, MSE 2002, , pp. 1181618-240. DOI: 245


Sumari, P., Merabti, M., Pereira, R. Video-on-demand server: Strategies for improving performance (1999) IEE Proceedings: Software, 146 (1), pp. -33. DOI: 37


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  • Last Modified: Thursday 27 March 2025.